Nick Fuentes | The Iraq War was NOT About Oil Prices
AF ClipsNick counters a superchatter claiming that the Iraq war was a plot for America to increase oil prices. From Episode 1332, which aired on Tuesday, May 21st, 2024. WATCH NICK LIVE: https://rumble.com/c/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON X: https://x.com/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON COZY: https://cozy.tv/nick FOLLOW NICK ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/nickjfuentes833 views -
Nick Fuentes | Conservatives are CRINGE when they make China jokes
AF ClipsNick blasts prominent Republican figures (even MAGA favorites) for making cringe jokes about the Chinese "spy balloon". Nick then expresses disgust that people find certain things funny just because society tells them that it's funny. Nick then jokes about how conservative culture has become so bad that James Charles (ultra-gay popular influencer) will come out in favor favor of the GOP. Nick finishes comparing the growth of the 2016 alt-right to now, where young, intelligent, high-functioning men were becoming red-pilled in large numbers, but now there's an effort to lull those same men back into believing in the system again. Aired on Monday, February 6th, 2023. WATCH NICK LIVE: https://cozy.tv/nick FOLLOW NICK ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON GAB: https://gab.com/realnickjfuentes1.28K views 1 comment -
Nick Fuentes | Don't Use White Racial Consciousness to Downplay Jewish Power
AF ClipsNick remarks that he's seen more "pro-white" racially conscious stuff lately, but speculates that this may be a distraction from conversations about Jewish Power. Nick then explains why anti-white animus and the "great replacement" are actually downstream of Jews taking over the elite, and why the first instinct to blame non-whites for all the problems paints an incomplete picture. Nick then cautions against leaning too much into racial tribalism while downplaying the Jewish connection, and argues that even pro-white positions can be assimilated into the Jewish-controlled system. Nick then criticizes BAP, John Doyle, and even Scott Greer for playing into this trend. Nick then says that white people need to seek fundamental change, and that they should not just become another group begging for handouts while being occasionally placated by con inc. Nick then says that it may be difficult for non-Christians to see all this, and finishes by explaining the history of Christian hegemony being subverted throughout the 2nd millennium. Aired on Tuesday, February 28th, 2023. WATCH NICK LIVE: https://cozy.tv/nick FOLLOW NICK ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON GAB: https://gab.com/realnickjfuentes2.8K views 3 comments -
Nick Fuentes GOES OFF on Tucker Carlson for being FAKE
AF ClipsNick discusses the recently publicized text messages from Tucker Carlson where he bashes Trump and celebrates Trump leaving office. Nick chastises Tucker as being establishment approved and a gatekeeper, and recaps all the times Tucker has shown weakness on important issues. Nick also reveals that he's never been a fan of Tucker Carlson, and ridicules influencers who have shilled him for years. Aired on Wednesday, March 8th, 2023. WATCH NICK LIVE: https://cozy.tv/nick FOLLOW NICK ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON GAB: https://gab.com/realnickjfuentes1.12K views -
Nick Fuentes | How America Intervenes in Foreign Countries
AF ClipsNick explains how America conducts its foreign interventions in the context of Georgia (the Country) withdrawing a bill that America didn't like. Aired on Thursday, March 9th, 2023. WATCH NICK LIVE: https://cozy.tv/nick FOLLOW NICK ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON GAB: https://gab.com/realnickjfuentes596 views -
Nick Fuentes | The Whole WORLD is Victim to Color Revolutions
AF ClipsNick explains why America is a victim of color revolutions just as much as smaller foreign countries since they did similar things against Trump as they do against "authoritarian governments". Nick also explains that the most free countries are the most "authoritarian" while the most oppressed and destroyed countries are the most "democratic". Aired on Thursday, March 9th, 2023. WATCH NICK LIVE: https://cozy.tv/nick FOLLOW NICK ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON GAB: https://gab.com/realnickjfuentes876 views -
Nick Fuentes | How the ADL Uses EXTRORTION Against Social Media Companies
AF ClipsNick explains how social media is controlled by the ADL, specifically by the extortion the ADL levels against the companies running social media. Aired on Thursday, August 31st, 2023. WATCH NICK LIVE: https://cozy.tv/nick FOLLOW NICK ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON GAB: https://gab.com/realnickjfuentes929 views 1 comment -
Nick Fuentes EXPOSES the Jewish Wizard Controlling Andrew Tate
AF ClipsNick discusses recent revelations that a peculiar Jewish "Wizard" was closely associated with Andrew Tate, and what this means more broadly. Aired on Wednesday, August 30th, 2023. WATCH NICK LIVE: https://cozy.tv/nick FOLLOW NICK ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON GAB: https://gab.com/realnickjfuentes6.74K views 4 comments -
Nick Fuentes | The Southern Border No Longer EXISTS
AF ClipsNick gives his thoughts on the border crisis after a supreme court ruling against Texas enforcing immigration law. Aired on Wednesday, September 26th, 2023. WATCH NICK LIVE: https://cozy.tv/nick FOLLOW NICK ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/nickjfuentes FOLLOW NICK ON GAB: https://gab.com/realnickjfuentes1.55K views 5 comments