Videos About the Covid Bioweapon Injections
9 videos
Updated 1 month ago
A Collection of videos proving the Covid 19 Injections are Bioweapons of Mass Destruction and were designed to kill and harm. All part of an evil Depopulation Agenda. United We Stand has never meant so much.
Dr. Makis EXPOSES Big Pharma’s SICK Vaccine Scam—RFK Jr. Must Act NOW!
Man in AmericaJoin me for an important discussion with Dr. William Makis. Dr. Makis Substack: https://makismd.substack.com/ To learn more about investing in gold & silver visit - http://goldwithseth.com, or call 626-654-1906 For high quality storable foods and seeds, visit http://heavensharvest.com and use promo code SETH to save 15% on your order.166K views 149 comments -
Dr. David Nixon & Karl C. - SYNTHETIC BLOOD: Human Cyborgization Confirmed
Videos that MatterDr. David Nixon and researcher Karl C. join Maria Zeee to discuss their latest nanotechnology findings, confirming evidence of synthetic blood and the cyborgization of humans. Get your blood clean. EDTA IV chelation therapy is the best. I your moderator went to the Baja Body Mind Clinic in Rosarito Beach Mexico just 26 miles over the border from San Diego. Only $123 U.S. not many more times the cost in the States . Here is the website for you to read their excellent descriptions of the IV therapies they offer so you can know about the many benefits and can hopefully find a clinic near you. It is reccomended to do a series of them. After just one session of cleaning my blood and putting Vit C and magnesium in it I had a lot more energy and felt better. I will be going back. https://www.bajabodymind.com/iv-chelation-therapy Dr. Ana Mihalcea who is also working with Dr. Nixon is an associate of a comrad of mine Attorney David Meswinkle who used to be the v.p of the Lawyers Committee for 911 Inquiry and she sent this advise to clean the blood with over the counter : EDTA Capsules, Methalyne Blue ( made from Indigo ) and high doses of VIT C , 10,000 mg or as tolerated. I have been doing this as well. Take the EDTA capsules on an empty stomach. The problem is, it's so darn scary and outrageous that no one wil believe it and that is what the pschopathic criminals are counting on. So tell people anyway , tell them they've been controlling rats like this for years, now we are the lab rats. And be sure to watch the Interest In Justice legal Team video and donate what you can to their amazing efforts from Costa Rica to stop the injections and to hold the DOD and FDA and the rest responsible in a Nuremberg Tribunal. Please look at this website and share widely. That legal team is working hard probono and need funds to keep litigating.... Imagine a televized world tribunal .... https://stopcovidvaccinesnow.org And let us all CALL our Senator and Congress and tell them about this cyborg blood. And tell them about the DEW attacks. Let the Truth RIP. Be called a Conspiracy theorist, who cares. Just scream the truth from the rooftops now as We the People are under the most serious attack ever known to mankind, the evil is so powerful, God needs to help now, so pray a lot and connect with the good power that is there for us all to Unite in. We must fight for humanity now. Those of us that are awake please Unite and organize as if your life depends on it. It certainly does. Our U.S. government is no longer ' ours ' we have been taken over and its a puppet government for the cabal and a powerful faction of the cabal is the Isreali Govt.using our hard earned taxed to murder families in Palestine. That government and all others are corrupted. And our pharmacy managers where we shop who are running a Death Shot Site need to be told to STOP the injections. They too are responsible for crimes against humanity. No , they are not just ' doing their jobs'. They are committing a crime with each injection and they need to know this fact. Tell them!!!429 views -
Brought To You By Pfizer- Death Upon Death Aired on Live TV - and Only Just Beginning
Videos that MatterAnd the deaths are only just beginning. Clots forming. Turbo Cancers, Strokes, Uncontrollable shaking, hearts that are disintegrating as autopcies prove. What many people missed is the many sudden deaths caused by the bioweapon injections mandated by most every government. When they happen live on-aire , they are not played again. What is sadly ironic is that all those people you see dying suddenly, were actively advocating for the the vaccine that caused them to collaspe and possibly die. Billions of people were injected with the deadly experiment. The United States was targeted. Fighting age men targeted, now dead, and disabled to be replaced by the invaders here stationed , paid and standing by for orders.644 views 5 comments -
Florida Surgeon General Ladipo demands Covid Vax Halted- changes DNA Tucker Carlson Inverview
Videos that MatterTucker Carlson interview with Dr. Ladipo the Florida Surgeon General. He explains how the Covid injections DO change DNA in a bad way and can be a horrible propblem for generations. "Its not a complicated issue" he states. Our genetic blueprint, our gift from God. The MnRa vaccine This DNA is not like other DNA, this DNA hangs on with MnRa and comes into the cell hitchhiking being delived into the cell with the lipid nano particles. Hundreds of billions of fragments of contaminated DNA being delivered into human DNA. There are specific tests to see if this is happening and those tests were not done. He is calling for the shots to be halted. So why isn't the Governor of Florida taking that to heart and outlawing them in Florida? The Governor who is under the control of the evil government ( not the people) of Israel. Is that why he is not ? In case you may want to donate for my research time to post here is my Bitcoin address, and thank you much! bc1q059rem7c2zsja7ucc5twsu44gel7x2kelhplad470 views 1 comment -
Covid Injections Personality Changes- Bhakdi,Wolf, Breggin, Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Videos that MatterCovid 19 Injections Personality Changes- Lobotomy Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi , Dr. Naomi Wolf, Dr. Peter Breggin, interviewed by Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. The Covid injections have been proven to cross the blood-brain barrier, and are causing personality disorders. Causing brain fog, causing people to be aggressive and to loose empathy. Causing family members to cut each other off, causing terrible inconceivable consequences, babies are dying, fertility is being seriously damaged. The Covid 19 injections are lobotomizing the human brain to cause people to be zombie like and obedient to the evil powers. This is not a theory this is an EVIL Truth. Please have the courage to DEMAND the injections STOP NOW. They must. Please everyone have courage or natural mankind is doomed. Millions are dead already, babies are being born dead across the globe. We the People of the World must stop this now. Please wake up everyone and have courage. Fight, be warriors to save us, to save the babies, to save the children. Please.1.03K views 3 comments -
Exclusive W/ Steve Kirsch! COVID Legal Tsunami! 20,000 Lawsuits Brewing As Jab Injured Mobilize
BaggyPantsQUIT SMOKING OR VAPING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Excellent eBook: QUIT SMOKING OR DIE! https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/quit-smoking-or-die-richard-renstone/1136998725?ean=2940164378936 MY PARATHYROID -Learn about Hyperparathyroidism https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/my-parathyroid-richard-renstone/1142399066 Tech entrepreneur, philanthropist, general rabble rouser and MISINFORMATION SuperSpreader (according to Google) Steve Kirsch joins Shannon today! His organization VSRF has been hosting ‘COVID Litigation Conferences’ in Atlanta, Las Vegas and more seeking to build an army of attorneys and litigants to crush the courts with lawsuits. Four years post lockdown America still rages against the injustice of forced lockdown and jabs. The injuries and deaths continue to mount despite near BLACKOUT on conservative and mainstream news platforms who continue to tell themselves that everyone is ‘over’ COVID. The conference aims to map strategies COVID protocol and vaccine injured who seek litigation against COVID mitigations—targeting hospitals, school systems, medical licensing boards, and pharmaceutical companies that make vaccines. Follow and Support Steve! Twitter: @stkirsch Stevekirsch.substack.com368 views 2 comments -
Dr. David Martin Patent Expert on Patents Modified Corina Virus
cheriaspenOnce again Dr. David Martin updates us about the Patents and patent applications creating the genitically modified corona virus and the years of research via Anthony Fauci. And the patents on the bioweapon injections. Viruses weaponized, injections weaponized. Remember all the evidence proved that the U.S. attacked our own people with Anthrax in 2001. Now the DOD has done it to the world!!! A hundred billion dollars profit to mass murder the world. Dr David Martin - Motives, Interests and the Importance of Public Accountability Dr David Martin is truly an extraordinary man who has achieved so much in so many different sectors and disciplines. He joins Hearts of Oak to unpack a number of aspects of what has been behind the last four years of destabilisation. Connect with Dr Martin.. X https://x.com/DrDMartinWorld?s=20 WEBSITE https://www.davidmartin.world https://www.m-cam.com Connect with Hearts of Oak.. WEBSITE https://heartsofoak.org PODCASTS https://heartsofoak.podbean.com SOCIAL MEDIA https://heartsofoak.org/connect SHOP https://heartsofoak.org/shop212 views 1 comment -
Florida Surgeon General Ladipo: "Covid 19 Jabs Are Vaccines From HELL", Change DNA, Dangerous
Videos that MatterDr. Ladipo is the Florida Surgeon General and reports that the Covid 19 injections are extremely dangerous and he suspects from his research that it does change human DNA, which is a crime against humanity. If it changed the DNA of millions or billions of people, from Homo Sapien what are these people now ? Humans still or something else? Outrageous! He reports that some doctors like Dr Peter McCullough are trying desperately to save injected people from dying. They are seriously harmed and many do not even know it. This is a crime against humanity. He reccomends a Spiritual Approach as they were made with bad intentions. Lipid Nano Particles transpost RNA and almost certainly DNA into the cells. He thinks that is what we are going to see as the research is now showing. These vaccines are the Vaccines-From-Hell. In trials more people died who took the Covid Vaccine than the placebo control group. The boosters cause people to be more likely to GET covid. They have contributed to the mass excess deaths and so did the lockdowns- killed many people. "The whole over all effect of the vaccine is Horrendous " Dr. Lapipo states. He states that Governor Ron DeSantis is brave, but if he is so brave then why has he not honored his own Surgeon Generals advise and PULL the Covid Injections , halt them in Florida? Is it the same reason he supports Israel? Interesting to think about huh?362 views 2 comments -
Japanese Professor Reporting extreme violation of human rights for Covid Crimes- Deadly Shots
Videos that MatterMasayasu Inoue, MD, PhD, and Professor Emeritus at Osaka City University Medical School, recently released an eight-minute video with a groundbreaking message for the world. He said, “The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world.” The Pandemic Treaty of the W.H.O is dangerous and will take away all freedoms. The W.H.O must be stopped. Visit ExittheWHO.com to make sure you write in Public Comment and email it by April 16th . Write the letter everyone. Mail to: oga.rsvp@hhs.gov Inoue also declared that the fraudulent use of “experimental gene therapy to healthy people” was not only an “extreme violation of human rights,” but “the result was the induction of the terrible drug-induced injury that has never [been] seen in human history.”236 views 1 comment