The Problem | Michael O'Fallon
Sovereign NationsWith Liberty & Justice For All, Session 1 In order to successfully navigate the tumultuous realm of our ever-changing world, one must grasp the underlying causes that drive its chaotic hyperreality. During my introductory address at the With Liberty and Justice for All conference, I delve into the underlying motives behind the manipulation of our civilization over the past decade. In this lecture, I delve into the notion that this problem is not merely an endpoint, but rather the initial stage of a dialectical process that seeks to reshape our world into an algorithmic, authoritarian panopticon. -Michael O'Fallon https://sovereignnations.com Support Sovereign Nations: https://paypal.me/sovnations https://patreon.com/sovnations Follow Sovereign Nations: https://sovereignnations.com/subscribe/ © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #michaelofallon #china654 views 2 comments -
A Memoryless Generation | Cathy Kiang
Sovereign NationsWith Liberty & Justice For All, Session 2 In this session from the With Liberty & Justice For All conference, we have the privilege of hearing from Cathy Kiang, co-founder of Asians for Liberty (https://asiansforliberty.org/). Cathy begins by expressing her deep gratitude for the courageous souls dedicated to upholding freedom and truth. She takes us on a journey through her family's remarkable path from poverty in China to realizing the American Dream, all while underscoring the profound importance of cherishing the precious gift of liberty. With genuine concern for the younger generation losing sight of the true value of freedom, Cathy draws poignant parallels between Mao's Cultural Revolution in China and the current ideological shifts taking place within America's education system. She passionately urges us to remain vigilant and unyielding in our commitment to safeguarding the freedoms imperiled by the encroachment of cancel culture, equity agendas, technological intrusion, and other looming threats. Ms. Kiang leaves us with a resounding call to action, emphasizing the vital imperative to defend free speech, equality, cognitive liberty, private property, the right to bear arms, privacy, the free market, travel, and even our dietary choices. She implores each one of us to embark on a journey of self-education, to engage actively within our local communities, and to boldly raise our voices in defense of these fundamental rights. As we do so, she invokes divine blessings upon our collective efforts to preserve the bedrock principles that make America a beacon of liberty for all. https://sovereignnations.com Support Sovereign Nations: https://paypal.me/sovnations https://patreon.com/sovnations Follow Sovereign Nations: https://sovereignnations.com/subscribe/ © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #cathykiang #china478 views -
The Chinese Cultural Revolution | Xi Van Fleet
Sovereign NationsWith Liberty & Justice For All, Session 3 In this presentation, I intended to provide a brief history of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) launched by China’s then dictator Mao Zedong. It was Mao’s attempt to seize absolute power and to remake China according to his own image. I tried to provide a sketch of the Cultural Revolution by answering the basic questions of why, what, who and how. I also tried to draw some parallels along the way to what is happening in America today. The Chinese Cultural Revolution was not an isolated historic event. It is important to understand the historic backdrop and important political events that eventually led to the outbreak of this revolution. I covered the Land Reform (1950-1953), the Anti-Rightist Campaign (1956-1957), the Great Leap Forward Campaign, and the Great Famine (1995-1962), all of which will help to make more sense out of the Cultural Revolution. -Xi Van Fleet https://sovereignnations.com Support Sovereign Nations: https://paypal.me/sovnations https://patreon.com/sovnations Follow Sovereign Nations: https://sovereignnations.com/subscribe/ © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #xivanfleet #maoism500 views -
Where I Love is Becoming Where I Left | Lily Tang Williams
Sovereign NationsWith Liberty & Justice For All, Session 4 I am Lily Tang Williams. I was born in China to illiterate working-class parents, suffered under Mao’s Cultural Revolution and Communist dictatorship. I wanted freedom. America was my promised land. I was 23 when I fled tyranny. Arriving with $100 in my pocket and knowing very little English. I worked hard to make my American dream come true. Today I am happily married with three children, have my own businesses, and live in the Granite State where the spirit of liberty resides. My concern is that my children and grandchildren will not have the same opportunities I had. I see the shadow of authoritarianism cast by politicians who have locked us down, closed small businesses, inflated our money, and mortgaged our children’s future. I saw it all before in China: the division of society, silencing dissident voices, taking away parental rights, the indoctrination of youth, endless government mandates and control. People are losing their rights to make a living and make their own life choices. Woke culture and tactics are similar to Mao's cultural revolution I survived. Weaponizing of government agencies to target political opponents remind me of Communist China. Are you worried yet? I am. I fear that the country I love is becoming like the country I left. That is why I am running for Congress. It is time for the majority to speak up and defend our country from the radical left and keep the American Dream alive for our children. -Lily Tang Williams https://sovereignnations.com Support Sovereign Nations: https://paypal.me/sovnations https://patreon.com/sovnations Follow Sovereign Nations: https://sovereignnations.com/subscribe/ © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #lilytangwilliams #china379 views -
Panel: Is America in a Cultural Revolution?
Sovereign NationsWith Liberty & Justice For All, Session 5 During the first panel session of the "With Liberty and Justice for All" conference, host Michael O'Fallon was accompanied by a panel composed of James Lindsay, Xi Van Fleet, Lily Tang Williams, Cathy Kiang, Sau O'Fallon, and Mike Zho. The panel engages in a thought-provoking discussion on the American cultural revolution, delving into the parallels between the current state of division, strife, disinformation, collectivization, and provocations experienced by citizens of the United States, and the strategies and methods employed by Mao Zedong over six decades ago in China. https://sovereignnations.com Support Sovereign Nations: https://paypal.me/sovnations https://patreon.com/sovnations Follow Sovereign Nations: https://sovereignnations.com/subscribe/ © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #china #mao430 views 2 comments -
American Maoism | James Lindsay
Sovereign NationsWith Liberty & Justice For All, Session 6 It's crucial to understand that the Left operates strategically, guided by a framework known as "dialectical political warfare." This dialectical approach involves merging truths with falsehoods to advance their agenda. Political warfare, in essence, employs political means with hostile intent to influence an adversary's behavior – propaganda being a prime example. One cannot discuss this without acknowledging the mastermind of dialectical political warfare, Mao Zedong, the Communist leader of China until his passing in 1976. His tactics and the cultural revolution he orchestrated demonstrate the formidable and devastating power of dialectical political warfare, and the concerning reality is that we're witnessing its echoes right here in America and across the Western world today. While Mao claimed to be applying "Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics" in China, the current "Woke" and environmental "Sustainability" movements should be understood as "Maoist Marxism with American Characteristics." In this insightful lecture by Dr. James Lindsay of New Discourses, you'll see the striking parallels between our contemporary experiences and the strategies employed in Mao's China, leaving us with the inescapable conclusion that we are currently navigating nothing less than American Maoism. https://sovereignnations.com Support Sovereign Nations: https://paypal.me/sovnations https://patreon.com/sovnations Follow Sovereign Nations: https://sovereignnations.com/subscribe/ © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #jameslindsay #maoism604 views 2 comments -
Christian Nationalism: The Danger and the Draw | Dr. William Roach
Sovereign NationsWith Liberty & Justice For All, Session 7 Christian Nationalism is a divisive movement within evangelical circles, with some seeing it as a stabilizing force in a turbulent society while others argue it blurs the separation between Church and State, resembling totalitarian regimes. Defining Christian Nationalism is challenging, as various factions offer local interpretations, leaving room for manipulation by progressive movements through linguistic tactics. Some Reformed Christian Nationalists criticize the Woke movement's subjectivity but inadvertently adopt their own form of subjective epistemology. Popular expressions of Christian Nationalism often mix elements of Scholastic Reformed Protestantism with Hegelian social and governmental ideas and draw influence from theonomists seeking to impose ancient Israel's laws, even advocating for new blasphemy laws. These positions ignore America's foundations of religious freedom and free speech. Some segments of the movement risk undermining the Reformation's core principles in pursuit of political expediency, forgetting that the Reformation emphasized grace, faith, Christ, Scripture, and the glory of God alone, not compromising these principles for political gain. -Dr. William Roach. PDF versions of the PowerPoint slides from this presentation are available here: https://williamroach.org/2023/09/15/christian-nationalism-powerpoints/ https://sovereignnations.com Support Sovereign Nations: https://paypal.me/sovnations https://patreon.com/sovnations Follow Sovereign Nations: https://sovereignnations.com/subscribe/ © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #williamroach #christiannationalism721 views 3 comments -
Progressive Integralism | Michael O'Fallon
Sovereign NationsWith Liberty & Justice For All, Session 8 Numerous attempts have been made to decipher the political framework embodied by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, yet a crucial element in comprehending the underlying motives of these roundtable groups has often been overlooked: faith. Faith stands as the pivotal ingredient in the forthcoming system the World Economic Forum and the United Nations propose. The collaboration between the public and private sectors within the World Economic Forum and the United Nations bears resemblance to a fascist model. Similarly, one could also identify certain communist or neo-communist traits in their policies and strategies for global influence. However, the introduction of faith as a fundamental element in the governance model introduces a crucial moral dimension, akin to a "third leg of the stool." This incorporation of religion transforms the model from a mere manifestation of national socialism or unadulterated fascism into a form of integralism, specifically a progressive, leftist neo-integralism with enviro-communist qualities. https://sovereignnations.com Support Sovereign Nations: https://paypal.me/sovnations https://patreon.com/sovnations Follow Sovereign Nations: https://sovereignnations.com/subscribe/ © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #michaelofallon #integralism565 views 2 comments -
How to Actually Save the World | Andrew Woodard
Sovereign NationsThere’s rioting in the streets, illegals pouring across our border, mutilation of our children, the murder of the unborn, corruption in our politics and elections, and globalist leaders enacting perverse agendas to create an apocalyptic utopia. What are Christians to do in the face of such dire circumstances? Today many people are turning to Christian nationalism for hope and an attempt at answers to the societal decay we see all around us. Before we can examine the false hope of Christian Nationalism, we need to first consider the discrepancies over definitions. There are many different views, all claiming the title. The second point to consider is the theology of the movement. Though it is diverse, one point in common across the movement’s branches is that Christian Nationalism is a theology of glory, rather than a theology of the cross. “At its core, Christian Nationalism can justifiably be called a ‘theology of glory’ that seeks to build the Kingdom of God on the earth without necessarily requiring gospel preaching or conversion. Its central focus is morality, politics & power. None of which are actually overtly Christian.” -Andy Woodard In this talk we consider a few biblical passages which offer both examples of a theology of glory and a theology of the cross and conclude with the following points of application. 1. Recognize that it’s not too late to repent. Hebrews 3:13 2. Acknowledge the sovereignty of God. Daniel 2:21 3. Put NO confidence in princes. Psalm 146:3 4. Do not despise the little things. 1 Samuel 14:6 5. Boldly, Clearly speak the truth. 2 Corinthians 4:2 6. Trust wholly in the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7 7. Confront evil in the camp when necessary. 1 Corinthians 5:12 https://sovereignnations.com Support Sovereign Nations: https://paypal.me/sovnations https://patreon.com/sovnations Follow Sovereign Nations: https://sovereignnations.com/subscribe/ © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #andrewwoodard #christiannationalism761 views 2 comments -
Whatever Happened to Freedom? | Dr. John Connell
Sovereign NationsWith Liberty & Justice For All, Session 11 In the founding of this nation, deists and Christians came together on one issue in particular: Religious faith is not an issue that the state has any business dictating. I believe that with all my heart. Let me tell you something else I believe – no man or prince or church or any form of centralized power has any business telling anyone what they can and can’t believe. Whether deists or Christians, the founders of this nation had the wisdom to put it in writing that the government had to steer clear of telling Christians and/or the church what they can or cannot do or what they can or cannot believe. Unbelievably, there are now those who actually want to establish the United States as a Christian nation with power concentrated in one person. Are you kidding me? Never mind the logistical nightmare with a monster of that size; consider the history of such attempts. I am compelled to ask the Christian nationalists this question: Are you trying to run my life? If so, then back-off and stand down. -Dr. John Connell https://sovereignnations.com Support Sovereign Nations: https://paypal.me/sovnations https://patreon.com/sovnations Follow Sovereign Nations: https://sovereignnations.com/subscribe/ © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #johnconnell #freedom457 views