🔴Kamala Harris' Epic Fail: The Mistake That Could End Her Career!
Stephen GardnerSAVE $30 on kits + Free Shipping with code AMAZING. Https://twc.health/amazing Stephen Gardner and Dr. Drew Pinsky https://rumble.com/c/DrDrew discuss Kamala Harriss's major role in pushing c*vid lies as well as destroying the border. Follow Dr. Drew on Rumble and X https://x.com/drdrew ### SEO Keywords 1. Evan Gershkovich 2. Paul Whelan 3. Russian prison 4. Wall Street Journal reporter 5. US Marine 6. prisoner swap deal 7. President Joe Biden 8. political prisoners 9. presidential clemency 10. Vladimir Putin interview 11. Biden administration 12. 9/11 plea deal 13. JD Vance 14. Kamala Harris 15. Trump vs Harris 16. DNC ballot 17. Kamala Harris prosecutor 18. marijuana legalization 19. Black community 20. Don Lemon lawsuit 21. Elon Musk social platform 22. X platform 23. Iran Israel conflict 24. US Defense Secretary 25. Lloyd Austin 26. Hezbollah leader 27. international news 28. Israel defense 29. Iran attack 30. Trump negotiation 31. Biden DOJ 32. weaponized DOJ 33. terrorist negotiation 34. Trump presidency 35. Republican populist movements 36. conservative policies 37. political opponents 38. Department of Justice 39. felony convictions 40. media overreaction ### Hashtag List #EvanGershkovich, #PaulWhelan, #RussianPrison, #WallStreetJournalReporter, #USMarine, #PrisonerSwapDeal, #PresidentJoeBiden, #PoliticalPrisoners, #PresidentialClemency, #VladimirPutinInterview, #BidenAdministration, #911PleaDeal, #JDVance, #KamalaHarris, #TrumpVsHarris, #DNCBallot, #KamalaHarrisProsecutor, #MarijuanaLegalization, #BlackCommunity, #DonLemonLawsuit, #ElonMuskSocialPlatform, #XPlatform, #IranIsraelConflict, #USDefenseSecretary, #LloydAustin, #HezbollahLeader, #InternationalNews, #IsraelDefense, #IranAttack, #TrumpNegotiation, #BidenDOJ, #WeaponizedDOJ, #TerroristNegotiation, #TrumpPresidency, #RepublicanPopulistMovements, #ConservativePolicies, #PoliticalOpponents, #DepartmentOfJustice, #FelonyConvictions, #MediaOverreaction162K views 311 comments -
WHO "Murdered" People In Ebola Clinical Trails!! Dr Dave Martin EXPOSES WHO Like Never Before - SF #368
Russell BrandJoining me today is Dr. David Martin, a scientist and inventor who has been an outspoken voice on COVID-19 and vaccines, holding Big Pharma and the WHO to account. If you want an interview that exposes the elites, their plans for the future, and how the world truly works, then watch this in full! We touch on many topics, but to name a few, we spoke about how the elites want genetically modified humans, house arrest for the non-compliant, and how the pandemic was just a test for what’s next to come. All of this and more! Join the awakening wonders community here:https://bit.ly/RussellBrand-Support Visit the new merch store:https://bit.ly/Stay-Free-Store Listen as a podcast:https://podfollow.com/1648125917 Follow on social media: X: @rustyrockets INSTAGRAM: @russellbrand FACEBOOK: @russellbrand869K views 1.53K comments -
LANDMARK Lawsuit Against Government For Human Rights Violations During Pandemic - Stay Free #346
Russell BrandCall 1(800) 245-6000 or visit https://taxnetworkusa.com/brand to get tax help. Don't let tax issues overpower you. Turn to Tax Network USA, and find your path to financial peace of mind. Joining me now is Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a consultant cardiologist and public health campaigner. Dr. Aseem recently testified as an expert witness in the Helsinki District Court on April 12, 2024. The case is against the Finnish government for human rights violations due to the introduction of a vaccine passport in December 2022, when it was known that the vaccine didn’t stop transmission. Join the awakening wonders community here:https://bit.ly/RussellBrand-Support Visit the new merch store:https://bit.ly/Stay-Free-Store Listen as a podcast:https://podfollow.com/1648125917 Follow on social media: X: @rustyrockets INSTAGRAM: @russellbrand FACEBOOK: @russellbrand433K views 745 comments -
Pfizer CAUGHT In BOMBSHELL Vaccine Ruling - This Could Change Everything
Russell BrandWhy choose American Hartford Gold? Visit this link to see how you can get up to $10,000 of free silver with qualifying purchases: https://offers.americanhartfordgold.com/brand/ Pfizer is accused of ‘bringing discredit’ on the pharmaceutical industry for promoting its Covid vaccine before it was approved. Watch MY Interview with Tucker Carlson exclusively on Locals here: https://bit.ly/TuckerCarlsonLocals Support Me Directly HERE: https://rb.rumble.com WATCH me LIVE weekdays on Rumble: https://bit.ly/russellbrand-rumble140K views 386 comments