Interview 608 with David Keith Quigley Aka John F Kennedy
TheMissingLinkLive"Stolen Identity" is the jaw-dropping memoir by the real John F. Kennedy Jr., who was replaced by a body double in a scheme to embezzle billions of Kennedy dollars for organized crime at the age of nine. Referred to as "John-John" by the mafia, the public persona of JFK Jr. was a counterfeit, enjoying a life of wealth and privilege. Simultaneously, the genuine son of the assassinated president endured a heartbreaking existence marked by neglect, torture, and poverty. Prepare to be astonished as the author reveals a gripping account of corrupt government, secret societies, MK-Ultra, murder, and monumental theft. This life-changing autobiography will permanently alter the reader's perception of the American government, politics, and the true fate of the Kennedy family. Please subscribe to all The Missing Link platforms you use listed below!! https://rumble.com/user/TMissingLink https://odysee.com/$/invite/@TheMissingLink:8 https://youtube.com/@TheMissingLinkLive https://vigilante.tv/c/themissinglink/videos https://www.facebook.com/tmissinglink https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesse-hal-0494632a Telegram Interviews: https://t.me/themissinglinkchannel Telegram Chat Group: https://t.me/themissinglinkjesse Bitchute - The Missing Link Jesse(Love Inspiring New Knowledge) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/RbrISyW2eX2N/ https://twitter.com/JessMissingLink?t=8R_30gE7dElBW6MCgT91-w&s=09 The Missing Link supprt is welcome at PayPal.me/HVLT, in Canada by etransfer to webcore8@gmail.com, by sending stars on Facebook, or subscribing to our Facebook $3.99 USD monthly support. You can support The Missing Link and get 10% off Cardio Miracle here: https://cardiomiracle.com/discount/TML By purchasing the best Glutathione on the market from neumi.com/HealTheWorld Or by getting your own home water filtration system through our website. Sales come up every 2-3 weeks. www.teamalkaviva.com/HealthEworld You can also support The Missing Link by purchasing an AC50 brown gas hydrogen water machine @ http://eagle-research.com/product/ac50 by entering the code TMLS20 which gives you 5% off your purchase. And you can order AllicinV at http://www.allicinv.com #TheMissingLink #TheMissingLinkLive #TheMissingLinkLivePodcast58.6K views 204 comments