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Starfinder Campaign: Shadow of the Black Butterfly

6 videos
Updated 1 month ago
In Shadow of the Black Butterfly, story elements serve as guiding threads rather than rigid rails, allowing for organic character development and unpredictable outcomes. Within the bustling corridors of Absalom Station, players are free to chart their own course, whether it's delving into the depths of the station's secrets, forging alliances with various factions, or carving out their own niche. The galaxy is their playground, and as they navigate its complexities, they'll shape the narrative with every choice they make.
  1. 1
    Starfinder Campaign: Shadow of the Black Butterfly | Session 0: Rook & Deskin
  2. 2
    Starfinder Campaign: Shadow of the Black Butterfly | Session 0: Quickshift
  3. 3
    Starfinder Campaign: Shadow of the Black Butterfly | Session 0: Orphe
  4. 4
    Starfinder Campaign: Shadow of the Black Butterfly | Session 0: Mod Geist and Lumina
  5. 5
    Starfinder Campaign: Shadow of the Black Butterfly | Meet the Crew
  6. 6
    Starfinder Campaign: Shadow of the Black Butterfly | The First Heist