Feminism vs God's Word
15 videos
Updated 9 months ago
Feminism in Light of the Bible
Feminism In Light of the Biblehttps://allthepreaching.com/ -- Recommended Books: The Power of a Transformed Wife https://a.co/d/brm52Sf - Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guide https://a.co/d/gAc32BX - Daily Wisdom For Biblical Womanhood https://a.co/d/ioXA8gJ -- The Transformed Wife Online https://thetransformedwife.com/22 views -
Feminism: A False Philosophy
Feminism In Light of the BibleRecommended Books: The Power of a Transformed Wife https://a.co/d/brm52Sf - Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guide https://a.co/d/gAc32BX - Daily Wisdom For Biblical Womanhood https://a.co/d/ioXA8gJ -- The Transformed Wife Online https://thetransformedwife.com/14 views -
Feminism: Not One Biblical Accomplishment
Feminism In Light of the BiblePastor Jared Pozarnsky https://holdfastbaptist.com/ https://allthepreaching.com/ -- By: Lori Alexander https://thetransformedwife.com/feminism-not-one-biblical-accomplishment/ - Feminism hasn’t accomplished one thing that is biblical, not one. The right for women to vote isn’t biblical. God created men to be the leaders and as soon as women began to vote, they began to promote the idea that women knew better than men and that they could lead better than men. Feminism began the worship of women and hatred of men. Feminism promoted birth control and abortion. God calls children gifts and blessings. He wants us to be fruitful and multiply. Now, most Christians even have no problem using birth control and only having a few children. Since feminism, children have become a hindrance and inconvenience. Many women value their careers and “me time” over having precious children and being home full time to raise them in the Lord. Feminism has promoted women speaking in the church. God commands that women be silent in the church and even states that it’s a shame for women to speak in the church (1 Corinthians 14:35). Now, we have all these women “preachers” who travel around and have no problem being shameful and speaking in the churches. There are now women song leaders who have no problem praying and having mini sermons between songs. Why do women have to give announcements when men could do it just as easily? Feminism. No, women are no longer silent in the churches. Feminism has promoted divorce and attacked marriage and the traditional family. If a woman isn’t “happy” she can divorce her husband and try to find a man that will make her happy. Unfortunately, she takes herself with her. Happiness is a choice. It doesn’t come from someone else or our circumstances. Feminism has promoted broken families and broken children. Women insisted on leaving their homes and their children in the care of others so they could “pursue their passions” and have left insecure and emotionally unstable children in their path. Feminism promoted immodesty and affairs. It turned women into sex objects as they burned their bras, fled their homes, and worked among men all day long in submission to men who were not their husbands. Feminism has promoted ill-health and a fast food nation. Women are too busy pursuing what they want and have no desire to work hard in their kitchens making nutritious food for their families. Everything is for convenience sake now and not for what’s best. More children are overweight than ever before. They are getting diseases that used to be found only in adults. Feminism has promoted women in high places. Women are now governors, mayors, senators, and CEOs and many of them are leaving their children in the care of strangers. God made men in all of the high places. He made them the kings, priests, prophets, patriarchs, disciples, elders, and deacons. God created men to be the leaders of nations, churches, and families, not women! I am reading a book about menopause and hormone replacement and the author, Dr. John Lee, shares why he believed that hormone replacement became popular in the late 1950s. “The burgeoning awareness in American industry that the media could be easily manipulated to push their products took place in a cultural milieu that placed an emphasis on the nuclear family, with the father out earning a living and the mother at home with a baby on her hip and a batch of cookies in the oven…Women were thought to be at their best pleasing their husbands sexually and raising healthy, happy children.” Yes, this is how life was for most women back then. If instead of being taught discontentment by feminism in this important role, do you not think most women would have stayed content at home if they were taught it was the best and healthiest place for them to be for their families and were not given feminist options that promised women “freedom” from the shackles of marriage, children, and the home? True freedom is only found in Christ and His ways. Can you honestly say that women are more happy today divorced, single, raising children on their own, working for hours every day outside of their home, having abortions that cause mental anguish, taking birth control that messes up their bodies, eating fast food on the run, listening to lukewarm female preachers, and having more health problems and more depressed than ever before? Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. Jeremiah 6:16 -- Recommended Books: The Power of a Transformed Wife https://a.co/d/brm52Sf - Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guide https://a.co/d/gAc32BX - Daily Wisdom For Biblical Womanhood https://a.co/d/ioXA8gJ -- The Transformed Wife Online https://thetransformedwife.com/299 views -
Feminism Blasphemes God's Word
Feminism In Light of the Biblehttps://allthepreaching.com/ -- Recommended Books: The Power of a Transformed Wife https://a.co/d/brm52Sf - Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guide https://a.co/d/gAc32BX - Daily Wisdom For Biblical Womanhood https://a.co/d/ioXA8gJ -- The Transformed Wife Online https://thetransformedwife.com/13 views -
Protect The Ladies Against Feminism
Feminism In Light of the BiblePastor Jared Pozarnsky https://holdfastbaptist.com/ - https://veritybaptist.com/ - https://allthepreaching.com/ -- Recommended Books: The Power of a Transformed Wife https://a.co/d/brm52Sf - Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guide https://a.co/d/gAc32BX - Daily Wisdom For Biblical Womanhood https://a.co/d/ioXA8gJ -- The Transformed Wife Online https://thetransformedwife.com/11 views -
Feminism Devalues Women & Has No Love
Feminism In Light of the BiblePastor Jared Pozarnsky https://holdfastbaptist.com/ - https://veritybaptist.com/ - https://allthepreaching.com/ -- Recommended Books: The Power of a Transformed Wife https://a.co/d/brm52Sf - Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guide https://a.co/d/gAc32BX - Daily Wisdom For Biblical Womanhood https://a.co/d/ioXA8gJ -- The Transformed Wife Online https://thetransformedwife.com/9 views -
The Feminist Life Style Blasphemes The Word Of God
Feminism In Light of the BibleBro. Dillion Awes https://purewordsbaptist.com - https://allthepreaching.com/ -- Recommended Books: The Power of a Transformed Wife https://a.co/d/brm52Sf - Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guide https://a.co/d/gAc32BX - Daily Wisdom For Biblical Womanhood https://a.co/d/ioXA8gJ -- The Transformed Wife Online https://thetransformedwife.com/28 views -
Wives Don't Be Like Job's Wife, Stop and Reject Feminism
Feminism In Light of the Bible- https://allthepreaching.com/ -- Recommended Books: The Power of a Transformed Wife https://a.co/d/brm52Sf - Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guide https://a.co/d/gAc32BX - Daily Wisdom For Biblical Womanhood https://a.co/d/ioXA8gJ -- The Transformed Wife Online https://thetransformedwife.com/18 views -
Don't Be A Feminist Nag A.K.A. A Nagging Wife!
Feminism In Light of the Bible- https://allthepreaching.com/ -- Recommended Books: The Power of a Transformed Wife https://a.co/d/brm52Sf - Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guide https://a.co/d/gAc32BX - Daily Wisdom For Biblical Womanhood https://a.co/d/ioXA8gJ -- The Transformed Wife Online https://thetransformedwife.com/17 views -
Feminism vs Ephesians 5 | Wives, Submit Yourselves Unto Your Own Husbands, As Unto The Lord.
Feminism In Light of the Bible- https://allthepreaching.com/ -- Recommended Books: The Power of a Transformed Wife https://a.co/d/brm52Sf - Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guide https://a.co/d/gAc32BX - Daily Wisdom For Biblical Womanhood https://a.co/d/ioXA8gJ -- The Transformed Wife Online https://thetransformedwife.com/21 views