Steven Anderson Renounces Young Earth Creationism
TTORPlease Subscribe, Comment, Like In this video, we discuss the recent revelation by Pastor Steven Anderson on a podcast with Matt Powell that he no longer believes in Young Earth Creationism. This is a significant departure from his previous stance in 2010, where he preached from the pulpit that the Earth was only 6,000 years old. We delve into the reasons behind his change of heart, how it affects his ministry, and what it means for the wider Christian community. Join us as we explore this fascinating topic. Steven Anderson Slipping Into Atheistic & Evolution-Like Heresy: https://youtu.be/z5oRlLxn_0w "The Exact Age of the Earth" Baptist Sermon (independent fundamental preaching): https://web.archive.org/web/20160414224239/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezXcxbfr76k The Exact Age of the Earth: http://faithfulwordbaptist.org/earth.html Steven Anderson Exposed Playlist: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/X8MqgBNgVeBe/ Donate To TTOR: https://tip.joshwho.net/TTOR/ TTOR Subscribestar | Support TTOR | https://www.subscribestar.com/the-objective-reality TTOR Website: https://ttor.faithlifesites.com/ TTOR Books Another Inconvenient Truth: https://ttor.faithlifesites.com/another-inconvenient-truth Another Inconvenient Truth 2: https://ttor.faithlifesites.com/another-inconvenient-truth-2 Hanover: https://ttor.faithlifesites.com/hanover Truth: The Objective Reality is a Christian apologetics ministry that aims to demonstrate the accuracy of the biblical worldview. Established in September 2013 by Apologist Justin Derby, its goal is to address various topics related to both the #biblical #worldview and #christian #apologetics so that followers of #jesus can strengthen their defense of the biblical worldview and effectively refute worldviews that conflict with the #knowledge of #god as stated in 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. Justin is affiliated with the International Association for Creation and has a specific interest in #young #earth #creationism , #old Earth Creationism, #atheism and #evolution . He works as an #independent #media #analyst and is a strong #advocate for #freespeech . Justin is also known for his opposition to #tech #censorship . TTOR Social Media Sites TTOR Corder: https://corder.tv/channel/Ttor TTOR CreationSocial: https://creation.social/page/view/15 TTOR JoshWho TV: https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/Ttor TTOR UGETube: https://ugetube.com/@TTOR TTOR Odysee: odysee.com/@TTOR:0 TTOR BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ttor/ TTOR Loop: https://loop.joshwho.net/members/2442920 TTOR Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ttor_13 TTOR Gab: https://gab.com/TTOR TTOR TruthSocial: https://truthsocial.com/@ttor_official TTOR BrighteonSocial: https://brighteon.social/@TTOR TTOR Poast: https://poa.st/@TTOR TTOR Xephula: https://xephula.com/TTOR TTOR Twellit: https://twellit.com/@TTOR TTOR USA.Life: https://usa.life/truththeobjectivereality TTOR Bastyon: https://bastyon.com/ttor TTOR Parler: https://parler.com/ttor13 TTOR BitTubeSocial: https://bittube.social/@ttor TTOR Minds: minds.com/Truth_The_Objective_Reality Contact Email – JustinDBZ123@joshwho.net436 views 1 comment -
Hugh Ross Teaches Two Heresies In Opening Paragraph Of A Blog Post
TTORApologist Justin Derby responds to a 2017 blog post where old earth creationist Hugh Ross teaches that God made everything over billions of years and that there was death and disease in the world prior to Adam's sin, two teachings that are blatant heresy. Is Lithium a Problem for the Big Bang Creation Model?: https://reasons.org/explore/blogs/todays-new-reason-to-believe/is-lithium-a-problem-for-the-big-bang-creation-model Why Christians Should Not Defend The Big Bang Theory/Model: https://www.joshwhotv.com/v/.QDYo3w Corder GiveSendGo: https://givesendgo.com/corderfundraiser Corder Flattr: https://flattr.com/@Corder If you want to buy “Another Inconvenient Truth 2: Defending Young Earth Creationism”, you can go to: https://www.amazon.com/Another-Inconvenient-Truth-Defending-Creationism/dp/0986243027/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1620289306&refinements=p_27%3AJustin+Derby&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Justin+Derby If you want to contribute financially to TTOR, you can go to: My Tip Jar page: https://mytipjar.org/TTOR/ TTOR Website: https://ttor.faithlifesites.com/ TTOR Blog: https://truththeobjectivereality.blogspot.com Follow TTOR on the following social media: CreationSocial: https://creation.social/page/view/15 JoshWho TV: https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/Ttor UGETube: https://ugetube.com/@TTOR NewTube: https://newtube.app/user/TTOR BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ttor/ Loop: https://loop.joshwho.net/members/2442920 Twellit: https://twellit.com/@TTOR USA.Life: https://usa.life/truththeobjectivereality Bastyon: https://bastyon.com/ttor Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ttor_13 SocialCross: https://socialcross.org/Justin_Derby Gab: https://gab.com/TTOR Minds: minds.com/Truth_The_Objective_Reality Xephula: https://xephula.com/TTOR Gorf: https://gorf.social/ttor BrighteonSocial: https://brighteon.social/@TTOR100 views -
InspiringPhilosophy Falsely Teaches That Adam & Eve Were Not The First Humans Created By God
TTORApologist Justin Derby responds to Michael Jones' (InspiringPhilosophy) teaching that Adam and Eve were not the first human beings created by God by looking at the text of Genesis 1 and 2 and showing that the scripture says that there were no human beings on earth prior to Adam being created by God. How do Adam & Eve Fit with Evolution? (with InspiringPhilosophy): https://youtu.be/dDWAABZQw_c William Lane Craig: What is His Response to Ken Ham?: https://youtu.be/1OGkMDpADAQ Corder GiveSendGo: https://givesendgo.com/corderfundraiser Corder Flattr: https://flattr.com/@Corder If you want to buy “Another Inconvenient Truth 2: Defending Young Earth Creationism”, you can go to: https://www.amazon.com/Another-Inconvenient-Truth-Defending-Creationism/dp/0986243027/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1620289306&refinements=p_27%3AJustin+Derby&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Justin+Derby If you want to contribute financially to TTOR, you can go to: My Tip Jar page: https://mytipjar.org/TTOR/ TTOR Website: https://ttor.faithlifesites.com/ TTOR Blog: https://truththeobjectivereality.blogspot.com Follow TTOR on the following social media: CreationSocial: https://creation.social/page/view/15 JoshWho TV: https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/Ttor UGETube: https://ugetube.com/@TTOR NewTube: https://newtube.app/user/TTOR BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ttor/ Loop: https://loop.joshwho.net/members/2442920 Twellit: https://twellit.com/@TTOR USA.Life: https://usa.life/truththeobjectivereality Bastyon: https://bastyon.com/ttor Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ttor_13 SocialCross: https://socialcross.org/Justin_Derby Gab: https://gab.com/TTOR Minds: minds.com/Truth_The_Objective_Reality Xephula: https://xephula.com/TTOR Gorf: https://gorf.social/ttor BrighteonSocial: https://brighteon.social/@TTOR77 views 1 comment -
Correcting My Error On The Age Of Terah In Genesis 11:26
TTORApologist Justin Derby responds to a YouTube user who pointed out that Acts 7:4 says that Abram left Harran for Canaan after Terah died by acknowledging the passage, and accepting the correction. Unfortunately for old earth creationists however, the only thing accepting this correction did was add an extra 60 years to the age of the earth and universe that Justin had calculated in his book "Another Inconvenient Truth 2: Defending Young Earth Creationism". GodTVRadio TTOR Host, Olivia Maynard Transgender LGBTQ, Cindi Lincoln, VEKL, Brett Keane: https://youtu.be/KW3WWd3h2vs Corder GiveSendGo: https://givesendgo.com/corderfundraiser Corder Flattr: https://flattr.com/@Corder If you want to buy “Another Inconvenient Truth 2: Defending Young Earth Creationism”, you can go to: https://www.amazon.com/Another-Inconvenient-Truth-Defending-Creationism/dp/0986243027/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1620289306&refinements=p_27%3AJustin+Derby&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Justin+Derby If you want to contribute financially to TTOR, you can go to: My Tip Jar page: https://mytipjar.org/TTOR/ TTOR Website: https://ttor.faithlifesites.com/ TTOR Blog: https://truththeobjectivereality.blogspot.com Follow TTOR on the following social media: CreationSocial: https://creation.social/page/view/15 JoshWho TV: https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/Ttor UGETube: https://ugetube.com/@TTOR NewTube: https://newtube.app/user/TTOR BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ttor/ Loop: https://loop.joshwho.net/members/2442920 Twellit: https://twellit.com/@TTOR USA.Life: https://usa.life/truththeobjectivereality Bastyon: https://bastyon.com/ttor Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ttor_13 SocialCross: https://socialcross.org/Justin_Derby Gab: https://gab.com/TTOR Minds: minds.com/Truth_The_Objective_Reality Xephula: https://xephula.com/TTOR Gorf: https://gorf.social/ttor BrighteonSocial: https://brighteon.social/@TTOR32 views -
Greg Neyman's Dark Side Of YEC Piece Exposes The Dark Side Of OEC
TTORApologist Justin Derby responds to old earth creationist Greg Neyman's 2017 article about the dark side of young earth creationism by pointing out that what Neyman considers to be the dark side of YEC actually is a condemnation of Jesus. Neyman also admits that Old Earth Creationists reinterpret the Bible in light of deep time, big bang cosmology, and evolution after claiming that YECs lie about that. The Dark Side of Young Earth Creationism: http://m.oldearth.org/commentary/dark_side_of_young_earth_creationism_csc21.htm Evolutionists Admit That The Fossil Record Supports Young Earth Creationism: https://www.joshwhotv.com/v/.QDV8nA William Lane Craig Lies About Bible Interpretation, Augustine, And Origen: https://rumble.com/v11nrio-william-lane-craig-lies-about-bible-interpretation-augustine-and-origen.html Corder GiveSendGo: https://givesendgo.com/corderfundraiser Corder Flattr: https://flattr.com/@Corder If you want to buy “Another Inconvenient Truth 2: Defending Young Earth Creationism”, you can go to: https://www.amazon.com/Another-Inconvenient-Truth-Defending-Creationism/dp/0986243027/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1620289306&refinements=p_27%3AJustin+Derby&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Justin+Derby If you want to contribute financially to TTOR, you can go to: My Tip Jar page: https://mytipjar.org/TTOR/ TTOR Website: https://ttor.faithlifesites.com/ TTOR Blog: https://truththeobjectivereality.blogspot.com Follow TTOR on the following social media: CreationSocial: https://creation.social/page/view/15 JoshWho TV: https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/Ttor UGETube: https://ugetube.com/@TTOR NewTube: https://newtube.app/user/TTOR BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ttor/ Loop: https://loop.joshwho.net/members/2442920 Twellit: https://twellit.com/@TTOR USA.Life: https://usa.life/truththeobjectivereality Bastyon: https://bastyon.com/ttor Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ttor_13 SocialCross: https://socialcross.org/Justin_Derby Gab: https://gab.com/TTOR Minds: minds.com/Truth_The_Objective_Reality Xephula: https://xephula.com/TTOR Gorf: https://gorf.social/ttor BrighteonSocial: https://brighteon.social/@TTOR91 views -
David Faulk Lies About The Age Of Terah In Genesis 11:26
TTORApologist Justin Derby responds to old earth creationist David Faulk's argument that Terah was not really 70 years old when Abram was born by exposing how Faulk picks and chooses which passages to accept the straight forward reading of, and which to reject the straight forward reading of. Faulk also arbitrarily and falsely asserts that Abram left Harran only after Terah died. Old Testament Genealogies Are Fascinating: https://youtu.be/J3dcOQbHmp8 Corder GiveSendGo: https://givesendgo.com/corderfundraiser Corder Flattr: https://flattr.com/@Corder If you want to buy “Another Inconvenient Truth 2: Defending Young Earth Creationism”, you can go to: https://www.amazon.com/Another-Inconvenient-Truth-Defending-Creationism/dp/0986243027/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1620289306&refinements=p_27%3AJustin+Derby&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Justin+Derby If you want to contribute financially to TTOR, you can go to: My Tip Jar page: https://mytipjar.org/TTOR/ TTOR Website: https://ttor.faithlifesites.com/ TTOR Blog: https://truththeobjectivereality.blogspot.com Follow TTOR on the following social media: CreationSocial: https://creation.social/page/view/15 JoshWho TV: https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/Ttor UGETube: https://ugetube.com/@TTOR NewTube: https://newtube.app/user/TTOR BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ttor/ Loop: https://loop.joshwho.net/members/2442920 Twellit: https://twellit.com/@TTOR USA.Life: https://usa.life/truththeobjectivereality Bastyon: https://bastyon.com/ttor Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ttor_13 SocialCross: https://socialcross.org/Justin_Derby Gab: https://gab.com/TTOR Minds: minds.com/Truth_The_Objective_Reality Xephula: https://xephula.com/TTOR Gorf: https://gorf.social/ttor BrighteonSocial: https://brighteon.social/@TTOR16 views -
Greg Neyman Falsely Claims That Romans 1:20 Supports Deep Time
TTORApologist Justin Derby responds to a 2012 article where old earth creationist Greg Neyman falsely claimed that according to Romans 1:20, you can tell how old the creation is by looking at it. Justin debunks this claim as well as the other false claims Neyman made in his article. Biblical Interpretation and Theology The Effects of YEC Beliefs on Romans 1:20: http://m.oldearth.org/romans120_2.htm Evolutionists Admit That The Fossil Record Supports Young Earth Creationism: https://www.joshwhotv.com/v/.QDV8nA Thermodynamic Arguments for Creation: https://youtu.be/I1yto0-z2bQ Creationism support is at a new low. The reason should give us hope.: https://archive.ph/KIKPL Corder GiveSendGo: https://givesendgo.com/corderfundraiser Corder Flattr: https://flattr.com/@Corder If you want to buy “Another Inconvenient Truth 2: Defending Young Earth Creationism”, you can go to: https://www.amazon.com/Another-Inconvenient-Truth-Defending-Creationism/dp/0986243027/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1620289306&refinements=p_27%3AJustin+Derby&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Justin+Derby If you want to contribute financially to TTOR, you can go to: My Tip Jar page: https://mytipjar.org/TTOR/ TTOR Website: https://ttor.faithlifesites.com/ TTOR Blog: https://truththeobjectivereality.blogspot.com Follow TTOR on the following social media: CreationSocial: https://creation.social/page/view/15 JoshWho TV: https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/Ttor UGETube: https://ugetube.com/@TTOR NewTube: https://newtube.app/user/TTOR BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ttor/ Odysee: https://odysee.com/@TTOR:0 Loop: https://loop.joshwho.net/members/2442920 Twellit: https://twellit.com/@TTOR USA.Life: https://usa.life/truththeobjectivereality Bastyon: https://bastyon.com/ttor Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ttor_13 SocialCross: https://socialcross.org/Justin_Derby Gab: https://gab.com/TTOR Minds: minds.com/Truth_The_Objective_Reality Xephula: https://xephula.com/TTOR Gorf: https://gorf.social/ttor BrighteonSocial: https://brighteon.social/@TTOR37 views -
William Lane Craig Lies About Bible Interpretation, Augustine, And Origen
TTORApologist Justin Derby responds to a 2021 interview where old earth creationist William Lane Craig lied about not interpreting the Bible in light of modern science, and he lied about early church fathers Augustine and Origen supporting his view on origins and Genesis. William Lane Craig: What is His Response to Ken Ham?: https://youtu.be/1OGkMDpADAQ Augustine City Of God Book 11: https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/120111.htm Augustine City Of God Book 12: https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/120112.htm Origen Contra Celsum Book 1: https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/04161.htm Perry Marshall Evolution 2.0 Responses: https://www.joshwhotv.com/viewProgram/88154/perry-marshall-evolution-2.0-responses/ Corder GiveSendGo: https://givesendgo.com/corderfundraiser Corder Flattr: https://flattr.com/@Corder If you want to buy “Another Inconvenient Truth 2: Defending Young Earth Creationism”, you can go to: https://www.amazon.com/Another-Inconvenient-Truth-Defending-Creationism/dp/0986243027/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1620289306&refinements=p_27%3AJustin+Derby&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Justin+Derby If you want to contribute financially to TTOR, you can go to: My Tip Jar page: https://mytipjar.org/TTOR/ TTOR Website: https://ttor.faithlifesites.com/ TTOR Blog: https://truththeobjectivereality.blogspot.com Follow TTOR on the following social media: CreationSocial: https://creation.social/page/view/15 JoshWho TV: https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/Ttor UGETube: https://ugetube.com/@TTOR NewTube: https://newtube.app/user/TTOR BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ttor/ Odysee: https://odysee.com/@TTOR:0 Loop: https://loop.joshwho.net/members/2442920 Twellit: https://twellit.com/@TTOR USA.Life: https://usa.life/truththeobjectivereality Bastyon: https://bastyon.com/ttor Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ttor_13 SocialCross: https://socialcross.org/Justin_Derby Gab: https://gab.com/TTOR Minds: minds.com/Truth_The_Objective_Reality Xephula: https://xephula.com/TTOR Gorf: https://gorf.social/ttor BrighteonSocial: https://brighteon.social/@TTOR107 views 1 comment