DePopulation - Controling the Human Race
54 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Videos that expose their agenda and what they are doing to reduce the human population.
Porn is Poison... A Mouthy Buddha Expose... #CitizenCast
Citizen CastIs porn dominating your life? Are you lost in an unrealistic world of sex? For my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone127 views -
HAARP and Chemtrails... a Match Made to Dominate #CitizenCast
Citizen CastScott Stevens Worked As A Meteorologist/ Weather Forecaster For 20 Years After Getting Deep Into Geoengineering Weather Modification, He Left His Job To Warn The World About What’s Happening For my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone198 views 1 comment -
Depopulation... It's like They Aren't Hiding it Anymore #CitizenCast
Citizen CastEver get that feeling, it isn't fiction anymore? Was it ever? For my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone193 views 1 comment -
Why are Medical Journals Being Deleted?!... #CitizenCast
Citizen CastFor my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone202 views -
TURBO CANCER - Killing Canada's Doctors?... #CitizenCast
Citizen CastFor my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone276 views 2 comments -
Prescription Drugs - 3rd Largest Killer... Become Big Pharma Free! #CitizenCast
Citizen CastHow many drugs do you take? Do you know all the conflicts with other drugs and food? Does your doctor know? https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2016/06/16/peter-c-gotzsche-prescription-drugs-are-the-third-leading-cause-of-death/ For my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone171 views -
Pharmaceuticals in Your Produce Isle?! Oh, hell no... #CitizenCast
Citizen CastFor my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone194 views -
Their Injecting is the Infection! #CitizenCast
PJReportFor my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone62 views -
Would you use a Therapy with a 97% Failure Rate?... #CitizenCast
Citizen CastFor my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone144 views -
CIA's 3rd World War, the Bloodiest and Most Deadly war Ever!
Citizen CastAsk yourself... Why do we still have the CIA? Why has leaders not been convicted of war crimes? Why do we let this continue, as a people, as Americans? It doesn't effect us directly For my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone202 views 1 comment