Japan Launches COVID mRNA Vaccine Taskforce To Investigate 'Crimes Against Humanity'
The People's VoiceBreak free from the elite’s control over our water supply by visiting https://dryelement.com or phone 833-379-3536 - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet Japan has officially launched a Covid mRNA taskforce to investigate alleged “crimes against humanity” perpetrated during the Covid pandemic specifically related to the roll out of experimental mRNA vaccines. According to Japanese prosecutors, the vaccines are causing the greatest human mass die-off in thousands of years and the culprits must be identified and held responsible for the pain and suffering they have caused. The investigators also have a dire warning for those of us in the West – do not listen to mainstream media and Big Pharma as they are not engaged in science, but rather a eugenics experiment, and they have proven themselves to be enemies of the people.104K views 103 comments -
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