Mormonism & Islam Compared
Beware Of False ProphetsPastor Steven Anderson https://faithfulwordbaptist.org/ - https://allthepreaching.com/13 views -
Strange Mormon Doctrines
Beware Of False ProphetsPastor Steven Anderson https://faithfulwordbaptist.org/ - https://allthepreaching.com/20 views -
Verses Mormons Love to Ignore
Beware Of False ProphetsPastor Steven Anderson https://faithfulwordbaptist.org/ - https://allthepreaching.com/23 views -
Latter Day Satans | Mormons Exposed
Beware Of False ProphetsIndependent documentary exposing the bizarre teachings of the LDS Church, which portrays itself as part of mainstream Christianity. -- Pastor Logan Robertson www.pillarbaptist.org49 views -
The God Makers (Pt I) | Mormonism Exposed
Beware Of False ProphetsThe God Makers is the grandfather of all so-called “anti-Mormon” films, and for that reason alone it deserves a viewing. It is a drama which has Ed Decker of Saints Alive in Jesus, and Dick Baer of Ex-Mormons and Christian Alliance teamed together to bring a class action lawsuit against the LDS Church for, ironically, breaking families apart. Decker and Baer present two attorneys with all sorts of information on what Mormonism is and how it is, in Decker’s words, “One of the most deceptive and most dangerous groups in the entire world!” There are interviews with LDS representatives (Dr. Harold Goodman–LDS mission president and BYU professor; Brian Grant–director of public relations for the LDS Church in Great Britain Ireland; and also some laity) as well as former LDS (Greg and Jolene Coe, Jim and Judy Robertson of Concerned Christians, Cindy Bauer of YWAM Hawaii, Sandra Tanner of the Utah Lighthouse Ministry, et al.). There is also about a 7 minute animated clip that describes the Mormon worldview. The God Makers also contains reenactments of bizarre LDS temple rituals done for themselves as well as for the dead (many of these rituals are obsolete since the LDS Church has changed them in 1990 and again in 2005). The God Makers has become notorious among films that are critical of Mormonism because of the secretive temple reenactments it presents. It includes interviews with Mormon leaders and depicts accurate dramatizations of Occultic Mormon temple rituals that even most Mormons have never seen. These secrets have been so guarded that those who protect the rituals risk death! “A factual, accurate analysis of the fastest growing cult in the world devastating!” – Walter Martin, Director of Christian Research Institute, California, Author of Kingdom of the Cults. “This incredible motion picture is a must for everyone” – Hal Lindsey, author of Late Great Planet Earth 56 minutes – produced in 1982 This documentary reveals heart-breaking accounts of families and lives that have been destroyed by the Mormon church.354 views 10 comments