9/11 Breakdown Video
40 videos
Updated 11 months ago
This playlist will consist of myself giving some thoughts and additional information regarding the two congressional inquiries into the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks.
Carl Levin Interviews Tom Wilshire (CIA) & Steve Bongardt (FBI) (A Breakdown)
AdamFitzgerald911A video i made on May 26th 2021. An edit from the Joint House Inquiry into the September 11th 2001 Terrorist Attacks. Panelist, Carl Levin, interviews Tom Wilshire (CIA Deputy Chief Alec Station) and Steve Bongardt (FBI CTC). Levin inquiries about a June 11th 2001 meeting between a CIA analyst and two FBI field agents in New York City showing the FBI agents photos of men. What the FBI were not told was who the men in the photographs were. The photographs were taken from a Malaysian Al Qaeda Summit Meeting in January 2000. The CIA analyst were simply "fishing" the FBI field office as to whether they knew who the men in the photograph were. During the course of the interview i give some insights of my own and lend some background on specific points raised in the video.32 views 1 comment -
Bud Cramer Interviews Two Anonymous FBI Agents (A Breakdown)
AdamFitzgerald911A video i made on May 27, 2021. Bud Cramer, Joint House Inquiry panelist, interviews two FBI agents, hidden behind a partition to protect their identity, from the Phoenix field office. One of them being Ken Williams. Williams is the agent who drafted the July 2001 FBI electronic cable, known as, The Phoenix Memo. Cramer inquiries about the FBI's use of telecommunications between units and their capabilities. While also questioning Williams on whether the memo itself was made known to FBI superiors in Washington DC. I offer some insights and thoughts during the course of the inquiry.9 views -
Dianne Feinstein Interviews Paul Wolfowitz & Richard Armitage (A Breakdown)
AdamFitzgerald911A video i made on May 28, 2021. Dianne Feinstein of the Joint House Inquiry into the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, interviews Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State, and Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense. Feinstien inquiries about whether the State department knew about Al Qaeda's wish for hijacking of aircraft and whether they had the capabilities of manufacturing chemical and biological weapons to use against the United States. I offer some my my own personal insight along the video.15 views -
"Dr.K" Opening Statement (A Breakdown)
AdamFitzgerald911I made this video on May 29, 2021. From the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission), Dr. K gives an opening statement. The name of Dr.K is hidden from public view and is the Chief of Strategic Terrorism Assessments Alternative and Analysis Group located at the CIA's counter-terrorism center. His opening statement briefly describes the history of Osama Bin Laden's jihadist group, Al Qaeda. I lend my own thoughts during his introduction. The Harmony Documents: https://ctc.usma.edu/harmony-program/11 views -
Richard Burr Interviews George Tenet, Robert Mueller & Michael Hayden (A Breakdown)
AdamFitzgerald911A video i made on Sep 14, 2021. An edit from the Joint House Inquiry into the September 11th 2001 Terrorist Attacks. Panelist, Senator Richard Burr, interviews George Tenet (Director CIA), Robert Mueller (Director FBI) and Michael Hayden (Director NSA). The questions Burr raises were generally about the sharing protocols of the intelligence community. All three agencies were guilty of neglecting to share pertinent data with each other, this led to security lapses which led to the September 11th terrorist' attacks. Other inquiries made concentrated on lack of funding and bureaucratic lapses in judgement regarding security protocols.24 views -
Carl Levin Interviews Cofer Black (CIA( & Dale Watson (FBI) (A Breakdown)
AdamFitzgerald911A video i made on Nov 14, 2021. An edit from the Joint House Inquiry into the September 11th 2001 Terrorist Attacks. Panelist, Carl Levin, interviews Cofer Black (CIA-CTC Chief), and Dale Watson (Assistant FBI Director for Counter-terrorism). Levin inquires to both men about the apparent lack of information sharing at the CIA counter-terrorism center (Alec Station) to FBI agent tasked there. There seems to be a vague response coming from Black but is quickly rebuffed by Levin suggesting the information about two Al Qaeda operatives who posseted US Visas (Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi) who entered the United States to which the CIA knew but didn't tell the FBI. Watson states that he can't defend or defend whether the CIA didn't share the information but Levin quickly corrects him about the CIA deliberately withholding it from the FBI.15 views -
Eleanor Hill Opening Statement (10-1-2002) (A Breakdown)
AdamFitzgerald911A video i made on November 14, 2021. Eleanor Hill Staff Director of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, gives an opening statement before the committee. Hill describes how "non-intelligence" agencies did not have intelligence reports or records concerning the suspects involved with the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, or about previous reports warning them of arab terrorists training at US flight schools and previous FBI reports like the "Phoenix Memo" which warned of terrorists training at Arizona flight schools. According to officials in the FAA, the intelligence community were not shared pertinent data about security risks to airliners which should have been made available when the reports were known at the time. She also states that agencies like the FBI did not have the analytical capabilities, such as databases, which generate and store reports regarding the raw data collected by the counter-terrorism units. The problem of data sharing between agencies is also noted by Hill. This statement was given on October 10th 2002. I give some insights while the video is played.9 views -
Fred Thompson Interviews George Tenet (CIA) & Robert Mueller (FBI) (A Breakdown)
AdamFitzgerald911A video i made on November 25, 2021. An edit from the Joint House Inquiry into the September 11th 2001 Terrorist Attacks. Panelist, Fred Thompson, interviews CIA Director George Tenet about what does the country expect out of the intelligence community. Thompson also summarizes about the collection of intelligence regarding the USS Cole Bombing and the interest by terrorists and the use of planes, but what is missing is specifics. To which Tenet responds that the specifics such as, date and times, of attack are usually unknown when it comes to countries outside the United States. Thompson also remarks about the need for improvements in the intelligence services such as information sharing, which he believes is not a problem with individuals but a systematic problem.20 views -
Tom Wilshire (CIA) & Steve Bongardt (FBI) Opening Statement (A Breakdown)
AdamFitzgerald911A video i made on November 30, 2021. Tom Wilshire was a former Deputy Chief of the Bin Laden Issue Station (Alec Station) who gave an opening statement before the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 on September 20th 2002. Wilshire is hidden behind a partition to protect his identity. Following Wilshire was Michael Rolnice FBI Washington field division, who was not hidden. After his statement was finished, another individual hidden behind the same partition was also allowed to give an oral statement before the committee. He is Steve Bongardt, former special agent from the Joint Terrorism Task Force New York Office. In this video, i offer some insights and provide additional commentary during the course of the video.22 views -
Richard Ben-Veniste Interviews Ted Davis (CIA) & Dr.K (CIA) (A Breakdown)
AdamFitzgerald911A video i made om December 3, 2021. 9/11 Commission panelist, Richard Ben-Veniste, interviews "Dr.K (A pseudonym) from the CIA Chief of the Strategic Terrorism Analysis and Ted Davis, CIA Chief of Al Qaeda Plans and Organization Group. Ben-Veniste inquires about the recruitment capabilities of Al Qaeda and how the intelligence community is preparing to respond. The issue of the Taliban-Osama Bin Laden disagreements in the summer of 2001 also came up. I add some additional commentary and insights during the course of the video.23 views