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H O L O H O A X #ItNeverHappened

45 videos
Updated 1 day ago
We Deny The "Holocaust" ___________________________________________ There are currently 26 !! countries in which it's ILLEGAL to question the Jews' narrative concerning the Second World War - and specifically their "sword & shield" (-Germar Rudolph) "The Holocaust". Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Israel, Brazil, Canada, Australia, New Zealand (Chat GTP did not cite Sweden because that law was passed only recently [July 2024]) Why is it ILLEGAL to question it? - Because that narrtive is a pack of LIES - as you will come to find out if you delve into this playlist. Dare to delve? ___________________________________________ Please list ALL Countries with Holocaust Denial Laws: ChatGPT said: Holocaust denial laws are in place in several countries, primarily in Europe, to prevent the denial, minimization, or justification of the Holocaust. These laws vary in scope and enforcement but generally criminalize the denial of the genocide committed by Nazi Germany during World War II. Here is a list of countries with specific Holocaust denial laws: Europe Austria Law: Verbotsgesetz 1947 Details: Prohibits Holocaust denial and Nazi revival activities. Belgium Law: Belgian Anti-Racism Law (1995) Details: Criminalizes Holocaust denial and denial of other genocides recognized by international tribunals. Czech Republic Law: Criminal Code (Section 405) Details: Criminalizes Holocaust denial and denial of crimes against humanity. France Law: Gayssot Act (1990) Details: Prohibits Holocaust denial by making it a criminal offense to question the existence of crimes against humanity as defined by the Nuremberg Trials. Germany Law: Volksverhetzung (Section 130 of the German Criminal Code) Details: Criminalizes incitement to hatred, including Holocaust denial. Greece Law: Law 4285/2014 Details: Criminalizes denial of the Holocaust and other genocides. Hungary Law: Act C of 2010 on the Criminal Code Details: Criminalizes Holocaust denial and the denial of crimes against humanity. Italy Law: Law No. 115 (2016) Details: Amends the criminal code to include Holocaust denial as an aggravating circumstance in hate crime cases. Lithuania Law: Criminal Code (Article 170-2) Details: Prohibits the denial or gross trivialization of crimes committed by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Luxembourg Law: Law of 1997 on the Punishment of Certain Acts of Racism and Revisionism Details: Criminalizes Holocaust denial and revisionism. Netherlands Law: Article 137c and 137e of the Dutch Criminal Code Details: Criminalizes Holocaust denial under provisions against hate speech. Poland Law: Amendment to the Institute of National Remembrance Law (2018) Details: Criminalizes denial of Nazi and Soviet crimes, including the Holocaust. Portugal Law: Law No. 31/2004 Details: Prohibits Holocaust denial under laws against racial discrimination. Romania Law: Emergency Ordinance 31/2002 Details: Criminalizes Holocaust denial and the promotion of fascist, racist, or xenophobic ideology. Russia Law: Federal Law No. 128-FZ (2014) Details: Criminalizes Holocaust denial and the dissemination of false information about the activities of the USSR during World War II. Slovakia Law: Criminal Code (Section 422d) Details: Criminalizes Holocaust denial and the denial of crimes against humanity. Slovenia Law: Criminal Code (Article 297) Details: Includes Holocaust denial under provisions against incitement to hatred and violence. Spain Law: Criminal Code (Article 607.2) Details: Includes Holocaust denial as a form of justification of genocide, though enforcement is less stringent after a 2007 ruling. Switzerland Law: Article 261bis of the Swiss Criminal Code Details: Criminalizes Holocaust denial as a form of racial discrimination. Ukraine Law: Laws on Denazification (2022) Details: Criminalizes Holocaust denial and the denial of Nazi crimes. Other Regions Israel Law: Holocaust Denial Law (1986) Details: Criminalizes denial or minimization of the Holocaust, with penalties including imprisonment. Brazil Law: Law No. 9,459/1997 Details: Criminalizes Holocaust denial under broader hate speech and anti-racism laws. Canada Law: Criminal Code (Section 319) Details: Holocaust denial can be prosecuted under provisions against hate speech, though it is not a specific offense. Australia (Certain States) Law: Victoria and New South Wales have laws criminalizing Holocaust denial. Details: Legislation specifically targets Holocaust denial as a form of hate speech. New Zealand Law: Human Rights Act (1993) Details: Holocaust denial can be prosecuted under provisions against hate speech. Notes: In Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, Holocaust denial is not explicitly illegal but can be prosecuted under broader hate speech or racial discrimination laws. Some countries, like Spain, have had court rulings that affect the enforcement of these laws, making them less stringent in practice. This list includes countries where Holocaust denial is explicitly criminalized, and the laws may vary in terms of severity, enforcement, and penalties.
  1. The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax
  2. Auschwitz Vs. Science | A Brief Documentary | (2017)
  3. 40 Questions on the "Holocaust" - with Harold Covington (1990s sometime)
  4. T H E 🤬 H O L O H O A X 🤬
  5. Auschwitz - The Surprising Hidden Truth (2012)
  6. Jewish Gematria | The "Holocaust" and the Mythical "6 Million"
  7. David Cole In Auschwitz (1992)
  8. Illuminating The Hollowhoax (Part 1 of 2)
  9. Illuminating The Hollowhoax (Part 2 of 2)
  10. The Greatest Lie Ever Told | (2015)