Tomb Raider: Legend
GekokujoWarGaming(TRL Part 1) Ah, Lara, my first love. I generally play through a game before recording to see if there are any problems first before I start a series. I'm not doing that this time, it'll be fine. I'm playing Tomb Raider: Anniversary off-screen because while it is good, it's not going to be that fun to watch or record, but it is good, I recommend Anniversary. This is about Legend though, so, enjoy. {Editors' Note: This is that series I was talking about that I will play on the weekends.}26 views -
GekokujoWarGaming(TRL Part 2) Lara Croft is sorta like a female Indiana Jones. It's easy to think of her that way, except she gets into fights with other rich assholes instead of Nazis. Lara would totally fight Nazis if given half a chance.19 views -
The Plot Thickens
GekokujoWarGaming(TRL Part 3) Don't let anyone fool you, this is a puzzle game with a little bit of action in it. Lara is a badass, however her passion is in history, archeology, and treasure hunting, so that's what she will spend her time, money, and efforts on.33 views 3 comments -
Who The Hell Are You?
GekokujoWarGaming(TRL Part 4) That was an embarrassingly terrible display. This is one of those game you ought to use a controller for because the keyboard and mouse controls like ass.16 views -
GekokujoWarGaming(TRL Part 5) So, that's what I was supposed to do? That's kind of odd. {Editors' Note: This gameplay might not look all that different, if feels way better using a controller. Also, bit of an important update: I'm using a graphics enhancing software program on many of my games, now that I know about it. Legend looks better, Mass Effect is gonna look "better," and Fallout is gonna look better. Maybe "more stylized" a better descriptor. I couldn't get the program to work on Kurohyou, but that game already looks way better than it has any right to look.}17 views -
GekokujoWarGaming(TRL Part 6) I know this is a flashback sequence that happened in the past (I actually know who Amanda is), and the film grain effect is typically used during flashback sequences. This is a lot of fucking film grain. I almost had to go into the new video re-shader I'm using on all my games and calm all that grain down, but I didn't. Also, I hate quick-time events. {Editors' Note: I'm using a new re-shading program to make my games look better. I paid $750 dollars for my graphics card and I want some color out of it besides browns and greys, goddammit. Mostly it is for the "vibrance" setting (sometimes called "vivid") which literally just brightens most non-neutral colors. A free program that makes all my games look better is pretty freaking awesome if you ask me.}17 views -
The Treasure Hunter
GekokujoWarGaming(TRL Part 7) Yeah, I figured out this puzzle. I keep forgetting that I have that grappling hook and it comes in very handy sometimes.16 views -
GekokujoWarGaming(TRL Part 8) Nishimura is so sweet inviting me over even though he knows I'm going to wreck the joint as soon as Takamoto shows up. What are friends for, I suppose.11 views -
Yakuza Factory
GekokujoWarGaming(TRL Part 9) Lara is the good kind of stubborn, she'll get what she wants. Takamoto using that sword fragment he has as the tip of his spear is brilliant, I must say. Also, y'all, the music on this soundtrack is so fucking good oh my god, I had no idea. {Editors' Note: I didn't see the poles at first, very important... Did I mention that I hate quick-time events yet?}12 views -
GekokujoWarGaming(TRL Part 10) These locations are beautiful, it's a shame I have to get the blood of the unworthy all over the priceless antiques.14 views