16 videos
Updated 1 year ago
NASA is one of the biggest scams in human history that brings in $25 billion a year ($68 million a day) of American taxpayer money to perpetuate the fraud of space and space travel and feed the public CGI cartoons.
When Astronauts Rise from the Dead
Don't ObeyMirror: Klagemauer TV - English If you are 45 years or older, you may remember January 28th 1986. It was the day of a huge NASA catastrophe off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Florida, where at 11:38 am EST, 73 seconds after take-off, Space Shuttle Challenger exploded in a tremendous burst over the Atlantic. Now, for a second time this matter leaves the world breathless. Though, this latest shock even surpasses the one of 30 years ago. At least six of the seven Challenger crew members are said to be still alive; four of them even under the same name.2.43K views 2 comments -
Don't ObeyWe thank you for your support: "...more and more Professional Engineers, Lawyers, Airline Pilots, Navigators, Surveyors, etc. are waking up and becoming proponents for flat earth. Shared from Channel: Brian Mullin Series: Balls Out Physics Episode: 4.0, The ISS, Satellites, and the Thermosphere683 views 1 comment -
Moon Hoax; "The Apollo Moon Landings Special" With Scott Henderson and Marcus Allen
Don't ObeyScott Henderson & Marcus Allen take you on a journey through the Apollo archives and provide evidence that Apollo was a fraudulent event in our history.785 views -
Kubrick's Odyssey Secrets Hidden In The Films Of Stanley Kubrick ( 2011)
Don't ObeyThe best Kubrick--Moon Landing conspiracy video that I have seen. Fascinating take on how the moon landing was filmed and how Kubrick took credit for it in his movies.3.42K views 2 comments -
Bloopers From Space - Top 25 All Time Favorites
Don't ObeyThere's nothing new here if you're already a pear-shaped-pressurized-hypersonic-space-rock-hurtling-through-an-endless-space-vacuum-explosion skeptic. Just my spin on some bloopers we've seen before. I thought it would be fun to make my own. It started as a top 10 and mushroomed to 25. I could have easily made it a top 200. Contents -------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:09 - #25 Scuba Tanks In Space? 00:26 - #24 Ed White Helmet Turn 00:57 - #23 Gravity Pocket 01:41 - #22 Space Crane CGI Overlay Failure 02:08 - #21 Actornots Drop Divorce Papers 02:39 - #20 Actornot Drops Doohickey 03:10 - #19 Actornot Drops Shpinayla 03:41 - #18 Water Bag Defies Physics 04:42 - #17 Actornot Grabs Inter-dimensional Orange 04:56 - #16 Satellite Dish Go Boing 05:20 - #15 LEM Turns On a Dime 05:52 - #14 Laughable Lightning 06:53 - #13 Rejected By Nothing 07:35 - #12 Actornot Swats Insect 08:04 - #11 Actornot Puts Invisible Object On Shelf 08:31 - #10 Space-ball Encounters Gravity Pocket 09:05 - #9 Definitely Not a Harness 09:48 - #8 Another Actornot Not On a Harness 10:19 - #7 See-through Foot 10:52 - #6 CGI Overlay Fail 11:11 - #5 Actornot Enters 5th Dimension 11:36 - #4 Actornot Returns From 5th Dimensoin 11:50 - #3 Actornot Swiped In 12:41 - #2 It's Not a Model 13:51 - #1 Space Shuttle Pilot Does 180 14:37 - Bonus Lifting Weights In Space 15:45 - How Do They Do It? 15:50 - Hey, Look At Me! 16:54 - CGI Is Crazy 18:07 - Silly Billy 18:34 - Zero-G vs ISS 18:53 - CGI Necklaces 20:04 - Augmented Reality on TV1.56K views -
NASA Fails Again & Again | Space is Fake | Glitch on the ISS ▶️️
Don't ObeyNASA Fails over and over again. Yet, somehow they are still a thing in 2018. Just do a youtube search for NASA Fails or NASA Bloopers and spend a whole day or more watching NASA fumble. From obvious green screens, wire harnesses and space bubbles to permed hair, software glitches and inconsistencies in stories, the International Space Station is clearly being faked by the space programs of the world. It's so bad that all they really have left is brainwashing and mental conditioning through media programming and propaganda. It's really sad. It's time to put NASA to bed. Outer space doesn't exist in the capacity that we are told and the earth is level and stationary plane. NASA lies. Do your research. - ODD TV =)4.48K views 3 comments -
Satellites are Balloons (Earth Is Flat - Space Is Fake)
Don't ObeyBalloon Satellites (Earth Is Flat - Space Is Fake) Check out from the 40 minute mark Robert Bassano's in depth presentation about the satellites being sent and collected by aircraft since the 1950's, and how ALL satellites are on balloons. They all have airspace clearance upon launch and recovery, and even the Hubble Space telescope is on a balloon. Space is fake, or at least we have no way of getting to it.4.13K views 9 comments -
NASA Going Nowhere Since 1958
Don't ObeyNASA Going Nowhere Since 1958: A simple film that explores NASA and its history with the Presidents of the United States. Please support if you enjoy this content. Like and Share! Enjoy the film!715 views 1 comment -
AMERICAN MOON (2017) A fascinating documentary about the Moon Hoax from start to finish
Don't ObeyThis documentary examines the authenticity of the photographic record of NASA's Apollo missions.1.37K views