JULIE GREEN MINISTRIESJULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/ JGM RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/JulieGreenMinistries JGM TELEGRAM: https://t.me/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES JGM FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julie-Green-Ministries-International/100087483502629/ JGM TWITTER: https://twitter.com/julieGMinistry JGM TRUTH SOCIAL: https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries JGM LOCALS: https://juliegreen.locals.com JGM TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialjuliegreen PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled JGM MERCHANDISE: https://www.threesonsthreads.com Give: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=7542122e-6865-11ee-90fc-1260ab546d11 Jan. 31, 2025-Services Temporarily Will Go Down To Destroy Those Against You Words of Encouragement Scriptures: Ps. 34:4 Ps. 56:3-4 Ps. 23:4 Deut. 31:6 God hears you and He promises to deliver you. Put your confidence, trust and reliance in God only. Prophecy Scriptures: Ps. 143:12 Ps. 9:3 Deut. 28:7 Ps. 55:9 Matt. 12:25 Ps. 56:9 Isa. 59:18-19 Ps. 138:7 Ex. 8:23 Ex. 9:1, 4, 6, 24, 26 God is on your side so do not fear anyone or anything. God saves you in the midst of trouble. God wants you free so you can freely serve Him. Declare and decree that your food supply is not affected by anything the enemies are trying to do to it. Rely on God and put your trust in Him. He will not fail you or leave you. Have a firm focused foundation on the Father. Prayer Scriptures: Isa. 54:17 2 Tim. 1:7370K views 767 comments -
Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands. . .
MedeeaGreereGITMO Update | Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners – Official Documents WHERE THEY GO ONE, THEY GO ALL.. TO TRIBUNAL So, before we get started, let us first understand that before Trump was POTUS GITMO (Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp) was a fraction of the size it now is. This can be clearly confirmed by the following visuals, identifying a significant amount of expansion for what is expected to be tens of thousands of new ex-elite prisoners. Well, those who are not executed via military tribunal at least. Even though Joe Biden campaigned to have GITMO shutdown. Even though Joe Biden campaigned to have GITMO shutdown why has his military installed crisis actor double not followed through? Maybe because Donald J. Trump is still the rightful Commander-In-Chief (CIC) of the United States, throughout the Joe Biden shadow presidency? The White Hat Military Alliance Is In Control! https://amg-news.com/gitmo-update-guantanamo-bay-detention-camp-arrests-indictments-and-executions-for-thousands-of-new-ex-elite-prisoners-official-documents/ Please Share The World! Share on Twitter! Join Us: https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 View More News Here: https://amg-news.com370K views 138 comments -
June 2015 to Present Day - How President Trump is a Wartime President - Derek Johnson - May 22, 2024
RattleTrap1776People ask me... what's your BEST video that podcasts that shows how President Trump displays 45-47 on his new hats which explains the DASH which equals a Wartime President, in which 47 will be his 3rd term, which is actually Constitutional... This video explains ENOUGH to prove to your Family and Friends. That's also why my book is #1 Best Seller on Amazon right now showing how the Generals pulled this off. "The Midnight Rider Rides Again" is the #1 seller in its category on Amazon; available in Print and Kindle (International as well): https://www.amazon.com/Midnight-Rider-Rides-Again/dp/B0CSTFD8ZD/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2828RZJK120P7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gXykyPlnCaBhkzr1He7b7wZd5wKRIVKsjniFOb2nVE5Awl1bd4S-9wqCCaK_n5JKnjCUjlTZ_OJ4Kp9UMMhsm5iVn6s0R0tHP5klRWKVt7c.jLzkyygJbyMiJtYy2mUGcJc7o_LUuiq7lhHShBxDm5k&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+midnight+rider+rides+again+derek+johnson&qid=1709528640&sprefix=the+midnight+ri%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-1 If you want it signed, I'm Self-Published and you can get it here (takes around 2-3 weeks turn around due to shortages and the process): https://rattletrap1776.myshopify.com/products/the-midnight-rider-rides-again BRAND NEW BOOK!!!: The Royal Flush of Country Music: https://rattletrap1776.myshopify.com/products/the-royal-flush-of-country-music MY ONLY Links: https://linktr.ee/1776nation Facebooks: www.facebook.com/the1776nation www.facebook.com/rattletrap1776 www.facebook.com/derekjohnsoncountry Telegram: t.me/rattletrap1776 t.me/rattletrapnation TruthSocial: @derekjohnson Twitter: @rattletrap1776 Websites: www.rattletrap1776.com www.thedocuments.info www.derekjohnsoncountry.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DerekJohnsonCountry Stream my music on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4LpnkCX90qkKLc45KKssMz Get my music on Apple: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/derek-johnson/140886029670.7K views 407 comments