The Sodomite Deception
The Sodomite Agendahttps://sodomitedeception.com/ - https://allthepreaching.com/286 views -
LGBT Terrorists PRESHOW! | The Baptist Bias
The Sodomite AgendaSpecial Guests Pastors Anderson & Mejia https://rumble.com/c/TheBaptistBias https://allthepreaching.com/76 views -
LGBT Terrorists
The Sodomite AgendaLGBT Terrorists, a documentary film by Stedfast Baptist Church, demonstrates that homosexuals are violent perverts who utilize domestic terrorism to advance their agenda. From harassment to outright violence, LGBT terrorists do whatever is necessary to instill fear into their opposition and bully them into silence. This film uses both scripture and real world testimony to expose LGBT predators for what they really are: Filled with all unrighteousness, haters of God and utterly irredeemable. - https://sbckjv.com/documentaries/ - https://allthepreaching.com/1.03K views 2 comments -
The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting
The Sodomite AgendaPastor Roger Jimenez | 12/18/2022 -- To make a donation to Verity Baptist Church, click here: https://veritybaptist.com/donate/ —— Help us fight the cancel culture and deplatforming of the truth! For more sermons, video content and to sign up for our email list go to https://BannedButNotBound.com. —— Verity Baptist Church 320 Harris Ave Suite A Sacramento, CA 95838 —— Contact us at: Email: info@veritybaptist.com Phone: (844) 983-7489 —— Visit us online at https://VerityBaptist.com —— Verity Baptist Church is an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church in Sacramento California. Pastor Roger Jimenez started Verity Baptist Church in September of 2010. The word “verity” simply means “truth”. It is our desire to be a church where the message is never watered down or compromised. We strive to be a church where you can come and learn the truths of God’s Word. Please share these videos on your social media platform!11 views -
Burn That Way After All
The Sodomite Agendahttps://rumble.com/v42mgj8-johnny-nixon-exposed-born-that-way-after-all-book-is-sodomite-propaganda.html?playlist_id=PNXSRt3TEGQ - https://allthepreaching.com/83 views -
AIDS The Judgement of God
The Sodomite AgendaDid you know that AIDS was originally known as GRID? Gay Related Immune Deficiency? The name was quickly changed to the more politically correct term AIDS or "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome," but the fact remains that the AIDS epidemic was originally the result of abominations committed by homosexuals, or what the Bible calls, "Sodomites." The media has convinced most Americans that homosexuality is a harmless "alternative lifestyle," but nothing could be further from the truth, and this film will prove it. https://allthepreaching.com/194 views -