Christianity 102
FGCPastor Dean continues his teachings on the basics of Christianity by digging into what it means to receive the Holy Spirit and cast out devils. All Christians should be fervently chasing after the gifts of the Spirit and standing up against the wiles of the devil and his demons. Don't overcomplicate your faith; read God's Word and do as Jesus did! "And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost" John 20:222 comments -
The Anointing & the Fear of Man
FGCFrom January 27th, 2019 Pastor Dean preaches on the anointing of the Holy Spirit and how fearing others or being ashamed of the Word of God will quench the Holy Spirit. -
Born of the Spirit
FGCNovember 7th, 2021 Many people, even some of you listening to this message, claim to be Christian but are not born again. It is not enough to believe in Jesus, you must call Him the Lord over your entire life. You are either a slave to sin or a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, do not compromise. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." John 3:67 comments -
Knowing the Holy Spirit
FGCPastor Dean gives an in-depth teaching on the Holy Spirit and what it means to be baptized with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Do not do anything to quench the Holy Spirit! Follow and obey Him at all costs; surrender your life fully each day to the will of Jesus Christ our King. "And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him." Acts 5:3210 comments -
Blaspheming the Holy Spirit
FGCMay 27th, 2018 Pastor Dean preaches about communion with the Holy Spirit and how many are resisting, quenching, and even blaspheming the Holy Spirit in these last days. -
Pursuing the Holy Spirit
FGCNovember 11th, 2018 Pastor Dean Odle preaches on how important it is for each Christian to individually pursue the Holy Spirit. We NEED God's presence and power to be upon us and have a relationship with Him so that we hear His voice. The gifts of the Spirit are to help others see and know Jesus, we must all strive to operate in His gifts and win the lost for His glory. -
Church History & Function #9 - The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit
FGCDr. Odle explains each of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit from 1st Corinthians 12 and gives examples of how they are still operating today.1 comment -
The Ministry Office of an Apostle
FGCFebruary 20th, 2018 Pastor Dean teaches on the five-fold ministry gifts, specifically his call to the ministry of an apostle. This is a difficult topic to cover due to the confusion, false teaching, and abuse of this ministry title. -
Demonstrations of Holy Ghost Power
FGCDecember 8, 2019 Pastor Dean Odle gives examples of the different manifestations and demonstrations of the Holy Ghost and explains the difference between real gifts and counterfeit ones. Do you understand the difference between God's Spirit and the evil kundalini (or serpent) spirit? -