Are Shepherds for Sale? – Megan Basham
Olive Tree MinistriesJan Markell talks to author Megan Basham for the hour. Well-funded forces from outside the church are pulling evangelical churches and organizations leftward today. They are co-opting the church for political purposes. Who is leading this effort? There is compromise at the highest level of evangelical leadership. Find Basham’s book in our online store at https://store.olivetreeviews.org/product/shepherds-for-sale-how-evangelical-leaders-traded-the-truth-for-a-leftist-agenda-book/. Message Resources: https://www.dailywire.com/author/megan-basham Follow Jan on: Olive Tree Ministries: https://bit.ly/3g5qxbY Rumble: https://bit.ly/395DxMC YouTube: https://bit.ly/2Wt9jMA HisChannel: https://bit.ly/39EH6tU LightSource: https://bit.ly/3qnosgl Oneplace: https://bit.ly/3oo5cNG Facebook: https://bit.ly/38oRa86 Gab: https://bit.ly/2MzQ9my Instagram: https://bit.ly/3mzqkiR Telegram: https://bit.ly/3n3WYNc Twitter: https://bit.ly/2KDUJzk Truth Social: https://bit.ly/3RyZwSY70.8K views 36 comments