Attorney Aaron Siri
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Attorney Aaron Siri
Tucker Carlson Interviews Attorney Aaron Siri
Sunfellow On COVID-19The New York Times claims the evil Bobby Kennedy wants to ban the polio vaccine and paralyze children. That’s an absurd lie, explains his lawyer Aaron Siri. (0:00) The Establishment’s Attempt to Discredit Bobby Kennedy Jr. (8:18) The Vaccine Religion (18:57) Did Anyone Protest This Polio Vaccine? (21:04) How the Government Protects Vaccine Developers (30:51) The New York Times vs. Bobby Kennedy Jr. (50:31) Why Is Nobody Lobbying Against This? (55:03) How Profitable Is the Vaccine Industry? (1:06:22) The Perversion of Science (1:10:47) Siri Risked Everything to Speak Out (1:25:57) The Dark Link Between Abortion and the Vaccine Industry (1:43:39) Will Bobby Kennedy Jr. Be Confirmed? Original video: See also: Aaron Siri @AaronSiriSG videos on this Rumble channel: Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson videos on this Rumble channel: Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr videos on this Rumble channel: Donald Trump @realDonaldTrump videos on this Rumble channel: Sunfellow Vaccination Resource Page COVID-19 Vaccines For Children (& Childhood Vaccines In General) Rumble Playlist views 36 comments -
Attorney Aaron Siri Explains How Childhood Vaccines Are Deceptively Made & Marketed
Sunfellow On COVID-19Aaron Siri: "The claims made about vaccines often are dogma, religious beliefs. I mean, the idea that vaccines are the most robustly trialed products on the market is just simply false. And again, I don't take my word for it. Go to the FDA website." "We just did it for the hepatitis B vaccine. Pull it up for every single other childhood vaccine. Look at section 6.1. They also have the underlying clinical trial reports for a lot of them. Take a look at it. I will tell you, I can't claim to have any genius superpowers as a person or a lawyer to have done this. I literally just went to Google and I searched FDA licensed vaccines and you can pull them up and it's right there for the taking. But it's true." "Most people will just, it's almost like an incantation, safe and effective, safe and effective. The most robustly studied products in the market, the most safely studied, their safety review for years. You know, and the crazy part is this. We just looked at the clinical trials, right? And so when I do this and we could go through all the vaccines just like this, and it gets worse and worse." "You remember that Prevnar vaccine we looked at that at six months of safety review? So you're like, hey, all right, at least we got six months. So what would that show? You want to take a look at that one? It's pretty interesting if you want to open it up a second. Yeah, I'll share my screen one more time and I'll pop it up on the screen and we could take a look at it." "But I think it's very telling. Here is Prevnar 13, OK? This is the package insert, all right? And we are now in section 6.1. And here you have the section with serious adverse events. So this is what you really want to focus on, right? Because serious adverse events means something very serious. It's a defined term by the FDA. We could even go to the FDA website again." "You know, we can do serious. adverse events, FDA. And right here you could see it means death, life threatening, hospitalizability, congenital abnormality, required interventions to prevent permanent impairment, and then other serious, which effectively has to have one or the other. So serious adverse event is a very serious condition." "So let's go back to Prevnar 13. Now in this clinical trial, this is one of the top five selling products, right? You've got six months of safety review. Finally, so maybe We'll see what that shows. And here, I'm gonna highlight the sentence, and here's what they found. And remember, the kids in this trial, the babies and infants and toddlers were healthy. They don't let really sick kids in." "So you have completely typically healthy children, healthy, get the product trapped for six months. And here's what they found. Serious adverse events reported following vaccination infants and toddlers occurred in 8.2% that's in a six month period among Prevnar 13 recipients and 7.2% among Prevnar, that's Prevnar 7 recipients." "Now, from the perspective of just safety, from a parent, I might go, oh my goodness, that is highly concerning. But from the perspective of the FDA, as long as the experimental group and the control group have a similar rate, that's deemed safe because they're comparing it to quote unquote the standard of care. Right." "So you might say, well, maybe this is just a fluke, this super high rate of adverse events and totally healthy infants and toddlers. Right. Maybe we know for sure, Prevnar 7 is safe because that had a long-term placebo-controlled trial. Right. And before we flip there, let's just read this one sentence. I have somebody, one of my favorite sentences." "It says, the longer reporting period, meaning six months, which I normally never do, vaccine trials may have resulted in serious adverse events reported in a higher percentage of subjects than for other vaccines. Oh, wait a second. We finally looked for six months instead of a few days and a few weeks, and we found a super high rate." "So what's our excuse for the high rate? Oh my God. You can't pick stuff up. And here's another piece I can never make up. And honestly, if I'd have thought of the most nefarious things I could say about vaccines, I would never have said Hep B was licensed on five days because I thought it was totally nuts." "And I'm gonna show you another thing that I think I think it's totally nuts. I'm gonna open up the package insert for Prevnar 7. So you remember this product that had the 7.2% adverse event rate? Yes. So you might hope that here's the package insert for that product. So safety was reviewed in this one, depending on what they looked at for days or maybe weeks." "So they didn't have six months. And they were comparing Prevnar with a control. Well, you hope the control would be what? Because there's no other product on the market. That's a seven valent meningococcal vaccine in the U S. So you could, you should have compared it against it. We'll see about, but you see the little cross right there. Yes. Let's go down right here and let's see what the control was." "The control was another unlicensed product. So they had a clinical trial for this, for Prevnar 7 that wasn't six months. It was far shorter and they didn't prepare it against the placebo. Even though there was no 7-valent and meningococcal vaccine that I'm aware of that was on the market license in the US. So there's no standard of care. They should use a placebo. What do they use? Another. Another unlicensed vaccine." "Again, I'm laughing, but it's definitely serious too. And I say it because it really goes back to your point about religion. And it's a long way to answer your question, I know, but yes, there is what is said about these products, what believed about these products." "And then there's this reality, again, all on the FDA website, you can look at it yourself. I'm not trying to pick on these products. That's just the reality about the clinical trials. And we've just talked about pre-licensure safety, right? I mean, there are, we can, by the way, there's even worse examples than this that we can go through, but I'll leave it alone on that." "And then there's the claim about post-licensure safety, how there's this massive body of science that assures it's safe. And I could tell you that, you know, we have 40 people in my law firm that do almost exclusively vaccine work. We have, I think, the largest vaccine practice in the world that doesn't represent pharmaceutical companies." "And you can bring a claim for vaccine injury, okay, in America and in other countries, but you can't sue the manufacturer. In America, you sue the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. You sue the federal health authorities that tell you it's safe. There's no right to get, you can't subpoena documents, you can't depose the companies." "This program won't let you do it. But you can bring a claim. And so we get calls all the time. from parents who want to say, hey, my child had this reaction or that reaction to a vaccine, went in totally healthy, started seizing, had a grand mal seizure within 10 minutes, rushed to the emergency room, ended up with all this sequela." "And so when we go in, I don't have a PhD after my name. I don't have an MD. I don't have any fancy medical titles. So when I go to court or any of the attorneys in my firm go to court, we have to prove it with evidence. I don't get to say, trust me, I'm a doctor, trust me, I'm a PhD. We actually have to prove the claim. So we want good clinical trial data, and we want good post licensure safety data." "And so we are very familiar with the post licensure safety studies, safety systems, and the notion that there's some robust body of studies out there, just go to like, have be is is and I'll be kind nonsensical and all one needs to do is go to search for happy vaccine." "Just go read all the studies won't take long about happy vaccine safety and also you can go to ICANN's website and you could see that we had an exchange with HHS about when we went back and forth about the safety of all these vaccines and you could see what they had in response to all of this. They are as you said religious beliefs." Source video: Excerpted from: Aaron Siri REVEALS the Shocking Truth Behind Vaccine Trials – SF509 ................... Sunfellow Vaccination Resource Page COVID-19 Vaccines For Children (& Childhood Vaccines In General) Rumble Playlist A Common-Sense Approach To Childhood Vaccines Is Now Needed (World Council For Health) Vaccination Horror Stories: Why We Don’t Vaccinate Vaccination Horror Stories: Children’s Health Defense Bus Stories Children's Health Defense ICAN National Vaccine Information Center Become A Certified Vaccine Education Specialist Resources For Parents Who Will Not Vaccinate Their Children Autism Parenting Secrets Website Autism Parenting Secrets Podcasts Two Verifiable Anecdotes Are The Mathematical Proof That Vaccines Cause Sids And Autism How To Find A Vaccine-Free Doctor Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science And Myth (Book) GROK Summary of Turtles All The Way Down: Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak (Book) GROK Summary of Vax-Unvax: Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History (Book) GROK Summary of Dissolving Illusions: The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers (Book) The Vaccine Injury Treatment, Recovery And Resource Starter Guide New Children's Book: 'I'm Unvaccinated And That's OK!' (Del Bigtree & Dr. Shannon Kroner) Vaccine Documentaries Throughout The Years How Vaccines Alter Intimate Relationships & Gender Identity How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done To Society? .................... Tucker Carlson Apologizes To Anti-Vaxxers For Being 'Unthinking, Stupid And Reactionary' Nicole Shanahan: The Struggle She Faced After A Childhood Vaccine Made Her Healthy Baby Girl Autistic Shanahan, Bowden, Kruse Interview Dr. Andrew Wakefield About His New Movie, Protocol7 Joe Rogan & Bret Weinstein: The Dark History Of How Vaccine Makers Got Immunity From Liability RFK Jr. Schools Reporter John Stossel On Chronic Health Issues, Including Childhood Vaccines MUST WATCH! Dr. Peter McCullough Interviews Roman Bystrianyk: The Forgotten History Of Vaccines RFK Jr. Debates One Of Today's Most Controversial Topics: Vaccines (Both Childhood & COVID-19) Protocol 7 (Andy Wakefield's New Film Is 'Bold, Ambitious, And Dramatic' - Review In Description) Mother Describes How Biomedical Treatment Reversed Vaccine-Induced Autism In Her Child Explosive Report Torpedoes The Entire Childhood Vaccine Schedule! What If SADS & SIDS Are Both Caused By Vaccines?! (Actually, They Are!) Dr. Peter McCullough: Autism, Childhood Vaccines & The Plague Of Transgenderism (Excerpt) Survey Indicates Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, And Gender Dysphoria Are All Primarily Caused By Vaccination Vaccines Can't Cause Autism, But... Dr. Peter McCullough: Excessive Childhood Vaccination, Febrile Seizures, Risk Of Autism Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier? (2024 Update Reviews The Data) Sara Gonzales Interviews Dr. Andrew Wakefield About His New Film 'Protocol 7' Dr. Peter McCullough @P_McCulloughMD On Childhood Vaccines Get Educated & You Will Discover Childhood Vaccines Are Crimes Against Humanity RFK Jr. - How His Epic Battle With Big Pharma & Childhood Vaccines Causing Autism Began 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act: MYTH vs. FACT (Barbara Loe Fisher) The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act: The Untold Story (Del Bigtree & Barbara Loe Fisher) DPT: Vaccine Roulette (Lea Thompson's 1982 Emmy Award Winning NBC-TV Documentary) Dr. McCullough: Studies Show Taking No Vaccinations During Childhood Produce Healthier Children! Del Bigtree Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough: Stop COVID-19 Vaccines, Pause Childhood Vaccines There Has Actually Been A Crossover Event (Educated People No Longer Believe In Vaccines!) Del Bigtree & Jan Jekielek: One Of The Biggest Lies Ever Told (The Highwire) RFK Jr. On Defunding The World Health Organization & DTP Vaccine-Induced Deaths In African Babies Dr. Ahmad Malik & Attorney Aaron Siri (After Listening To This, You'll Be Done With Vaccines) Brian Hooker & Steve Kirsch: What Science Says About Vaccinated & Unvaccinated Children Kim Iversen Interviews Brian Hooker About New Book: Vax-Unvax, Let The Science Speak Dr. Peter McCullough Interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (Includes Seasoned Advice On Childhood Vaccines) Former Police Officer Reveals Staggering Number Of SIDS Cases Happen Within 1 Week Of A Vaccine! Must Watch & Share: Aaron Siri’s Debate With Paul Offit (The Highwire) Steve Kirsch Survey: "The More Vaccines We Give Our Kids, The Worse The Chronic Diseases!" Zero Amish Children Diagnosed With Cancer, Diabetes Or Autism Dr. Peter McCullough: Andy Wakefield Was Right: Hyper-Vaccination Is A Determinant Of Autism! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Summarizes his Views On Childhood Vaccines In 3 Minutes Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Answers Tough Questions On Childhood Vaccines Steve Kirsch Testifies In Pennsylvania Senate: The Truth About All Vaccines Attorney Aaron Siri: How Vaccine Companies Received Immunity From Liability Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Testifies In Congress: No Childhood Vaccine Has Ever Been Fully Tested! McCullough, Malone, Cole, Thomas, Wakefield, Tapper, Lawrie, Kirsch, Owens, Nawaz Childhood Vaccines Peer-Reviewed Study: Vaccination WITH ALL VACCINES Drives Chronic Illness In The United States Three Independent Studies Answer This Question: Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier? VAXXED VS UNVAXXED: Dr. Paul Thomas & Dr. James Lyons-Weiler Put CDC Vaccine Schedule To The Test Peer-Reviewed, Ten-Year Study: Are Vaccinated Kids Healthier Than The Unvaccinated? ‘Vaccine Secrets’: What Parents Should Know Before They Vaccinate Their Kids Studies Outside the U.S. Show Unvaccinated Children Healthier than Vaccinated Children Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier Than Their Vaccinated Peers Joe Rogan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (The Complete, Unedited Interview - Episode #1999) Steve Kirsch Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Childhood Vaccines Cause Sudden Death Infant Syndrome, Autism & Chronic Illnesses In Children Dr. Paul Thomas: Childhood Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Manhattan-Style Project To Investigate Childhood Autism Dr. Peter McCullough: Most Childhood Vaccines Are UNNECESSARY & Potentially Harmful! Dr. Peter McCullough: Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism Which, In Turn, May Cause Transgenderism! Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - The CDC Knows Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism! Candace Owens & Dr. Robert Malone Discuss Childhood Vaccines Dr. Robert Malone: If There's Anybody That Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize, It's Bobby Kennedy Jr. Steve Kirsch & Dr. Ryan Cole Discuss Childhood Vaccines Dr. Tess Lawrie: "I Would Caution Against Taking Childhood Vaccines!" Dr. Mike Yeadon: "I'm Ashamed That I Was Pro-Vaccine. I Didn't Do My Homework." Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: The Extraordinarily Dangerous Ingredients In Childhood Vaccines Dr. Pierre Kory Discovers "Really Uncomfortable Facts" After Investigating Childhood Vaccines Bill Gates Told President Trump NOT To Look Into The Harmful Side Effects Of Childhood Vaccines Kennedy Explains What Happened When President Trump Asked Him To Lead A Commission On Vaccine Safety Roman Bystrianyk: Dissolving Vaccine Illusions Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda (2022 Wakefield-Kennedy-CHD Documentary) Sunfellow Health & Healing Resource Page Sunfellow Health & Healing On Rumble COVID-19 Healing Resources .................... "What I learned from the Covid Vaccine debacle is that regulators approving COVID vaccines, and childhood vaccines, are crooks, and the same people approve all those vaccines. They are approving COVID vaccine applications that any serious regulator, who cares about infants, would have laughed out of the room. This is all I need to know about them. If these crooks are approving 'Covid Vaxx' for infants, I cannot believe their assurances about other childhood vaccines. I will not believe that 'they are safe', or that 'they are effective' unless it is proven without the involvement of these people or the greedy companies financing fake research." -- Igor Chudov Crooks Who Approved "Covid Vaxx" Approved Other "Childhood Vaccines" Also views 10 comments -
Chris Cuomo Interviews COVID-Vaccine-Injured Brianne Dressen & Her Attorney Aaron Siri
Sunfellow On COVID-19On May 14, 2024, Christopher C. Cuomo @ChrisCuomo writes: "The first covid vaccine lawsuit in America is underway. I spoke with Brianne Dressen who was part of the trial and is suing AstraZeneca." Source: ................... See also: Brianne Dressen: How Suicide Has Impacted The Lives Of COVID-Vaccine-Injured People Marcus, Bhargava, Dressen, Warner: A Cautionary Message On COVID Vaccine Safety How The NIH, CDC, FDA Ignore People Who Suffer Vaccine Injuries COVID-19 Lawsuits & Legal Challenges Aaron Siri @AaronSiriSG videos on this Rumble channel: .................. Woman Injured by AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine During Clinical Trial Sues for Breach of Contract Brianne Dressen alleges that under her contract with AstraZeneca, the vaccine maker promised to pay medical expenses for trial participants if the company's COVID-19 vaccine injured them. By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. The Defender May 14, 2024 A woman injured by the AstraZeneca vaccine she received in 2020 during a U.S. clinical trial is suing the vaccine maker in the first case of its kind challenging the legal liability shield for COVID-19 vaccine makers. Brianne Dressen, who since 2021 has advocated on behalf of vaccine injury victims, filed suit Monday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah seeking compensation for injuries and disability she alleges resulted from the vaccine. Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act), AstraZeneca and other COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers cannot be held liable for injuries related to the vaccines. However, Dressen's lawsuit — which also names the Salt Lake City-based clinical trial site consolidator Velocity Clinical Research — contends AstraZeneca can be sued for breach of contract. According to the lawsuit, the company agreed to cover the medical costs for any vaccine-related injuries under a contract between AstraZeneca and clinical trial participants. Dressen alleges that in her case, the cost of her injuries and disability amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. Dressen, who was 39 when she was vaccinated, was previously a preschool teacher but is now unable to work. Within hours of getting her first dose, Dressen experienced tingling in her right arm — a neurological condition known as paresthesia — and blurred vision and vomiting. In the weeks that followed, her condition worsened, with the paresthesia spreading to her legs, resulting in disability and a diagnosis in 2021 by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of post-vaccine neuropathy. The lawsuit seeks "all available damages, both economic and non-economic." Attorney Michael Connett of law firm Siri & Glimstad LLP, who is representing Dressen in her lawsuit, told The Defender, "As far as we know, this is the first case in the U.S. where a pharmaceutical company is being held financially responsible for the harms caused by the COVID vaccine." Dressen told The Defender that her breach of contract claim "is another first for the United States, as PREP Act protections have been completely impenetrable." Dressen, founder of React19, a nonprofit advocating for vaccine injury victims, said she hopes the lawsuit will provide "accountability for my individual case but also bolsters a pathway forward for my injured colleagues both in the U.S. and abroad — namely, each and every plaintiff in the U.K. seeking restitution from AstraZeneca." Dressen cited an ongoing class-action lawsuit in the U.K. against AstraZeneca by people alleging they were injured by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine and by the relatives of 12 people who died after getting the shot. In documents AstraZeneca submitted to the U.K. High Court last month as part of that case, the company admitted that its COVID-19 vaccine "can, in very rare cases, cause TTS" — vaccine-induced thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, which causes the body to produce life-threatening blood clots. Dressen's lawsuit comes just days after AstraZeneca announced the withdrawal of its COVID-19 vaccine globally — though the company said it based its decision on the "surplus of available updated vaccines," leading to reduced demand for its vaccine. The U.S. never granted emergency use authorization for the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, citing safety concerns. However, the vaccine generated over $5.8 billion in sales globally, with the help of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which funded and promoted the vaccine in other countries. Several countries later stopped administering the AstraZeneca vaccine due to safety concerns. Connett said AstraZeneca's decision to withdraw the vaccine "really doesn't have a bearing" on Dressen's lawsuit. Ray Flores, a health freedom rights attorney unconnected to the lawsuit, agreed because "the complaint is not based on product liability." Flores said: "Around the country, COVID-19 vaccine injury cases that alleged negligence, battery of a minor, fraud or emotional distress have all been unsuccessful due to the PREP Act — while cases that allege negligence not involving a countermeasure have generally been successful. What makes this case unique is that it alleges a breach of a written contract. For a court to allow liability protection here would really stretch the extent of the law. But on the other hand, it would unequivocally etch the stench of the PREP Act in Americans' minds — but my 'money' in this case is on the plaintiff." AstraZeneca induced people to join trials by promising to pay for injuries According to Connett, AstraZeneca induced people to join its clinical trial by promising to pay the medical expenses for any injuries that resulted from its COVID-19 vaccine. "This inducement, this promise, became a contractual obligation the moment study subjects rolled up their sleeve and let the company inject the experimental vaccine into their arm," he said. Just because a company is making the COVID-19 vaccine doesn't give that company a license "to make false promises to induce people to enter its clinical trial," he said. "The bonanza of immunity that the PREP Act provides does not go so far as to shield a vaccine maker from its own contractual obligations." Flores said that if AstraZeneca "never intended to honor its promise to insure Dressen … it would not only be a breach of contract but would rise to the level of fraud." "When a vaccine injury lawsuit highlights a defendant's inhumanity, it is always highly persuasive," Flores said. "In this case, an absurd $1,243.30 settlement offer after reneging on its written promise to insure when there are evidently millions of dollars in damages and unspeakable suffering is just that." Connett said any other individual injured by the AstraZeneca vaccine "has the legal right to recover the full costs of the injury," but advised that "The time to take legal action, however, may be limited, so acting expeditiously will be important." 'Completely hollowed-out version of who I once was' The lawsuit described the timeline of Dressen's symptoms following vaccination, with paresthesia spreading to her right shoulder and left arm and later to her legs. Within weeks, she lost 20 pounds as a result of frequent vomiting, while she also developed light sensitivity and became "acutely sensitive to sound." Dressen said her heart rate also would randomly spike, leading to shortness of breath and feelings of fainting. She described her experience in the lawsuit as feeling like a "completely hollowed-out version of who I once was." Before her Nov. 4, 2020, vaccination, Dressen filled out consent forms stating the company would "cover the costs" — including, but not limited to, medical bills — if she experienced a "research injury." Those forms, Dressen said, claimed the study doctor would provide treatment or referral in the event of injury, noting that the study sponsor had the necessary insurance. "Sponsor will pay the costs of medical treatment for research injuries, provided that the costs are reasonable, and you did not cause the injury yourself," the contract stated, according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit notes that two days after Dressen signed the consent form, AstraZeneca amended the form to state that its vaccine may cause "neurological disorders" such as "demyelinating disease," which could "cause substantial disability" or death "if not treated promptly." Dressen received multiple diagnoses indicating her symptoms were related to her vaccination. Her husband eventually reached out to the NIH, which invited her to visit its Bethesda, Maryland, campus "for extensive testing and treatment," as part of a study the agency was conducting at the time involving people injured by COVID-19 vaccines. As a result of those tests, NIH neurologists concluded that Dressen had sustained post-vaccine neuropathy, which had caused "dysautonomia" and "chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy." "The limited safety data that AstraZeneca has released to the public shows that other clinical trial participants who received the company's COVID vaccine suffered a higher incidence of nervous system disorders, including various types of demyelinating diseases, where the myelin sheaths that protect the nerve cells are stripped away," Connett said. AstraZeneca 'were nowhere to be found' According to the lawsuit, Dressen's medical costs are prohibitive. One medication alone costs $432,000 a year, "although her insurance company has been able to negotiate this down (at least for now) to $119,000 per year," she said. But despite these high costs and Dressen's ongoing disability, which makes her "unable to drive more than a few blocks at a time" and limits her parenting ability, the lawsuit states that AstraZeneca offered her only $1,243.30 in total compensation. "When they needed me, I was there, I cooperated. When I needed them, they were nowhere to be found," Dressen said in the lawsuit. "I called the test clinic early on with tears running down my face, begging them to help me. They said the drug company would call back any day now. Nightmarish days turned into weeks, and those nightmarish weeks turned into months, and now years. That call never came." In July 2021, Dressen's injuries led her to contact Dr. Anthony Fauci directly to request help, according to documents recently obtained by Children's Health Defense in a lawsuit against the NIH. In that email, Dressen said she had been contacting federal health agencies for months with "No substantiative [sic] response." Dressen said Fauci never responded to her message. Calling her lawsuit a "David v. Goliath type case," Dressen told The Defender her "heart has and always will be with the injured community." She said, "Every single American injured by a pharmaceutical product deserves their day in court." ................... COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries & Deaths Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Sudden Deaths, Excess Deaths, Plummeting Birth Rates on Rumble Study Finds Staggering 17 Million Global Deaths After Covid Jab Rollout (Rancourt, Baudin & Mercier) Denis Rancourt videos on Rumble Collection Of Peer Reviewed Case Reports & Studies Citing Adverse Effects Post Covid Vaccination Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report More Than 1,000 Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries The Statistical Trick That Made It Look Like Unvaccinated People Fared Worse Than Vaccinated People COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing COVID-19 Vaccine Death & Injury Stories on Rumble COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS) COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page Bad Batches / Hot Lots on Rumble Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s Vaccine-Induced "Turbo Cancer" Vaccine-Induced Cancer & Turbo Cancer on Rumble COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Shedding, DNA Contamination Shedding videos on Rumble COVID-19 Vaccines For Children (& Childhood Vaccines In General) on Rumble COVID-19 Psychosis COVID-19 - Mystery Clots In Vaccinated Deceased People Blood Clots, Vaccinated Blood, Autopsies Has Our Blood Supply Been Contaminated By Vaccinated, Genetically-Modified Blood? COVID-19 Healing Resources How To Heal COVID Vaccine Injuries on Rumble views 73 comments -
Del Bigtree & Aaron Siri: Very Disturbing Aerosol Vaccines & V-Safe Text Data Update
Sunfellow On COVID-19Aaron Siri, Esq., ICAN Lead Counsel, discusses the first batch of brand-new COVID-19 vaccine injury data from the “free-text field entries” in the V-safe reporting app, which ICAN has obtained from the CDC. Hear just a handful of the first batch of entries and the disturbing injury statistics crunched from these initial reports, which may be the best reflection so far of the true safety profile of this experimental drug. To see the entries, visit: Original Rumble video: See also: Del Bigtree @delbigtree videos on this Rumble channel: Aaron Siri @AaronSiriSG videos on this Rumble channel: The Highwire Website The Highwire on Rumble Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network on X: ..................... Aaron Siri & Del Bigtree Announce Big Court Win: CDC Forced To Release Hidden V-Safe Data! Arizona Legislators Hear Expert Covid Testimony From Aaron Siri, Peter McCullough, Pete Chambers Dr. Ahmad Malik & Attorney Aaron Siri (After Listening To This, You'll Be Done With Vaccines) Must Watch & Share: Aaron Siri’s Debate With Paul Offit (The Highwire) ICAN Lead Attorney Aaron Siri Gives Damning Testimony On The Floor Of Arizona State Senate Attorney Aaron Siri: How Vaccine Companies Received Immunity From Liability After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri Describes Alarming V-Safe Data During Washington D.C. Roundtable ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri Breaks Down CDC's V-Safe Data (The Highwire) After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! Why Did The CDC Hide The V-Safe Data From The American People For Almost 2 Years? Because it clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we've ever created, that's why. "The V-safe data shows that 33.1% of the people who got the vaccine suffered from a significant adverse event and 7.7% had to seek professional medical care. These are extraordinary numbers. They clearly show the vaccines are unsafe, that the CDC deliberately hid this information from the American public, and that the drug companies falsified the data in the trials..." ..................... COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries & Deaths Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Sudden Deaths, Excess Deaths, Plummeting Birth Rates on Rumble Study Finds Staggering 17 Million Global Deaths After Covid Jab Rollout (Rancourt, Baudin & Mercier) Denis Rancourt videos on Rumble Collection Of Peer Reviewed Case Reports & Studies Citing Adverse Effects Post Covid Vaccination Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report More Than 1,000 Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries The Statistical Trick That Made It Look Like Unvaccinated People Fared Worse Than Vaccinated People COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing COVID-19 Vaccine Death & Injury Stories on Rumble COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS) COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page Bad Batches / Hot Lots on Rumble Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s Vaccine-Induced "Turbo Cancer" Vaccine-Induced Cancer & Turbo Cancer on Rumble COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Shedding, DNA Contamination Shedding videos on Rumble COVID-19 Vaccines For Children (& Childhood Vaccines In General) on Rumble COVID-19 Psychosis COVID-19 - Mystery Clots In Vaccinated Deceased People Blood Clots, Vaccinated Blood, Autopsies Has Our Blood Supply Been Contaminated By Vaccinated, Genetically-Modified Blood? COVID-19 Healing Resources How To Heal COVID Vaccine Injuries on Rumble views 56 comments -
Aaron Siri & Del Bigtree Announce Big Court Win: CDC Forced To Release Hidden V-Safe Data!
Sunfellow On COVID-19ICAN's attorneys have obtained new V-Safe data the CDC doesn't want you to see... Excerpted from Episode 354: INDOCTRINATED: Related Links: BREAKING: FEDERAL JUDGE ORDERS CDC TO RELEASE ALL V-SAFE FREE-TEXT ENTRIES IN A HUGE WIN FOR VACCINE SAFETY TRANSPARENCY BREAKING: ICAN OBTAINS DATA USED TO IDENTIFY “HOT LOTS” OF MODERNA AND PFIZER COVID VACCINES COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page How Bad Is My Batch? (Primary Website) The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act: The Untold Story (Del Bigtree & Barbara Loe Fisher) Egoic Doctors Have Replaced God & Ended Up Murdering Hundreds Of Thousands Of Americans! 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act: MYTH vs. FACT (Barbara Loe Fisher) ............... The Highwire Website The Highwire on Rumble Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) Check out the alarming V-SAFE data here: Del Bigtree on X: The HighWire on X: ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network on X: Attorney Aaron Siri on X: Del Bigtree videos featured on this Rumble channel: Aaron Siri videos on this Rumble channel: ............... Aaron Siri Links: Arizona Legislators Hear Expert Covid Testimony From Aaron Siri, Peter McCullough, Pete Chambers Dr. Ahmad Malik & Attorney Aaron Siri (After Listening To This, You'll Be Done With Vaccines) Must Watch & Share: Aaron Siri’s Debate With Paul Offit (The Highwire) ICAN Lead Attorney Aaron Siri Gives Damning Testimony On The Floor Of Arizona State Senate Attorney Aaron Siri: How Vaccine Companies Received Immunity From Liability After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri Describes Alarming V-Safe Data During Washington D.C. Roundtable ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri Breaks Down CDC's V-Safe Data (The Highwire) After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! Why Did The CDC Hide The V-Safe Data From The American People For Almost 2 Years? Because it clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we've ever created, that's why. "The V-safe data shows that 33.1% of the people who got the vaccine suffered from a significant adverse event and 7.7% had to seek professional medical care. These are extraordinary numbers. They clearly show the vaccines are unsafe, that the CDC deliberately hid this information from the American public, and that the drug companies falsified the data in the trials..." ............... COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths & Injuries Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) Study Finds Staggering 17 Million Global Deaths After Covid Jab Rollout (Rancourt, Baudin & Mercier) Denis Rancourt Sounds The All-Cause Mortality Alarm At International Crisis Summit 4 Collection Of Peer Reviewed Case Reports & Studies Citing Adverse Effects Post Covid Vaccination Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report More Than 1,000 Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS) COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s Vaccine-Induced "Turbo Cancer" COVID-19 & Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Shedding, DNA Contamination COVID-19 Psychosis COVID-19 - Mystery Clots In Vaccinated Deceased People Has Our Blood Supply Been Contaminated By Vaccinated, Genetically-Modified Blood? COVID-19 Healing Resources views 40 comments -
Dr. Ahmad Malik & Attorney Aaron Siri (After Listening To This, You'll Be Done With Vaccines)
Sunfellow On COVID-19After Hearing This You Won’t Ever Want To Vaccinate Yourself Or Your Kids Ever Again Doc Malik writes: Aaron Siri is the Managing Partner of Siri & Glimstad LLP and has extensive experience in a wide range of complex civil litigation matters, with a focus on civil rights related to mandated medicine, class actions, and complex civil litigation, including handling multi-billion-dollar disputes. Siri & Glimstad LLP has over sixty professionals and robust practices in the areas of complex civil litigation, vaccine injury, vaccine exemptions, civil rights, immigration, multi-district litigations, and class actions. Regarding vaccines, Mr. Siri has, for over a decade, practiced in the area of vaccine injury and policy, and related litigation, has been involved in numerous high-profile cases related to mandated medicine, including challenging mandates for air travel, companies with over 100 employees, and members of the air force and army, as well as suing the FDA for release of the documents it relied upon to license Pfizer and Moderna’s covid vaccines. Aaron has also deposed numerous vaccinologists, infectious disease experts, and pediatricians about the safety and efficacy of various vaccines, including the world’s leading vaccinologist Stanley Plotkin. Prior to Siri & Glimstad, Mr. Siri was a litigation attorney at Latham & Watkins and clerked for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Israel. Mr. Siri earned his law degree at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. Mr. Siri is regularly interviewed on national television for his expertise regarding various legal issues related to mandated medicine and has been published in numerous national print media outlets. In this conversation we cover a whole range of topics regarding vaccines, and most people will be shocked to learn about the truth behind the vaccine industry and their products. I truly doubt anyone will ever want to vaccinate themselves or their loved ones again. Please share this as widely as possible. Let's end this industry as soon as possible. For that I need your help to spread the word. Original Rumble video: Introductory page: To support Aaron's work: Aaron Siri Website: Aaron Siri on Twitter: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health Follow Doc Malik on social media: Please support the show so Doc Malik can continue to speak up by choosing one or all of the following options: Buy him a coffee if you want to make a one off donation: Join his Substack to access free additional content: ................. Aaron Siri videos on this Rumble channel: Check out the alarming V-SAFE data here: Must Watch & Share: Aaron Siri’s Debate With Paul Offit (The Highwire) ICAN Lead Attorney Aaron Siri Gives Damning Testimony On The Floor Of Arizona State Senate Attorney Aaron Siri: How Vaccine Companies Received Immunity From Liability After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri Describes Alarming V-Safe Data During Washington D.C. Roundtable ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri Breaks Down CDC's V-Safe Data (The Highwire) After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! Why Did The CDC Hide The V-Safe Data From The American People For Almost 2 Years? Because it clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we've ever created, that's why. "The V-safe data shows that 33.1% of the people who got the vaccine suffered from a significant adverse event and 7.7% had to seek professional medical care. These are extraordinary numbers. They clearly show the vaccines are unsafe, that the CDC deliberately hid this information from the American public, and that the drug companies falsified the data in the trials..." ................. Sunfellow Vaccination Resource Page A Common-Sense Approach To Childhood Vaccines Is Now Needed (World Council For Health) Children's Health Defense ICAN National Vaccine Information Center Become A Certified Vaccine Education Specialist Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science And Myth (Book) Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak (Book) New Children's Book: 'I'm Unvaccinated And That's OK!' (Del Bigtree & Dr. Shannon Kroner) .................... Brian Hooker & Steve Kirsch: What Science Says About Vaccinated & Unvaccinated Children Kim Iversen Interviews Brian Hooker About New Book: Vax-Unvax, Let The Science Speak Dr. Peter McCullough Interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (Includes Seasoned Advice On Childhood Vaccines) Former Police Officer Reveals Staggering Number Of SIDS Cases Happen Within 1 Week Of A Vaccine! Must Watch & Share: Aaron Siri’s Debate With Paul Offit (The Highwire) Steve Kirsch Survey: "The More Vaccines We Give Our Kids, The Worse The Chronic Diseases!" Zero Amish Children Diagnosed With Cancer, Diabetes Or Autism Dr. Peter McCullough: Andy Wakefield Was Right: Hyper-Vaccination Is A Determinant Of Autism! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Summarizes his Views On Childhood Vaccines In 3 Minutes Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Answers Tough Questions On Childhood Vaccines Steve Kirsch Testifies In Pennsylvania Senate: The Truth About All Vaccines Attorney Aaron Siri: How Vaccine Companies Received Immunity From Liability Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Testifies In Congress: No Childhood Vaccine Has Ever Been Fully Tested! McCullough, Malone, Cole, Thomas, Wakefield, Tapper, Lawrie, Kirsch, Owens, Nawaz Childhood Vaccines Peer-Reviewed Study: Vaccination WITH ALL VACCINES Drives Chronic Illness In The United States Three Independent Studies Answer This Question: Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier? VAXXED VS UNVAXXED: Dr. Paul Thomas & Dr. James Lyons-Weiler Put CDC Vaccine Schedule To The Test Peer-Reviewed, Ten-Year Study: Are Vaccinated Kids Healthier Than The Unvaccinated? ‘Vaccine Secrets’: What Parents Should Know Before They Vaccinate Their Kids Studies Outside the U.S. Show Unvaccinated Children Healthier than Vaccinated Children Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier Than Their Vaccinated Peers Joe Rogan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (The Complete, Unedited Interview - Episode #1999) Steve Kirsch Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Childhood Vaccines Cause Sudden Death Infant Syndrome, Autism & Chronic Illnesses In Children Dr. Paul Thomas: Childhood Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Manhattan-Style Project To Investigate Childhood Autism Dr. Peter McCullough: Most Childhood Vaccines Are UNNECESSARY & Potentially Harmful! Dr. Peter McCullough: Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism Which, In Turn, May Cause Transgenderism! Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - The CDC Knows Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism! Candace Owens & Dr. Robert Malone Discuss Childhood Vaccines Dr. Robert Malone: If There's Anybody That Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize, It's Bobby Kennedy Jr. Steve Kirsch & Dr. Ryan Cole Discuss Childhood Vaccines Dr. Tess Lawrie: "I Would Caution Against Taking Childhood Vaccines!" Dr. Mike Yeadon: "I'm Ashamed That I Was Pro-Vaccine. I Didn't Do My Homework." Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: The Extraordinarily Dangerous Ingredients In Childhood Vaccines Dr. Pierre Kory Discovers "Really Uncomfortable Facts" After Investigating Childhood Vaccines Bill Gates Told President Trump NOT To Look Into The Harmful Side Effects Of Childhood Vaccines Kennedy Explains What Happened When President Trump Asked Him To Lead A Commission On Vaccine Safety Roman Bystrianyk: Dissolving Vaccine Illusions Sunfellow Health & Healing Resource Page Sunfellow Health & Healing On Rumble COVID-19 Healing Resources .................... "What I learned from the Covid Vaccine debacle is that regulators approving COVID vaccines, and childhood vaccines, are crooks, and the same people approve all those vaccines. They are approving COVID vaccine applications that any serious regulator, who cares about infants, would have laughed out of the room. This is all I need to know about them. If these crooks are approving 'Covid Vaxx' for infants, I cannot believe their assurances about other childhood vaccines. I will not believe that 'they are safe', or that 'they are effective' unless it is proven without the involvement of these people or the greedy companies financing fake research." -- Igor Chudov Crooks Who Approved "Covid Vaxx" Approved Other "Childhood Vaccines" Also .................... Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report More Than 1,000 Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS) COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) COVID-19 & Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Transmission (Shedding) COVID-19 Psychosis COVID-19 - Mystery Clots In Vaccinated Deceased People Has Our Blood Supply Been Contaminated By Vaccinated, Genetically-Modified Blood? COVID-19 Magnetism, Graphene Oxide, UV Fluorescence COVID-19 Healing Resources Censored, Sidelined And Villainized Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Workers Describe Their COVID-19 Experiences views 25 comments -
Must Watch & Share: Aaron Siri’s Debate With Paul Offit (The Highwire)
Sunfellow On COVID-19Dr. Jim Meehan guest hosts The Highwire this week and is joined by ICAN lead attorney, Aaron Siri, to share his side of his twitter debate with vaccine creator, Paul Offit, cornering him over his false statement that all vaccines are tested under placebo controlled trials. Hear about the 17 tweet smackdown of facts and how these trials are specifically designed to test efficacy and not safety. Original Videos: ...................... The Highwire Website The Highwire on Rumble Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) ...................... Aaron Siri videos on this Rumble channel: Check out the alarming V-SAFE data here: ICAN Lead Attorney Aaron Siri Gives Damning Testimony On The Floor Of Arizona State Senate Attorney Aaron Siri: How Vaccine Companies Received Immunity From Liability After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri Describes Alarming V-Safe Data During Washington D.C. Roundtable ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri Breaks Down CDC's V-Safe Data (The Highwire) After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! Why Did The CDC Hide The V-Safe Data From The American People For Almost 2 Years? Because it clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we've ever created, that's why. "The V-safe data shows that 33.1% of the people who got the vaccine suffered from a significant adverse event and 7.7% had to seek professional medical care. These are extraordinary numbers. They clearly show the vaccines are unsafe, that the CDC deliberately hid this information from the American public, and that the drug companies falsified the data in the trials..." ...................... Sunfellow Vaccination Resource Page Children's Health Defense ICAN National Vaccine Information Center Become A Certified Vaccine Education Specialist Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science And Myth (Book) New Children's Book: 'I'm Unvaccinated And That's OK!' (Del Bigtree & Dr. Shannon Kroner) Steve Kirsch Survey: "The More Vaccines We Give Our Kids, The Worse The Chronic Diseases!" Zero Amish Children Diagnosed With Cancer, Diabetes Or Autism Dr. Peter McCullough: Andy Wakefield Was Right: Hyper-Vaccination Is A Determinant Of Autism! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Summarizes his Views On Childhood Vaccines In 3 Minutes Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Answers Tough Questions On Childhood Vaccines Steve Kirsch Testifies In Pennsylvania Senate: The Truth About All Vaccines Attorney Aaron Siri: How Vaccine Companies Received Immunity From Liability Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Testifies In Congress: No Childhood Vaccine Has Ever Been Fully Tested! McCullough, Malone, Cole, Thomas, Wakefield, Tapper, Lawrie, Kirsch, Owens, Nawaz Childhood Vaccines Peer-Reviewed Study: Vaccination WITH ALL VACCINES Drives Chronic Illness In The United States Three Independent Studies Answer This Question: Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier? VAXXED VS UNVAXXED: Dr. Paul Thomas & Dr. James Lyons-Weiler Put CDC Vaccine Schedule To The Test Peer-Reviewed, Ten-Year Study: Are Vaccinated Kids Healthier Than The Unvaccinated? ‘Vaccine Secrets’: What Parents Should Know Before They Vaccinate Their Kids Studies Outside the U.S. Show Unvaccinated Children Healthier than Vaccinated Children Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier Than Their Vaccinated Peers Joe Rogan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (The Complete, Unedited Interview - Episode #1999) Steve Kirsch Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Childhood Vaccines Cause Sudden Death Infant Syndrome, Autism & Chronic Illnesses In Children Dr. Paul Thomas: Childhood Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Manhattan-Style Project To Investigate Childhood Autism Dr. Peter McCullough: Most Childhood Vaccines Are UNNECESSARY & Potentially Harmful! Dr. Peter McCullough: Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism Which, In Turn, May Cause Transgenderism! Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - The CDC Knows Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism! Candace Owens & Dr. Robert Malone Discuss Childhood Vaccines Dr. Robert Malone: If There's Anybody That Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize, It's Bobby Kennedy Jr. Steve Kirsch & Dr. Ryan Cole Discuss Childhood Vaccines Dr. Tess Lawrie: "I Would Caution Against Taking Childhood Vaccines!" Dr. Mike Yeadon: "I'm Ashamed That I Was Pro-Vaccine. I Didn't Do My Homework." Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: The Extraordinarily Dangerous Ingredients In Childhood Vaccines Dr. Pierre Kory Discovers "Really Uncomfortable Facts" After Investigating Childhood Vaccines Bill Gates Told President Trump NOT To Look Into The Harmful Side Effects Of Childhood Vaccines Kennedy Explains What Happened When President Trump Asked Him To Lead A Commission On Vaccine Safety Roman Bystrianyk: Dissolving Vaccine Illusions Sunfellow Health & Healing Resource Page Sunfellow Health & Healing On Rumble COVID-19 Healing Resources .................... "What I learned from the Covid Vaccine debacle is that regulators approving COVID vaccines, and childhood vaccines, are crooks, and the same people approve all those vaccines. They are approving COVID vaccine applications that any serious regulator, who cares about infants, would have laughed out of the room. This is all I need to know about them. If these crooks are approving 'Covid Vaxx' for infants, I cannot believe their assurances about other childhood vaccines. I will not believe that 'they are safe', or that 'they are effective' unless it is proven without the involvement of these people or the greedy companies financing fake research." -- Igor Chudov Crooks Who Approved "Covid Vaxx" Approved Other "Childhood Vaccines" Also .................... Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report More Than 1,000 Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS) COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) COVID-19 - Mystery Clots In Vaccinated Deceased People COVID-19 & Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Transmission (Shedding) COVID-19 Magnetism, Graphene Oxide, UV Fluorescence Has Our Blood Supply Been Contaminated By Vaccinated, Genetically-Modified Blood? Censored, Sidelined And Villainized Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Workers Describe Their COVID-19 Experiences views 14 comments -
ICAN Lead Attorney Aaron Siri Gives Damning Testimony On The Floor Of Arizona State Senate
Sunfellow On COVID-19Last week, Aaron Siri, the lead counsel for ICAN, delivered compelling testimony at the Arizona Novel COVID South Western Intergovernmental Committee (NCSWIC), an important platform dedicated to addressing the challenges and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and charting a path forward. Original Video: ...................... Aaron Siri videos on this Rumble channel: Attorney Aaron Siri: How Vaccine Companies Received Immunity From Liability After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri Describes Alarming V-Safe Data During Washington D.C. Roundtable ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri Breaks Down CDC's V-Safe Data (The Highwire) After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! Why Did The CDC Hide The V-Safe Data From The American People For Almost 2 Years? Because it clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we've ever created, that's why. Check out the alarming V-SAFE data here: "The V-safe data shows that 33.1% of the people who got the vaccine suffered from a significant adverse event and 7.7% had to seek professional medical care. These are extraordinary numbers. They clearly show the vaccines are unsafe, that the CDC deliberately hid this information from the American public, and that the drug companies falsified the data in the trials..."9.51K views 7 comments -
Arizona Legislators Hear Expert Covid Testimony From Aaron Siri, Peter McCullough, Pete Chambers
Sunfellow On COVID-19From Phoenix, Arizona, the Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee hears testimony from experts including ICAN Lead Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq., Internist, Cardiologist, and widely published COVID expert, Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, and purple heart recipient, Former US Army Green Beret and Field Surgeon LTC (Ret) Pete Chambers, DO. Testimony topics include Informed Consent, Military COVID data, mortality data post-COVID vaccination, and the importance of protecting exemptions. October 20, 2023. Original Rumble Video: ........................ The Highwire Website The Highwire on Rumble Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) Del Bigtree videos featured on this Rumble channel: ........................ Dr. Peter McCullough Resource Page The Courage To Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization And Death While Battling The Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex (Book) By John Leake and Dr. Peter McCullough Dr. Peter McCullough videos featured on this Rumble channel: Dr. Peter McCullough on Substack Dr. Peter McCullough Website Dr. Peter McCullough on Twitter Dr. Peter McCullough on GETTR Dr. Peter McCullough on Telegram Dr. Peter McCullough on Rumble The Wellness Company ........................ Aaron Siri videos on this Rumble channel: Check out the alarming V-SAFE data here: Dr. Ahmad Malik & Attorney Aaron Siri (After Listening To This, You'll Be Done With Vaccines) Must Watch & Share: Aaron Siri’s Debate With Paul Offit (The Highwire) ICAN Lead Attorney Aaron Siri Gives Damning Testimony On The Floor Of Arizona State Senate Attorney Aaron Siri: How Vaccine Companies Received Immunity From Liability After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri Describes Alarming V-Safe Data During Washington D.C. Roundtable ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri Breaks Down CDC's V-Safe Data (The Highwire) After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! Why Did The CDC Hide The V-Safe Data From The American People For Almost 2 Years? Because it clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we've ever created, that's why. "The V-safe data shows that 33.1% of the people who got the vaccine suffered from a significant adverse event and 7.7% had to seek professional medical care. These are extraordinary numbers. They clearly show the vaccines are unsafe, that the CDC deliberately hid this information from the American public, and that the drug companies falsified the data in the trials..." ........................ Lieutenant Colonel Peter Chambers Describes Vaccine Injuries In The U.S. Military Lieutenant Colonel Peter Chambers: If We Don't Stop This, Our Military Is Going To Be Decimated! views 39 comments -
Attorney Aaron Siri: How Vaccine Companies Received Immunity From Liability
Sunfellow On COVID-19How Vaccine Companies Received Immunity From Liability Excerpted from: Aaron Siri (Part 1): Why Are Vaccine Manufacturers the Most Protected Companies in America? “When we finally had that data, you got a sense of why they didn’t want the public to have it, because it showed that 7.7 percent of the over 10 million V-safe users reported needing medical care after a COVID-19 vaccine.” Aaron Siri, managing partner at Siri & Glimstad, has led several high-profile lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and federal health agencies since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. “If they prevail … in five to 10 years, what will happen is it will reset the normal health baseline in America for heart issues, cardiovascular issues, right? That will be the new normal,” Siri says. In this comprehensive two-part interview, Aaron Siri breaks down how vaccine manufacturers secured unprecedented protections from liability three decades ago. “There is no other product that I’m aware of that is afforded this level of protection,” Siri explains. “When you look around you, all the products you experience every day, they’re safer because the manufacturer is worried about liability.” Siri was always told that vaccines are safe. But if a product is safe, he explains -- at least in the way that public health agencies project it to be safe to the public -- the injuries would be exceedingly rare, and thus, there would be no need for the manufacturer to be granted immunity from liability. “They were going to stop producing those vaccines because they could not make a profit because the amount of liability they had to pay exceeded the revenue,” Siri says. “You learn things along the way that you just can’t unlearn.” ... Aaron Siri (Part 2): How the Vaccine Paradigm Has Led to Medical Coercion and Conflicted Health Agencies “I was always told that vaccines are safe. And if a product is safe, why do you need to give the manufacturer … essentially immunity to liability for the injuries that that product causes? Because if it’s safe, certainly in the way that our public health authorities project it safe to the public, there shouldn’t be any injuries, or there should be one in a million, as you often hear.” Previously, in part one of my interview with Aaron Siri, managing partner at Siri and Glimstad, he broke down how vaccine manufacturers secured unprecedented protections from liability three decades ago. “COVID vaccines didn’t enter into a vacuum. They were rolled into a very long established paradigm and way things are done,” says Siri. “They had a narrative around natural immunity that they determined fit in with their policy. And then the studies followed to make it fit.” In part two, we discuss natural immunity from COVID-19 and what he discovered in the clinical safety trials of other vaccines, such as one of the Hepatitis B products: “147 kids. Five days of safety monitoring after injection. There’s no indication there was a control group,” says Siri. “COVID-19 vaccines -- they were called ‘rushed.’ They said the clinical trials were rushed. They said development was rushed. But the reality is the clinical trials for the COVID-19 vaccines that the average American received, compared to the clinical trials for almost every childhood vaccine, were the most robust studies that have been done on vaccines.” We also look at the conflicts of interest between America’s health agencies and pharmaceutical companies. “Think about this business model. You have a vaccine. You can’t be sued for harms. You have a guaranteed market because kids are required to get it for school. And your health agencies promote it for you and defend against any harm,” says Siri. ....................... "What I learned from the Covid Vaccine debacle is that regulators approving COVID vaccines, and childhood vaccines, are crooks, and the same people approve all those vaccines. They are approving COVID vaccine applications that any serious regulator, who cares about infants, would have laughed out of the room. This is all I need to know about them. If these crooks are approving 'Covid Vaxx' for infants, I cannot believe their assurances about other childhood vaccines. I will not believe that 'they are safe', or that 'they are effective' unless it is proven without the involvement of these people or the greedy companies financing fake research." -- Igor Chudov Crooks Who Approved "Covid Vaxx" Approved Other "Childhood Vaccines" Also ....................... Learn about the dark side of childhood vaccines: Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science And Myth (Book) Sunfellow Vaccination Resource Page Children's Health Defense ICAN National Vaccine Information Center McCullough, Malone, Cole, Thomas, Wakefield, Tapper, Lawrie, Kirsch, Owens, Nawaz Childhood Vaccines Peer-Reviewed Study: Vaccination WITH ALL VACCINES Drives Chronic Illness In The United States Three Independent Studies Answer This Question: Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier? VAXXED VS UNVAXXED: Dr. Paul Thomas & Dr. James Lyons-Weiler Put CDC Vaccine Schedule To The Test Peer-Reviewed, Ten-Year Study: Are Vaccinated Kids Healthier Than The Unvaccinated? ‘Vaccine Secrets’: What Parents Should Know Before They Vaccinate Their Kids Studies Outside the U.S. Show Unvaccinated Children Healthier than Vaccinated Children Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier Than Their Vaccinated Peers Steve Kirsch Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Childhood Vaccines Cause Sudden Death Infant Syndrome, Autism & Chronic Illnesses In Children Dr. Paul Thomas: Childhood Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - The CDC Knows Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism! Candace Owens & Dr. Robert Malone Discuss Childhood Vaccines Dr. Robert Malone: If There's Anybody That Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize, It's Bobby Kennedy Jr. Steve Kirsch & Dr. Ryan Cole Discuss Childhood Vaccines Dr. Tess Lawrie: "I Would Caution Against Taking Childhood Vaccines!" Dr. Mike Yeadon: "I'm Ashamed That I Was Pro-Vaccine. I Didn't Do My Homework." Roman Bystrianyk: Dissolving Vaccine Illusions Sunfellow Health & Healing Resource Page Sunfellow Health & Healing On Rumble views 11 comments