Interest of Justice League
1 video
Updated 11 months ago
The Interest of Justice Group is based in Costa Rica. They've been fighting against the Costa Rican Govt for Covid Crimes and making some headway winning some big court cases. they are recognized by the WHO as having standing and have been attending all the W.H.O meetings fighting for us. We all need to get behind this and donate. They have the clout to bring on Nuremberg Two Tribunal.
Nuremberg 2 Tribunal for Crimes Against Humanity Is Their Mission, Making Headway!
Videos that MatterThis is a really good update on the wonderful Interest of Justice Team in Costa Rica actually making headway holding those accountable for Covid Crimes Against Humanity- To get the Covid 19 injections STOPPED To hold all the psychopaths and world leaders ALL responsible in a court of law. Please donate as you are really donating to yourself for this one folks. Please share widely. Lets get some wealthy folks onboard and knock this out. "Our mission is to ensure that no one’s human rights are overlooked when they’re needed most. We’re gearing up for a critical battle, and we need your help to raise $50,000. This isn’t just any fundraiser; it’s the key to unlocking justice. The funds will secure the downpayment a top-notch legal team and cover the downpayment to a law firm that specializes in human rights cases." Please click here on this link to go to their very cool website. https://interestofjustice.org And imagine the world watching on TV a Nuremberg Two Costa Rican International Tribunal with Fauci on the stand, then Gates, then Klaus Schaub and his sidekick Hurarri, and Biden and Trump and J. Trudeau , Macron, & all other world leaders. Imagine them being found guilty of crimes against humanity for pushing and madating a bioweapon that is murdering millions and changing human DNA. Imagine them being handcuffed and taken to prison, or capitol punishment. Doctors were hung by the neck until dead in Nuremberg for doing what all the doctors who gave a jab did. Think about that.676 views 5 comments