Your American Legacy
Freedom Loving AmericansYour Legacy American Inherit Account: The original STATE OF IOWA "Certificate of Live Birth" contract called for using an artificial person to hold the genuine owner's "American Inherit Legacy Account" until he was 21. This artificial person was Patrick Devine. This then gave the "Black- Hearted" UNITED STATES and individual STATE Governments permission to act as insurance and bond writers in violation of the fundamental morality of a good-hearted and honorable government in order to DEFRAUD the American Genuine Owner by signing him up to be the guarantor or naked underwriter of the STATE Corporation - Foreign Insurance Policies for his "Guarantee" Inherit Legacy Holder. Then, the Foreign Bankers of the Insurance Policies were permitted to EMBEZZLE from the American Genuine Owner; his Labor Assets, the Beneficial Income Profits from the Insurance Bonded USURY of the "Guarantee's" Legacy Accounts. According to the American Charter and Constitution, there was never to be a single COUNTRY or STATE religion, but the "Black-Hearted" Corporate UNITED STATES has imposed a False Religion Belief on the American People in the form of "SOCIAL INSURANCE POLICIES," which have only been implemented for the benefit of the UNITED STATES Corporation. Then, each state has established its own "Black-Hearted" state religions, which are also a false belief in the protection of insurance policies (the STATE Insurance Policies range from Social Security, Liability Insurance protection, Title Insurance protections, License Insurance protections, etc.).305 views -
Confession And Avoidance
Freedom Loving AmericansWithout the people who backed it, the government of ancient Rome would not have succeeded. The ancient Romans believed that being involved in governmental issues was their duty as citizens of the Republic and Empire. Attending assembly meetings and casting a ballot in elections were examples of citizen participation in ancient Rome. Wealthy Ancient Roman individuals felt it was their duty to support the Ancient Roman Empire by holding public office. As a result, they became quite influential in their community and enjoyed high prestige and respect among other Ancient Romans. Voting procedures in ancient Rome were quite complicated, and there were restrictions based on the type of citizen one was. Roman citizenship might range from full citizenship to partial citizenship, and each had its own rules and privileges. Additionally, a large number of persons lacked citizenship. The Romans of antiquity were extremely picky about how and to whom they granted rights and citizenship. One of the best things the Ancient Romans did to expand their large empire was to provide citizenship to non-Roman citizens.252 views -
Individual Banker
Freedom Loving AmericansSeriously. I know audio gets bad, it is old and a bunch of old smart guys were running this. He took s much time to figure out the game. Now learn how to play it for yourself461 views 1 comment -
Article 4, The Bounty Hunter - Creditor Academy Course 2 (Patrick Devine Materials)
CreditorAcademyTHIS CHANNEL IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY, NOT TO BE TAKEN AS LEGAL ADVICE. Today marks the start of our second course of a four-part series, where we will be exploring the final process of Patrick Devines Great work that set himself free. Today we will cover the Non-UCC laws, Article 4, becoming a Bounty Hunter, Private Attorney General and Banking Examiner. Additionally, we will continue to cover the crucial topic of Performance and Payment Bonds, essential knowledge for anyone looking to navigate the monetary system as an individual banker. After todays course we will begin open enrollment of our classes where we will start from the beginning with course 1-4 with new information and more details than could have been presented before. It's important to note that while I am your guide in this course, I am not the originator of this information. The insights we will explore have been brought to light by many great Gurus, including Patrick Devine. His tireless research and dedication led him to uncover a remedy for freeing oneself from the monetary system. After nine years and over 5,560 documents, Patrick Devine discovered the key to liberation in 2016, Then he disappeared and said, "Now it's up to you to set yourselves free." This Live four-day course will cover the final process of Patrick Devine's great works, as well as information from others who helped him along the way. Let's begin. If you want to register for this class send an email to: CreditorAcademy@gmail.com5.72K views 17 comments