Unrestricted Invasion on LFATV
1 video
Updated 8 months ago
We've moved to LFA (But I am starting a new show on DailyClout.io, Investigate Everything where I will go deeper into the details of what JJ and I present on Unrestricted Invasion) In the meantime tune in to LFATV's Rumble to catch UNRESTRICTED INVASION, Live M-F at 7PM ET and follow JJ and I on X for announcements and more information on what we cover or are looking into. @Unrestricted911
The Evil Plans of the Left are Hiding in Plain Sight at Congress-dot-gov| UNRESTRICTED INVASION 7.11.24 @7PM EST
LFA TVThe plans the Left, RINOs, & Marxists have in store for America are hiding in plain sight right on the official website of Congress. Brian shows how to connect these dots and JJ explains the context and terminology. The Unrestricted Invasion can be stopped and learning how to spot, collect and analyze the plans of our enemies is the first step in any battle. Remember: intelligence drives operations…Brian & JJ show you how. LFA SPONSORS | PARTNERS FIELD OF GREENS PROMO CODE LFA FOR 15% OFF AND FREE SHIPPING! www.fieldofgreens.com Tacright Night Vision Goggles! GET YOURS FOR 50% OFF TODAY www.tacrightlfa.com DONE WITH DEBT (GET RID OF DEBT TODAY!) www.donewithdebt.com ARMRA COLOSTRUM FOR PEAK BODY PERFORMANCE! GET 15% OFF TODAY GO TO >>>www.tryarmra.com/LFATV COLONIAL METALS GROUP! LESS OF BUY IN! www.colonialmetalsgroup.com/lfa OFP FARMS www.ofpfarms.com PROMO CODE LFA15 MY PILLOW https://mypillow.com/lfa PROMO CODE LFA MY STORE https://mystore.com/lfa PROMO CODE LFA TRUMPET DAILY https://www.thetrumpet.com/stephen-flurry/9.87K views 6 comments