9/11 Roundtable (Twitter Spaces)
8 videos
Updated 11 months ago
This playlist will consist of audio recordings labeled, 9/11 Roundtable, which are hosted on Twitter Spaces. These discussions happen live, and will entail the geopolitical aspects of September 11th 2001. After the initial discussion there is a questions and answers period.
A Conversation About The September 11th 2001 Terrorist Attacks (9/11 Roundtable)
AdamFitzgerald911I hosted a Twitter Spaces live broadcast, where people are invited to listen and participate in a live audio recording. In this discussion which i labeled, "9/11 Roundtable, i speak generally about the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, the intelligence services and Bin Laden's operatives. Afterwards we had a three hour, questions and answers period from the audience who attended. (3-19-2022)8 views -
Pre-9/11 Israeli Intelligence Operations: Art Student & Moving Front Companies (9/11 Roundtable)
AdamFitzgerald911Every Saturday i host a Twitter Spaces live broadcast, where people are invited to listen and participate in a live audio recording. In this discussion which i labeled, "9/11 Roundtable, i spoke about the Israeli front operations involving the art student ring and the moving companies, specifically, Urban Moving Systems. We had a questions and answers period afterwards. (3-26-2022)52 views -
The Creation Of Al Qaeda (9/11 Roundtable)
AdamFitzgerald911Every Saturday i host a Twitter Spaces live broadcast, where people are invited to listen and participate in a live audio recording. In this discussion which i labeled, "9/11 Roundtable, i spoke about the initial formation of Al Qaeda, which translates to "Base". The committees which arose from it, and their apolitical agendas including the reason for its creation. (3-29-2022)8 views -
The 1995 Bojinka Plot (9/11 Roundtable)
AdamFitzgerald911Every Saturday i host a Twitter Spaces live broadcast, where people are invited to listen and participate in a live audio recording. In this discussion which i labeled, "9/11 Roundtable, i spoke about the transatlantic plane bombing plot code named "Bojinka". It had 3 phases to the operation and also a secret second part of the operation that involved the hijacking of ten planes while intentionally crashing them into various US buildings. (4-21-2022)33 views -
How The CIA & NSA Withheld Information From The FBI (9/11 Roundtable)
AdamFitzgerald911Every Saturday i host a Twitter Spaces live broadcast, where people are invited to listen and participate in a live audio recording. In this discussion which i labeled, "9/11 Roundtable, i spoke about how the CIA and NSA intentionally withheld information regarding a 2000 Al Qaeda Meeting, warnings from insiders about an impending attack, from the FBI and State Department, which led to the successful attacks on September 11th 2001, (5-31-2022)14 views -
My Trials & Tribulations Into The Study Of September 11 2001 (9/11 Roundtable)
AdamFitzgerald911Every Saturday i host a Twitter Spaces live broadcast, where people are invited to listen and participate in a live audio recording. In this discussion which i labeled, "9/11 Roundtable, i spoke about my road to understanding the terrorist events of September 11th 2001, and how those who have a vested interest should conduct their own investigation with an honest mindset. (7-22-2022)5 views -
Ron DeSantis: The Guantanamo Bay Torturer Turned Governor
AdamFitzgerald911On Saturday i hosted a Twitter Spaces live broadcast, where people are invited to listen and participate in a live audio recording. In this discussion which i labeled, "9/11 Roundtable, i spoke about the latest articles by Dan Christensen from the Florida Bulldog and Mike Prysner (Empire Files) on their breakthrough reporting of Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, and his service at the Guantanamo Bay Prison, Cuba in 2006. DeSantis is to have said to participate in various acts of abuse and torture according to a former prisoner, Mansoor Adayfi. (1-28-2023)16 views -
The Donald Canestraro Document (Twitter Roundtable)
AdamFitzgerald911I hosted a Twitter Spaces live broadcast, where people are invited to listen and participate in a live audio recording. In this discussion which i labeled, "9/11 Roundtable, i talked about the latest revelations from Donald Canestraro from the Office of Military Commissions in regards to his 2016 investigation of CIA-Saudi intelligence and their surveillance inside the United States of two known Al Qaeda operatives, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. (6-15-2023)2 views