SGT Report↓ ↓LISTEN TO THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR FOOD ↓ ↓ https://www.3harmfulfoods.com/SGT ↑ Regain control over your body! ↑ ----------------------- Get HEALTHY with the FREE video report from Chuck Norris here: https://chuckdefense.com/sgt It's official, Biden is bowing out of the race for President, and the DemonRats would love to insert deep state crime lord Hillary Clinton if they can get away with it. Pray for our nation lest we be doomed. Josh from the Founded Earth Brothers returns to SGT Report to discuss the deep state and spiritual warfare. LINKS: The Creation Standard https://creationstandard.com/ Founded Earth Brothers YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@FOUNDEDEARTHBROTHERS150K views 264 comments