Joe Biden & DNC Truths 1970s thru October 2020
FFatSaladinMontage of direct quotes (self-incriminating/hypocritical/lies) from Joe Biden and others. Fair Use Act - This is simply a compilation of publicly available clips, and I claim no ownership of them. The original watermarks/credits/logos have been retained in the clips to give credit to the original 00:00 Plagiarisms 01:01 Biden's pompous arrogance/academic lies 03:48 Biden plagiarizes other people's lives, slogans, & academics 10:55 Biden's 2020 campaign plagiarism from UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson 11:28 Lies about football team (included fact check) 14:08 Pandering to African Americans implying that he attended a Historically Black College/University (included fact check) 16:26 Pandering to African Americans by lying about The Civil Rights Movement, educated in the "Black Church", more plagiarism and Fact Checks 22:52 Lies about being "arrested" visiting Nelson Mandela (included fact check) 23:38 Biden implies he is corrupt; states he is like a "token black guy" or "token woman" - blames the public for the reasons politicians are corrupt 25:04 Racism ("The Biden Crime Bill" - Authored by Biden, signed into law by Pres Bill Clinton; "You Ain't Black", N-word, Busing will cause a "racial jungle") 34:21 Transcript of Biden's "Racial jungle" quote 36:00 Promoted segregation 42:09 More racism ("put y'all back in chains", Obama is the first "clean" black candidate, 7/11 & Dunkin' Donuts "Indian accent", "Poor kids are just as smart as white kids", "You ain't black", blacks/black kids are "roaches") 50:02 Eulogizes Sen Robert Byrd (former KKK officer "Exalted Cyclops") 50:45 Touching/kissing women and kids, Kamala Harris "believes" accusers 59:03 Fmr Louisiana State Sen Elbert Guillory comments on Hypocrisy of Biden's Sexual Harassment 1:02:44 More inappropriate behavior/comments with kids, "girls dancing" clip 10/2020 1:05:47 Speech on being a lifeguard in a black neighborhood (almost killed a black man, "Corn Pop", refers to black people as "roaches", inappropriate story about kids sitting in his lap and rubbing his "hairy legs") 1:18:46 Wants to beat up Pres Trump 1:19:04 Biden - coal miners learn computer programming 1:19:27 Biden admits/brags about Ukraine Quid-Pro-Quo 1:21:51 Congressional Impeachment Hearings 12/07/2019 Rep Steve Cohen referred to Biden as "the next president" 1:22:42 Calls female student "Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier" 1:23:49 Calls vote "Damn liar" and "Fat" - defends MSNBC because MSNBC is in the tank for Biden 1:25:20 DNC Primaries - Julian Castro and Corey Booker imply Biden has Dementia 1:26:32 DNC Primaries - Kamala Harris implied Biden is racist 1:28:26 Kamala Harris would say anything to win "It was a debate!" 1:29:58 Feb 2020 Presidential candidate Biden says he is running for "Senate" 1:30:24 "We can only re-elect Donald Trump" 1:30:46 "I'm going to beat Joe Biden" 1:31:19 Biden calls himself an "Obiden-Bama" Democrat 1:31:41 Biden supports China (Hunter already moved from business in Ukraine to China) 1:32:47 Biden "met with Deng Xiaoping" - Xiaoping was dead for 19 years 1:33:18 Calls CoVID-19 "Lujan"/"Luhan" virus instead of "Wuhan" 1:33:36 Claims 150 million Americans died from guns = 92.3 million deaths while he was VP 1:34:09 Calls President Trump's China ban "xenophobic" and tells people not to panic 1:36:58 Dan Bongino - Democrats downplaying CoVID-19 after travel bans 1:39:16 Biden tells Ady Barkan he supports defunding the police then lies about it at the debate 1:40:43 Sept 2020 Biden says you will be taxed $0 if you make under $400k and get a tax break (IRS pays you?) if you make under $125k 1:41:46 Won't condemn Antifa; calls Antifa "an idea" 1:43:18 Chris Wallace asked President Trump the same "White Supremacy" question in the 2016 & 2020 debates 1:45:35 Claimed 200 million Americans may be dead from CoVID-19 by the end of his speech 1:46:00 09/03/2020 Atlantic article "losers"/"suckers" - Biden's reaction/Trump's feelings about the military/Biden calls the military "stupid bastards" 1:52:08 09/29/2020 Presidential Debate Biden lies about Green New Deal (included fact check) 1:54:52 Kamala Harris at VP debate discussing false "Russian Bounty" story; Real Iran bounty during Obama/Biden admin; Obama/Biden paid Iran $1.8 billion (included fact checks) 2:04:30 10/2020 VP debate Kamala Harris wants to expunge prison records; DNC Primaries Tulsi Gabbard calls Kamala Harris out 2:07:52 09/29/2020 Presidential debate, Biden won't answer about "packing the court"; 10/09/2020 Biden American people "do not deserve to know" 2:08:24 Flashback to Pelosi during Obama/Biden admin "we have to sign Obamacare to know what's in it" 2:08:43 Obamacare architect calling Americans "stupid" 2:12:05 Bonus: Trump condemning White Supremacy, etc 2:28:13 10/2020 Biden racism "Some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf" 2:29:00 10/12/2020 Presidential candidate Biden again says he is running for "Senate" - 3 weeks before the election9.9K views 12 comments