Samurai Cop
3 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Samurai Cop (1991) review & reactions
Samurai Cop 1991 Scene Reaction, "I Want His Head On My Piano"
THE WHY US? CHANNELSamurai Cop 1991 is one of those so bad it's good all time classics. a shoddy "B" Movie Starring Matt Hannon as Joe Marshall, the "Samurai" because he speaks fluent Japanese. He is such loose cannon cop that the "Katana" Gang wants him dead. Their Boss Wants his head, and wants it on his piano. Comedy Gold Ensues57 views -
Samurai Cop 1991 Is One of The Movies Of All Time
THE WHY US? CHANNELThis 1991 action film has gained a cult following for all the wrong reasons, with its terrible acting, nonsensical plot, and laughable fight scenes. So grab your popcorn and let's dive into the ridiculous world of Samurai Cop. Samurai Cop follows the story of Joe Marshall, a loose cannon cop with long flowing locks and a penchant for taking down bad guys with his trusty katana. When a dangerous gang known as the Katana gang begins terrorizing Los Angeles, it's up to Joe and his partner Frank to take them down. Lead actor Matt Hannon, who plays Joe Marshall, delivers his lines with all the enthusiasm of a sleeping sloth, making it almost painful to watch. And don't even get me started on the supporting cast, who seem to have been plucked straight from a community theater production. Their over-the-top reactions and hammy delivery only add to the hilarity of this cinematic trainwreck. Much of the film was shot without sound and done with single takes. Shervan had to dub voices months after production but could not get many of the bit part actors to return. Choosing to use his own voice, he warped it in post-production to sound different. His lack of ability to do this correctly resulted in ADR with a heavily robotic sound. Both lead actors, Hannon and Frazer, also supplied much of the voice over in the looping process. Hannon has stated in an interview with Red Letter Media that, "Amir did about 80% of the ADR voices."[4] During these ADR sessions, Amir would film much of the necessary pick up shots, all from within the office. This is why many of the inserts of Frazer and Hannon in the film seem to be shot from the same corner of an office, which doesn't match with the rest of the location for any given scene. In Short, this movie has become an unintentional masterpiece and a must watch experience.83 views 1 comment -
Samurai Cop 1991 Infamous "It Means Japanese Sword" Scene Reaction
THE WHY US? CHANNELThe Infamous "It Means Japanese Sword" scene from the 1991 masterpiece, Samurai Cop. This line will go down in history as one of the greatest pieces of cinema to have ever graced the silver screen. Sit back and enjoy with us as we react to this classic. Such dead pan and wooden delivery, can't believe they only managed one sequel.52 views