Great Foreign Movies
23 videos
Updated 5 months ago
Great Foreign Movies. #foreignfilms #foreignmovies
Pandora's Box - 1929 | Starring Louise Brooks
Classic Films & Books: Legendary Movies, Audiobooks and MorePandora's Box (German: Die Büchse der Pandora) is a 1929 German silent drama film directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst, and starring Louise Brooks, Fritz Kortner, and Francis Lederer. The film follows Lulu, a seductive young woman whose uninhibited nature brings ruin to herself and those who love her. It is based on Frank Wedekind's plays Erdgeist ("Earth Spirit", 1895) and Die Büchse der Pandora ("Pandora's Box", 1904). Dismissed by critics on its initial release, Pandora's Box was later rediscovered by film scholars as a classic of Weimar German cinema.1.64K views 27 comments -
The Gospel According to St. Matthew - 1964 | by Pier Paolo Pasolini.
Classic Films & Books: Legendary Movies, Audiobooks and MoreThe Gospel According to St. Matthew - 1964 | by Pier Paolo Pasolini. The Gospel According to St. Matthew (Italian: Il vangelo secondo Matteo, lit. 'The Gospel according to Matthew') is a 1964 epic biblical drama film in the Italian neorealist style, written and directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini. It is a cinematic rendition of the story of Jesus according to the Gospel of Matthew, from the Nativity through the Resurrection. In the neorealist tradition, the film utilizes a cast of non-professional actors, and is filmed entirely on-location throughout Southern Italy. The dialogue is taken directly from the Gospel of Matthew, as Pasolini felt that "images could never reach the poetic heights of the text."He reportedly chose Matthew's Gospel over the others because he had decided that "John was too mystical, Mark too vulgar, and Luke too sentimental." The film is considered a classic of world cinema and the neorealist genre. After initial release, it won the Venice Film Festival Grand Jury Prize, and three Nastro d'Argento Awards including Best Director. It was nominated for three Oscars - Best Art Direction, Best Costume Design and Best Score. In 2015, the Vatican City newspaper L'Osservatore Romano called it the best film on Christ ever made.202 views -
Esther and the King - 1960 (HD) | Starring Joan Collins & Richard Egan
Classic Films & Books: Legendary Movies, Audiobooks and MoreEsther and the King - 1960 (HD) | Starring Joan Collins & Richard Egan. Esther and the King (Italian: Ester e il re) is a 1960 religious epic film produced and directed by Raoul Walsh and starring Joan Collins as Esther, Richard Egan as Ahasuerus, and Denis O'Dea as Mordecai. Walsh and Michael Elkins wrote the screenplay, which was based on the Book of Esther of the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament. It recounts the origin of the Jewish celebration of Purim. An international co-production released by 20th Century-Fox, Esther and the King was filmed in Italy in the CinemaScope format (although not signed as such) and the Technicolor color process. Mario Bava, the film's cinematographer, was credited as a co-director on Italian prints of the film. #history #bible #esther #joancollins157 views -
Manina, la fille sans voiles - 1952 (HD) | Avec Brigitte Bardot
ŒTV en français | Films, animations, musique, livres audio et bien plus encoreManina, the Girl in the Bikini (French: Manina, la fille sans voiles) released in the UK as Manina, the Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter), is a 1952 French film directed by Willy Rozier and starring Brigitte Bardot, Jean-François Calvé and Howard Vernon. The film is one of Bardot's first film roles, at the age of 17 and was controversial for the scanty bikinis worn by the young Bardot in the film, one of the first occasions when a bikini had appeared in film and when the bikini was still widely considered immodest. Though released in France in 1952 as Manina, la fille sans voiles, the film was not released in the United States until 1958 as Manina, the Girl in the Bikini and in the United Kingdom until 1959 as The Lighthouse-Keeper's Daughter. In other countries it was released under other names. The film was able to be screened in the United States notwithstanding the Hays Code prohibition of exposure of the midriff as a foreign film. The film was shot in Cannes, Nice and Paris in the summer of 1952. Brigitte Bardot's father had signed a contract, on behalf of his minor daughter, specifying that the film was not to show indecent images. When in the course of filming, a series of "highly suggestive" photographs of his daughter was released, he accused the producing company of not respecting the contract and demanded that the film not be projected without the permission of a court. He lost the suit.138 views -
Diary of a lost Girl - 1929 | Starring Louise Brooks
Classic Films & Books: Legendary Movies, Audiobooks and MoreDiary of a lost Girl - 1929 | Starring Louise Brooks. Diary of a Lost Girl (German: Tagebuch einer Verlorenen) is a 1929 German silent film directed by G. W. Pabst and starring American silent star Louise Brooks. The film is shot in black and white, and diverse versions of the film range from 79 minutes to 116 minutes in length. This was Brooks' second and last film with Pabst, and like their previous collaboration, Pandora's Box, many film historians consider it to be a classic. It is based on the controversial and bestselling 1905 novel of the same name by Margarete Böhme. The novel had been previously adapted by Richard Oswald as Diary of a Lost Woman. Edited by Rueda Books & Arts392 views -
La Passion de Jeanne D'Arc - 1927 (HD) | Carl Theodor Dreyer
ŒTV en français | Films, animations, musique, livres audio et bien plus encoreLa Passion de Jeanne D'Arc (HD) est un film de procès français réalisé par Carl Theodor Dreyer en 1927 et projeté pour la première fois à Copenhague le 21 avril 1928. Il s'agit d'un film muet mais qui avait été initialement conçu comme un film parlant, ce à quoi Dreyer dut renoncer pour des raisons liées à l'équipement technique du studio. D'où l'aspect déconcertant de ce film, qui adopte déjà les codes du parlant tout en restant un film muet. La plupart de la musique a été publiée avec des compositeurs français, à quelques exceptions.294 views -
Metropolis - 1927 (HD) | by Fritz Lang
Classic Films & Books: Legendary Movies, Audiobooks and MoreMetropolis - 1927 (HD) | by Fritz Lang. Metropolis is a 1927 German expressionist science-fiction silent film directed by Fritz Lang and written by Thea von Harbou in collaboration with Lang from von Harbou's 1925 novel of the same name (which was intentionally written as a treatment). It stars Gustav Fröhlich, Alfred Abel, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, and Brigitte Helm. Erich Pommer produced it in the Babelsberg Studios for Universum Film A.G. (UFA). Metropolis is regarded as a pioneering science-fiction film, being among the first feature-length ones of that genre. "On 1 January 2023, the film's American reserved copyright expired, thereby entering the film into the public domain." Wikiipedia. Remastered and Musically edited by Rueda Books & Arts with some master pieces of the greatest German classical baroque music composers: Beethoven, Bach, Mozart and Wagner.416 views -
Battleship Potemkin - 1925 (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov & More | HD): SM Eisenstein
Classic Films & Books: Legendary Movies, Audiobooks and MoreBattleship Potemkin - 1925 (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov & More | HD): SM Eisenstein. Battleship Potemkin, directed by Sergej M. Eisenstein. Edited and remastered by Rueda Books & Arts, with its main texts in Spanish and subtitles in English. Music by the great Russian composers: Tchaikovsky, Glinka, Rachmaninov and Karsakov. "The Battleship Potemkin (Russian: Броненосец Потёмкин, or Bronenósets Potemkin) is a 1925 silent historical drama film directed by Soviet filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein. The film depicts the mutiny that occurred on the battleship Potemkin in 1905, when the crew rebelled against the officers of the tsarist army. The film is considered one of the best in the history of cinema. It was named the best film in history at the 1958 Brussels General Exhibition." Wikipedia. This work is currently part of the public domain #tchaikovsky #classicalmusic158 views -
The Private Life of Henry VIII - 1933 (Colorized - HD) | Starring Charles Laughton
Classic Films & Books: Legendary Movies, Audiobooks and MoreThe Private Life of Henry VIII - 1933 (Colorized - HD) | Starring Charles Laughton. The Private Life of Henry VIII is a 1933 British film directed and co-produced by Alexander Korda and starring Charles Laughton, Robert Donat, Merle Oberon and Elsa Lanchester. It was written by Lajos Bíró and Arthur Wimperis for London Film Productions, Korda's production company. The film, which focuses on the marriages of King Henry VIII of England, was a major international success, establishing Korda as a leading filmmaker and Laughton as a box-office star. Remastered by Rueda Books & Arts.129 views