Perplexed by the Democrats Incompetence
9 videos
Updated 11 months ago
This is generally going to be for reading off the Democrats' Party Platform yet, who knows, maybe I give them the same treatment as I just finished for the Libertarian Party.
Feeling Cute. idk
Summarizing Democratic Party political positions
GGoing Full RetardSince the party platform of 2020 was just way too much stupidity, I went and used what filtered out onto Wikipedia and can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_the_Democratic_Party_(United_States) This wasn't too bad and, I mean, there is the general "liberalism" bent of the Democrats that we remember as being their trademark for much of the last several decades. A bit of a breath of fresh air compared to the crap which Progressives and Woke has caused the Democrats to be. Still not the best positions, but at least we remember them as seeming somewhat sane even if they will eventually return to the current Progressiveism and Wokeism if we try letting the Democrat Party return to the past and not rectify their present. The Democrats are still generally wrong on many issues and, maybe, the Party should be abandoned.13 views 2 comments -
Summarizing Democratic Party factions
GGoing Full RetardI oops'd in the middle of the summary video and, uh, I decided to record this video while waiting for the video editor to finish. Using Wikipedia, I read aloud the discussion of Factions within the Democratic Party and the article can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factions_in_the_Democratic_Party_(United_States) . Amusingly, if you go into the historical factions section, you see that a lot of racial tension in America was caused by the Democrat Party... And then, conveniently, the newer Democrats try to avoid mentioning their role in "systemic racism" of America when, if it exists, it was largely caused by the Democrat Party...14 views -
Reading off 2020 Democrat Party Platform (Part 1/5)
GGoing Full RetardIt's like 92 pages. I had to stop on page 14 since my voice was giving out a bit. XD Available here: https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/ . The first part is blaming Trump for stuff that the Democrats forced in half the country, regarding the "novel" coronavirus. Pretty sure it wasn't "novel" by the time July 2020 came about, anymore. Kinda retarded but, hey, may as well audiobook it so that people can see just how much the Democrats failed to deliver now that it is 2024 March and they are likely to try and make us believe that somehow they did a better job than Trump will when he is re-elected to office despite the lying and corruption of Democrats. Not like the Libertarian Party has anything to offer so, well, I look forward to voting for Trump with you!16 views -
Reading off 2020 Democrat Party Platform (Part 2/5)
GGoing Full RetardIt's like 92 pages. Starting where I left off at page 14, I had to stop on page 23 since I wanted a break. XD Available here: https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/ . Like with the Libertarian Party stuff, I ended up interjecting along the way lol. Oh well. Regardless, if you wanted to read it without my interjections, you could have read it yourself, ya know. I yelled about NASA's failures, recently, regarding Voyager 1 and 2 and advocate defunding them. Better to support SpaceX and Blue Origin instead of NASA.7 views -
Reading off 2020 Democrat Party Platform (Part 3/5)
GGoing Full RetardIt's like 92 pages. Starting where I left off at page 23, and stopped on page 26 since the next major section has arrived. XD Available here: https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/ . While I am going to read it, I will end up messing around with my voice and making fun of the Democrats along the way so... uh... If you don't like that, then how about you make a version that is completely monotone, yourself, instead of bitching that I didn't do it.14 views -
Reading off 2020 Democrat Party Platform (Part 4/5)
GGoing Full RetardIt's like 92 pages. Starting where I left off at page 26, and stopped on page 36 since the next major section has arrived. Available here: https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/ . This part got into some silly thinking so I ended up ceasing reading aloud stupidity. Reproductive health can only ever be "supporting child birth" and not murdering babies. Also, I fail to see how men need excessive assistance in having "reproductive health" under the LMNOP+-/ "community" when they don't have the capacity to birth babies. Personally, I would just stop right here and throw the Platform into the garbage but, hey, maybe it gets better. And not so stupid. Was interesting hearing "God-given" used in the platform of the generally atheistic and Satanic Democrats who loved having Clinton being able to access Epstein's pedo-island...25 views 3 comments -
Reading off 2020 Democrat Party Platform (Part 5/5)
GGoing Full RetardIt's like 92 pages. Starting where I left off at page 36, and ended up going quickly through the rest of the document which was just probably blovating and nothing useful. Available here: https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/ . I'm sick and tired of reading this damn thing when they already made things a hell of a lot worse in the country. They have all these high-fluting ideas, with no basis in reality, which have destroyed efforts made to improve the areas addressed. I pointed them out from time to time as I scrolled through the rest of the document. If you vote for Democrats, then perhaps it's a reason other than because you desire for the best political outcome for all in the upcoming election and the four years succeeding it.12 views 2 comments -
Summarizing the Obama Coalition of the Democrat Party
GGoing Full RetardUsing Wikipedia, I read aloud the discussion of the near-historical yet still contemporary coalition of the Democrat Party which was found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obama_coalition . Honestly, given that the "Obama coalition" was simply to elect the first Black American President, there was really nothing more than a "cult of personality" and the dude was an idiot. He speaks slowly not because he's a thinker but because you think he sounds more intelligent. As such, the Democrats bloviated a bunch of bullshit into their 2020 Democrat Party Platform, hoping to appeal to the diverse "Obama coalition" yet lacked cohesion and were especially immoral in their takes on political positions compared to the Republicans. Let's not try to bring back the "Obama coalition", okay? It was merely there to elect the first Black President, nothing more and nothing less. Surely, the Democrats can do something better. Like, dissolve. Maybe the void of a cohesive Democrat stance can be filled by the Libertarian Party (unlikely) or even the Constitution Party (perhaps, they seem better in terms of cohesive thought).12 views