6G Internet of Bodies Powered by Human Cells. Digital, Biological, Transhuman, Tyranny. SGTReport
TheWarAgainstYou6G Internet of Bodies Powered by Human Cells. Digital - Biological - Transhuman - Tyranny. SGTReport --- 3-30-2023 --- D E M O C I D E : HOPE & VAL --- Hope & her PhD mom Dr. Val join me to expose evidence of Democide, premeditated mass murder at the hands of the government. ********************** We Are All Being Targeted by a Multifaceted Attack That Effects Everyone on Every Level. --- Even though the Level of Digital Biological Tyranny that they are planning to force upon Humanity is so Shocking and Evil, the ultimate End Game these Psychopaths are planning is actually far, far worse. --- This is not only about Absolute Tyranny over the Lives and Bodies of Humans. --- This represents a War Against GOD and all of Creation. --- WHAT WE ARE WITNESSING IS JUST THE BEGINNING --- THESE DEMONIC PSYCHOPATHS ARE PLANNING TO HIGHJACK EVERY LIVING THING ON EARTH - --- AND CONNECT EVERYTHING THAT LIVES TO A GLOBAL DIGITAL BIOLOGICAL GRID --- But it gets worse- --- THEY ARE PLANNING TO REPLACE EVERYTHING THAT LIVES WITH GENETICALLY ENGINEERED AND SYNTHETIC LIFE FORMS --- This represents an Evil So Great, it could only have been conceived by Satan Himself. --- THIS IS THE ULTIMATE BLASPHEMY BEFORE GOD AND ALL CREATION... --- @OratorBlog 4-1-2023 ******************************* EMF Protection Products https://ftwproject.com/ref/6 --- VAL'S WEBSITE: https://www.holistichealthonline.info --- DETOX PROTOCOLS:https://www.holistichealthonline.info/health-protocols --- FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES --- Mirrored From: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/sgt-report/2.17K views 4 comments