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LoisBeautyLuxeAll opinions are 100% my own Im not a professional Nurse or Doctor *DISCLAIMER * I am NOT a doctor, nurse, esthetician or medical professional. The content on my channel is for entertainment purposes ONLY. Anything you find one my channel should not replace medical advice. There is risk involved in pretty much everything I do and I am not suggesting you try this yourself. Everything I do on my channel is purely what has worked for me and I am in no way suggesting that it is the correct way to do things. Disclaimer THE INFORMATION IN THIS VIDEO IS NOT INTENDED AS MEDICAL ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS, OR TREATMENT. All information, content, and material of this video is for informational and entertainment purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. No Advice: This video contains general information and personal opinions of the content creator about aesthetic, skincare and cosmetic conditions and treatments. The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such. THIS CONTENT IS FOR ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 18 www.GlowFace.Store code ****Lois save 15% off www.Meamoshop.com ***Code Lois save 15% off Amazon Store Lois Beauty Luxe https://amazon.com/live/loisbeautyluxe?tag=loisbeautyl0a-20&linkCode=ilv&ref_=social INCELLDERM*********RIMAN Korean Skincare https://riman.com/member-ship?referralCode=2012088Benefits RF Microneedle Cold Hammer Machine-beauty machine – HuanShi-beauty Code Lois $$$$save 5% off Free Shipping 🇺🇸 USA WholeSale $720 with my discount ♥️ beauty machine – HuanShi-beauty *********GOOGOO Hair Extensions ****** Discount code: Lois15 for 15% off for 1 pc, Lois18 for 18% off for 2 pcs+ special link:https://tinyurl.com/mswcvj8v special product link:https://tinyurl.com/yc7s3nz9 ********RELIABLERXPharmacy ************* CarePost Eye Lash Growth Drops-https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=20ee3deb14037ed5cd440370c4ddfa49&product_id=1499 MONIXIDIL Hair Growing Pills 10mg -https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=20ee3deb14037ed5cd440370c4ddfa49&product_id=6887 https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/?mw_aref=20ee3deb14037ed5cd440370c4ddfa49 www.livingsilica.com *****Code Lois15 save 15% off Collagen Booster’ ‘ www.KARUNA.com ****Skincare code Lois20 save 20% off Amazon Store Lois Beauty Luxe's Amazon Page ps://www.amazon.com/shop/loisbeautyluxe?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsfshop_aipsfloisbeautyluxe_P41FGZME2RX5SEKE8H8V Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lois_beauty_luxe/ Facebook Lois beauty luxe DIY Private Group https://m.me/cm/AbZ_OpMY2yR0bzGU/?send_source=cm:copy_invite_link Popl (Digital Business Card): https://poplme.co/hash/DmNQGewH/1/l Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/LoisBeautyLuxe TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@loisbeautyluxe?_t=8ktVuhBrKuN&_r=1 YouTube: https://youtube.com/@beautytipsover40?si=f2yEpSVg7niFxpLK FaceTime with Me- 1 hour $99.00 Email : Lois@loisbeautyluxe.com Lois Beauty Luxe P.O Box 39111 Greensboro, NC 27438584 views 4 comments -
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LoisBeautyLuxeGlam Appeal HA Lidocaine Epinephrine 30 gram Protein collagen shot- https://amzn.to/44oStR3 3 ml syringe- https://amzn.to/3UFmyZw 1 ml easy touch syringe- https://amzn.to/4bn2b98 antimicrobial spray- https://amzn.to/3Qu5TFF fine micro cannula 18 G X 70MM 27 needle tip- https://amzn.to/3UmOIY0 All opinions are 100% my own Im not a professional Nurse or Doctor *DISCLAIMER * I am NOT a doctor, nurse, esthetician or medical professional. The content on my channel is for entertainment purposes ONLY. Anything you find one my channel should not replace medical advice. There is risk involved in pretty much everything I do and I am not suggesting you try this yourself. Everything I do on my channel is purely what has worked for me and I am in no way suggesting that it is the correct way to do things. THIS CONTENT IS FOR ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 18 www.GlowFace.Store code ****Lois15 save 15% off www.Meamoshop.com ***Code Lois save 15% off INCELLDERM*********RIMAN Korean Skincare https://riman.com/member-ship?referralCode=2012088Benefits Cupping Microdermabrasion 3- 1 Machine- cupping machine - https://amzn.to/3HRg6XW RF Microneedle Cold Hammer Machine-beauty machine – HuanShi-beauty Code Lois $$$$save 5% off Free Shipping 🇺🇸 USA WholeSale $688 with my discount ♥️ beauty machine – HuanShi-beauty *********GOOGOO Hair Extensions ****** Discount code: Lois15 for 15% off for 1 pc, Lois18 for 18% off for 2 pcs+ special link:https://tinyurl.com/mswcvj8v special product link:https://tinyurl.com/yc7s3nz9 ********RELIABLERXPharmacy ************* CarePost Eye Lash Growth Drops-https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=20ee3deb14037ed5cd440370c4ddfa49&product_id=1499 MONIXIDIL Hair Growing Pills 10mg -https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=20ee3deb14037ed5cd440370c4ddfa49&product_id=6887 https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/?mw_aref=20ee3deb14037ed5cd440370c4ddfa49 www.livingsilica.com *****Code Lois15 save 15% off Collagen Booster’ ‘ www.KARUNA.com ****Skincare code Lois20 save 20% off Amazon Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/loisbeautyluxe?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsfshop_aipsfloisbeautyluxe_P41FGZME2RX5SEKE8H8V Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lois_beauty_luxe/ Popl (Digital Business Card): https://poplme.co/hash/DmNQGewH/1/share ********Lois Beauty Luxe Free Website:********* www.loisbeautyluxe.com Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/LoisBeautyLuxe TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@loisbeautyluxe?_t=8ktVuhBrKuN&_r=1 DIY ANTI-AGING VIDEOS: DIRECT LINK : https://www.loisbeautyluxe.com/diy-anti-aging-procedure-videos Yu *Be - https://yu-be.com/?ref=ylbrttw9. code Lois15 save 15% off _ charcoal sponge - algae face wash Email : Lois@loisbeautyluxe.com Lois Beauty Luxe P.O Box 39111 Greensboro, NC 274381.22K views 10 comments -
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LoisBeautyLuxeAll opinions are 100% my own Im not a professional Nurse or Doctor *DISCLAIMER * I am NOT a doctor, nurse, esthetician or medical professional. The content on my channel is for entertainment purposes ONLY. Anything you find one my channel should not replace medical advice. There is risk involved in pretty much everything I do and I am not suggesting you try this yourself. Everything I do on my channel is purely what has worked for me and I am in no way suggesting that it is the correct way to do things. THIS CONTENT IS FOR ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 18 www.GlowFace.Store code ****Lois15 save 15% off www.Meamoshop.com ***Code Lois * save 15% off INCELLDERM*********RIMAN Korean Skincare https://riman.com/member-ship?referralCode=2012088Benefits Cupping Microdermabrasion 3- 1 Machine- cupping machine - https://amzn.to/3HRg6XW RF Microneedle Cold Hammer Machine-beauty machine – HuanShi-beauty Code Lois $$$$save 5% off Free Shipping 🇺🇸 USA WholeSale $688 with my discount ♥️ beauty machine – HuanShi-beauty *********GOOGOO Hair Extensions ****** Discount code: Lois15 for 15% off for 1 pc, Lois18 for 18% off for 2 pcs+ special link:https://tinyurl.com/mswcvj8v special product link:https://tinyurl.com/yc7s3nz9 ********RELIABLERXPharmacy ************* CarePost Eye Lash Growth Drops-https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=20ee3deb14037ed5cd440370c4ddfa49&product_id=1499 MONIXIDIL Hair Growing Pills 10mg -https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=20ee3deb14037ed5cd440370c4ddfa49&product_id=6887 https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/?mw_aref=20ee3deb14037ed5cd440370c4ddfa49 www.livingsilica.com *****Code Lois15 save 15% off Collagen Booster’ ‘ www.KARUNA.com ****Skincare code Lois20 save 20% off Amazon Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/loisbeautyluxe?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsfshop_aipsfloisbeautyluxe_P41FGZME2RX5SEKE8H8V Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lois_beauty_luxe/ Popl (Digital Business Card): https://poplme.co/hash/DmNQGewH/1/share ********Lois Beauty Luxe Free Website:********* www.loisbeautyluxe.com Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/LoisBeautyLuxe TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@loisbeautyluxe?_t=8ktVuhBrKuN&_r=1 DIY ANTI-AGING VIDEOS: DIRECT LINK : https://www.loisbeautyluxe.com/diy-anti-aging-procedure-videos Yu *Be - https://yu-be.com/?ref=ylbrttw9. code Lois15 save 15% off _ charcoal sponge - algae face wash Email : Lois@loisbeautyluxe.com Lois Beauty Luxe P.O Box 39111 Greensboro, NC 27438609 views 3 comments -
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WannabeBeautyGuruSubscribe I love FIZE PLA Products! There are currently 3 of them on the market so let's breakdown what one is right for you! Get Fize PLA Here: https://www.acecosm.com/categories/fillers/fize_pla Code Jessica10 saves you money (note code Jessica10 is an affiliate code) Get Fize PLA + HA Here: https://www.acecosm.com/categories/fillers/fize_pla_ha_saline Code Jessica10 saves you money (note code Jessica10 is an affiliate code) Get Fize Body Here: https://www.acecosm.com/categories/body-filler/fize_body_pla_ha_600mg_ Code Jessica10 saves you money (note code Jessica10 is an affiliate code) Vendor spotlight (Note: All vendors are listed below in PRIORITY LINKS) AceCosm is the LONGEST running DIY Company with great customer services, amazing products and prices! www.acecosm.com https://bit.ly/3ANGX1Q *Use code Jessica10 to save the most money* On this channel we talk about LIFE and I share MY OPINION. THIS IS JUST MY OPINION. You can and should speak to a professional and others in your life about any and all things that we discuss on this channel, this is just what I have to say based on my experience. SO do your own research please :) Join Locals - our Subscription Community (It's $5 a month): https://wannabebeautygurus.locals.com Also email me if you want to be on the daily email blast list, or with questions: jessicajlcameron@yahoo.com My Priority Links (Rumble, Approved and SAFE Vendors and more) : https://qrco.de/bdAMP3 If you would like to make a donation towards my content, please do so here (there are several ways to do so) but please note that it is not required in any way: https://www.wannabebeautyguru.com/donations We have MERCH! Get yours here: https://wannabe-beauty-guru.myspreadshop.com/ You can see all of my videos and resources for FREE over on my website: https://www.wannabebeautyguru.com (all I ask is when ordering please use my codes, I do get a small kick back and you save $$$ so it's a win win :) Join our facebook Group filled with wonderful, supportive skin care enthusiasts ! https://www.facebook.com/groups/553814011993661 Join our NEW TO DIY Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1626549951146756/ My Channels - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! ~Odysee: https://odysee.com/@WannabeBeautyGuru:5 ~ Bitchute : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/axSbKNoHdhbj/ ~ Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/WannabeBeautyGuru ~Discord: Here is the link to join the Discord group! https://discord.gg/bA7Cp9vA7j Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wannabebeautygurujc/?hl=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/Wannabebeautyjc Clapper: https://clapperapp.com/Wannabebeautyguru?is_invite=1&r=jJ5vjDgrop&c=in&m=em Things I love : ~ Amazon Store : https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-a0791280 ~ www.acecosm.com https://bit.ly/3ANGX1Q (Authentic and legal toxins, Fillers, Meso and more) *Use code Jessica10 to save the most money* ~ www.maypharm.net https://bit.ly/3B4rVoA (Authentic and legal toxins, Fillers, Meso and more) *Use code Jessica10 to save 13%* ~ www.glamcosm.com https://bit.ly/2XFdadc (Authentic and legal toxins, Fillers, Meso and more) *Use code Jessica10 to save the most money* ~ www.glamderma.com https://bit.ly/2XFdadc (Authentic and legal toxins, Fillers, Meso and more) *Use code Jessica10 to save the most money* ~ Korean Beauty Supplies https://koreanbeautysupplies.com (Authentic and legal toxins, Fillers, Meso and more) *Use code Jessica10 to save the most money* ~ https://www.platinumskincare.com (buy Peels, after care and more) *Use code Jessica10 to save 10%* ~ Make Up Artists Choice Peels https://www.makeupartistschoice.com Code JessCam saves you Money ~ Plasma Perfecting for your Skin Care devices (including radio frequency microneedling, led lights and more!) www.plasmaperfecting.com Code Jessica50 saves you $50 off Any LED Light $250+ Code Jessica100 Saves you $100 off any Pen or Light device over $1,000 Code Jessica500 Saves you $500 off any device over $2,000 (so the device in this video) ~Tria Laser Devices https://crrnt.app/TRIA/Jessica10 *** Use Code Jessica10 to save you 10% ~ Bestqool Red Light Devices https://www.bestqool.com?sca_ref=3985752.UESQp6HSEU *** Use Code Jessica10 to save you 10% ~ Skin Actives Topical Skin Care https://glnk.io/nr784/jessica *** Use Code Jessica15 to save you 15% ~ Jovs Blacken DPL Photo Rejuvination Device: https://jovs.com/products/jovs-blacken-dpl-photorejuvenation-skincare-device * Use Code: KJC50B to save you $50 off (this specific device) ~ Arnica Salve (to prevent bruising): https://amzn.to/3fHwBcB ~ Ice Roller (select your fave color!): https://amzn.to/39EZr9E ~ Bond Angel Plex Effect, Bond Multiplier Treatment Kit for Bleaching and Coloring protection for All Hair Types - 100ml Step1,2 - https://amzn.to/2ZT6N3w ~ Silicone reusable face mask : https://amzn.to/3wlfsuR ~ Dr.Best MSM (for hair and nail growth): https://amzn.to/3jBCzf5 Remember #SharingIsCaring on social media! XOJ Like me and/or my work? Follow me on social media! FB: www.facebook.com/ActressJessicaCameron/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JessicaCameron_ Insta: www.instagram.com/actressjessicacameron1.43K views 4 comments