Fir Farm - Regenerative Agriculture on display
livinlattesSource: https://youtu.be/1ESPCrojMzw?si=45gyeOSrCPFTjzjs68 views -
Illinois farmer sets out to “heal and restore” 100 years of toxic farming and bad soil
livinlattesSource: https://youtu.be/JP0DrrSrRsk?si=QbhpSbLEs4l41YO3 This needs to happen all over America and on her precious farmland64 views -
SGT ReportGet Car Vision X up to 50% off!!! Only at https://www.carvisionx.com ---------- Keep your skin healthy, GET Native Path Collagen: CLICK HERE: https://getnativepathcollagen.com/SGT SGT Report listeners can get up to 45% OFF!! Americans comprise the sickest, most obese nation in the western world. But why? How did we get here? Michael Dillion the founder of Air Water Healing joins me to discuss the epidemic of illness in the United States, JFK Jr.'s MAHA plan to fix it and much more. Thanks for tuning in. Get the BEST Air Cleaner Ever Invented [Triad Aer V3] & More: https://airwaterhealing.com/#SGT114K views 98 comments -
The beautiful Wholesome Dairy Farm Story in PA - retail success
livinlatteshttps://www.kimbertonwholefoods.com/wholesome-dairy-farms-yellow-house-pa-25-9-miles/120 views -
Micro Dairy Challenges - South African farmer offers insight
livinlattesSource: https://youtu.be/vJ-JDbv_brA?si=TIi6-Jqgw72UvJvI73 views -
Wisconsin Foodie chef tours cooks at a glorious small cheese making organic dairy
livinlattesSource: https://youtu.be/spFH_tw3b9A?si=u4V76Yo7wqKopZ1E128 views -
Paradigm Shift - Regenerative Farming IS the future - no other choice
livinlattesThe earth is the Lords and ALL its fullness The earth has a built in energy of bio diversity that needs humans to tap in order for the earth to produce good food Consider these words: You have made him (human) to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet, All sheep and oxen— Even the beasts of the field, The birds of the air, And the fish of the sea That pass through the paths of the seas. O LORD, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth!116 views -
God didn’t design cows to produce pasteurized milk - raw milk heals
livinlattesPaul and Cathy Noble cowshare farmer This video was recorded in 2011. People are sicker today than they were in 2011. All the more reason to support raw milk produced in a proper clean grass fed environment148 views 2 comments -
The logical benefits of Organic Dairy farming
livinlattesJ J’s Organic Dairy Farm in Monmouth, OR111 views