playlist thumnail

Grey Wethers, danced by Beltane Border Morris

10 videos
Updated 2 months ago
This dance was originally inspired after Beltane Border Morris visited the double stone circle on the misty rainy winter solstice of 2019. A dance creation workshop was held in early 2020 to develop all the dance moves but the dance remained unfinished due to Covid-19 which prevented us meeting. The dance was refined and finalised during the winter 2021-2022 dance practice season and here it is! Ant Veal
  1. 1
    Beltane Border Morris - Grey Wethers - Upton Folk Festival - Mayday 2017
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    Beltane Border Morris -Grey Wethers at Upton Folk Festival 2023
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    Beltane Border Morris - Grey Wethers Exeter 4 Feb 23
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    Beltane Border Morris - Grey Wethers - Upton Folk Festival 30 Apr 23
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    Beltane Border Morris - Grey Wethers - Church House Inn -16 Jun 23
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    Beltane Border Morris - Grey Wethers - Chagford - 3 Aug 23
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    Beltane Border Morris - Grey Wethers - The Dark Gathering - 28 Oct 23