News & Events
19 videos
Updated 9 months ago
Keep up on what's happening in Michigan with our Convention of States grassroots team!
Have America's Best Days Come & Gone? Join Ron on June 13th!
Michigan for Convention of StatesDo you hate politics, but love our country? Are you tired of mandates, illegal aliens, inflation, corruption in government, runaway debt, or a do-nothing Congress? Do these and other issues in America frustrate you? Join us for an enlightening presentation to learn about a tool our framers gave us called Article V.28 views -
Have America's Best Days Come & Gone? Join Chet on June 13th!
Michigan for Convention of StatesDo you hate politics, but love our country? Are you tired of mandates, illegal aliens, inflation, corruption in government, runaway debt, or a do-nothing Congress? Do these and other issues in America frustrate you? Join us for an enlightening presentation to learn about a tool our framers gave us called Article V.30 views -
Intro to Convention of States (4/23/24)
Michigan for Convention of StatesDo you believe our country is headed in the wrong direction? Join us here LIVE on Tuesday, April 23rd at 2 PM for an Introduction to Convention of States. Learn about Article V of the Constitution and the power it holds for The People. There is a solution to the problems our country is facing...if you’re willing to take action.131 views 4 comments -
Livestream - Introduction to Convention of States (2/21/24)
Michigan for Convention of StatesDid you know that Article V of the Constitution provides a way for The People to amend the Constitution? Join us for an introduction session.22 views -
COS Michigan - NEWS & EVENTS (3/1/24)
Michigan for Convention of StatesKeep up-to-date. Don't miss the March, 2024 Edition! https://conventionofstates.com/news/michigan-news-events-march-2024 #conventionofstates #michigan #wethepeople #veterans21 views -
Have You Given Your Consent? (3/7/24)
Michigan for Convention of StatesJoin Convention of States for a special informational discussion on reclaiming self-governance and what “consent of the governed” really means! March 7, 6:30-8:30 pm at Groveland Township Hall in Holly, MI. https://teamup.com/event/show/id/4bfNAVZQa6ejdgnwgWFCWTAFeqTXYy #fiscalresponsibility #michigan #wethepeople #conventionofstates93 views -
Intro to COS - MI Livestream (2/21/24)
Michigan for Convention of StatesDid you know that Article V of the Constitution provides a way for The People to amend the Constitution? Join us for an introduction and Q&A session.57 views -
Ann Arbor Citizens Forum (1/14/24)
Michigan for Convention of StatesOnly a Convention of States has the constitutional power to repair the damage and halt the federal government from further eroding the liberties of the sovereign citizens. #termlimits #familyfirst #WeThePeople #FiscalResponsibility https://teamup.com/event/show/id/pPBihg1jhqVAMxRUgpbp7q4MfnWuJV12 views -
COS Mission - Plans for 2024 (1/8/24)
Michigan for Convention of StatesJoin us for the launch of our 2024 plans in Michigan including our legislative and grassroots activity presented by State Director Sarah Santana. (NOTE: This video is a recording of an event which was livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook on Jan 8, 2024.)28 views -
Michigan - NEWS & EVENTS (1/1/24)
Michigan for Convention of Stateshttps://conventionofstates.com/news/michigan-news-events-january-2024 #michigan #conventionofstates #ArticleV #wethepeople #veterans24 views