YouTubers/Streamers (Soundboard Gaming)
57 videos
Updated 21 days ago
Compilation of gaming nerds getting trolled by soundboards of YouTubers and Twitch Streamers
ELPRESADOR Soundboard Trolling On Marvel Rivals
Realm Of DarksideWhat's the best way to celebrate the return of ELPRESADOR's old channel? Making puppets dance on Marvel Rivals. Intro: "LEGEND of NERDER - ELPRESADOR" by imDANNNj - Reupload https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtNZl8_CRx8 (Audio) ELPRESADOR MEDAL OF HONOR WARFIGHTER MONTAGE PART 1 - CTG's Reactions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwSUMZY40LU&rco=1 Elpresador Rage Montage #2 [Black Ops 2] Reaction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2qIHw1DFvg ELPRESADOR BLACK OPS 2 RAGE COMPILATION REACTION!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17TuCY7OCQk&t=592s Background Music: George Michael - Freedom '90 (chords) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rB-JohrZ2g Soundboards: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-e#elpresador-sb https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-e#elpresador-sb-v2 (Version 2) https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-e#elpresador-sb-v3 (Version 3) https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-e#elpresador-sb-v4 (Version 4) https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-e#elpresador-sb-v5 (Version 5) Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content: Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt Locals: https://soundboardgaming.locals.com/256 views 1 comment -
WingsOfRedemption Soundboard Trolling On Marvel Rivals
Realm Of DarksideWings rage quits Marvel Rivals after getting no donations for being so shit with Spider-Man. Intro: WingsofRedemption's Failed Spider Man Streams Low Viewers, Subs & Donations BONUS Screenshots! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV3tBPBW5EU&t=198s Background Music: Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky - Piano Tutorial with Sheet Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7Huj6Z7RsQ Soundboards: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-w#wingsOfRedemption-sb https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-w#wingsOfRedemption-sb-v2 Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content: Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt Locals: https://soundboardgaming.locals.com/405 views 2 comments -
DSP Soundboard Trolling On Marvel Rivals
Realm Of DarksideBased on DSP's horrible Marvel Rivals gameplay montage. Don't judge me why I'm bad. Intro: Gor's "DSP Soundboard Trolling On Overwatch 2 And Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Realm of Darkside" REACTION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_Vyu1ZXLeI Background Music: Athletic Theme - Super Mario World - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate hhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T946KEs3CYA Soundboard: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-d#dsp-sb Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content: Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt Locals: https://soundboardgaming.locals.com/362 views 1 comment -
Low Tier God Soundboard Trolling On Marvel Rivals Beta
Realm Of DarksideLow Tier God wages salt on his teammates in Marvel Rivals for always picking the same characters, and they're not having it. Intro: LTG reacts to another realm of darkside soundboard prank with his voice 2019-02-24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-71O45B46Q Background Music: David Kushner - Daylight - Piano Tutorial (MEDIUM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Spoua97tdp0 Soundboards: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-l#low-tier-god-sb (Version 1) https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-l#low-tier-god-sb-v2 (Version 2) Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content: Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt Locals: https://soundboardgaming.locals.com/1.28K views 8 comments -
ELPRESADOR (Quantrell Bishop) Soundboard Trolling on Insurgency Sandstorm
Realm Of DarksidePres goes full Cleveland mode against the sensitive nerds on Insurgency Sandstorm. I also used some of his funny lines from Black Ops 4, which are also very homophobic. If you can't handle that, don't watch this video. Intro: ELPRESADOR (Quantrell Bishop) Soundboard Trolling on Call Of Duty: Warzone 2 https://rumble.com/v2p0sw6-elpresador-quantrell-bishop-soundboard-trolling-on-call-of-duty-warzone-2.html Background Music: Surfin USA - Beach Boys - instrumental cover by Dave Monk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avs6qa6vs6o Soundboard: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-e#elpresador-sb-v4 (Version 4) https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-e#elpresador-sb-v5 (Version 5) Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content: Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt X: https://twitter.com/RealmOfDarkside2.55K views 2 comments -
ELPRESADOR (Quantrell Bishop) Soundboard Trolling on Call Of Duty: Warzone 2
Realm Of DarksideThe Beast makes Warzone puppets dance, even when they know he's a soundboard. This is a tribute to Pres's COD comeback on Warzone. Intro: Black Ops | ELPRESADOR Soundboard Rages on Free for All https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfIJ6obz9ks&t=511s Elpresador soundboard troll in Cold War https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNqkUxmTEq4&t=214s Trolling in CS:GO with elpresador soundboard :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W9134rOb_s&t=724s Using a ELPRESADOR Soundboard on Black ops 2 (Soundboard Gaming) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQxsQ6GaJ68 Background Music: The Beach Boys - I Get Around - Easy Piano Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNWV2hp4lN0 Soundboard: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-e#elpresador-sb-v2 (Version 2) https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-e#elpresador-sb-v3 (Version 3) Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content: Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt X: https://twitter.com/RealmOfDarkside2.29K views 3 comments -
DSP Soundboard Trolling on Call Of Duty: Warzone 2
Realm Of DarksideDSP annoys some Warzone players with his bugged mechanics and anti-game sentiments. Intro: DSP Soundboard Trolling on Overwatch 2 https://rumble.com/c/RealmOfDarkside Background Music: DSP's theme (instrumental version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpVExBp3_b8 Soundboard: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-d#dsp-sb Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content: Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt X: https://twitter.com/RealmOfDarkside2.41K views 2 comments -
DSP Soundboard Trolling on Overwatch 2
Realm Of DarksideDSP wages some soundboard salt on Overwatch 2 and also gets recognized by a teammate that actually thought it was him for a sec. Intro: DSP Tries It: Salty Overwatch (Part 1) [Re-upload] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfliPQDtyms (Deleted) Background Music: Quad City DJ's - Space Jam (Funk Cover - Instrumental) [Official Audio] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7VVOpwXxCQ Soundboard: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-d#dsp-sb Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content: Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt X: https://twitter.com/RealmOfDarkside2.02K views 5 comments -
WingsOfRedemption Soundboard Trolling on Overwatch 2
Realm Of DarksideWings confronts the nerds of Overwatch 2 and gets yelled at in return for calling them worthless. This is possibly funnier than all of my Wings videos on Siege, so cherish it, cuz I won't be using him anytime soon. Intro: WingsOfRedemption Soundboard Trolling on PUBG https://rumble.com/v2ee14e-wingsofredemption-soundboard-trolling-on-pubg.html Background Music: [FREE FOR PROFIT] HARD 808 TRAP TYPE BEAT - "MCDONALD'S" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuyOXlMxCHw Soundboard: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-w#wingsofredemption-sb Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content: Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt X: https://twitter.com/RealmOfDarkside3.12K views 9 comments -
WingsOfRedemption Soundboard Trolling on PUBG
Realm Of DarksideWings returns to make a fool out of himself, but this time on PUBG. Most of the lines I used are from his old Xbox 360 rage videos. Intro: WingsOfRedemption Gets SCREAMED AT by Spanish Man (CS:GO Soundboard Trolling) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7WWLPX6JF4&t=132s Wingsofredemption Soundboard Trolling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6igMZ_fPcjI SteamBoy - WingsOfRedemption (Jordie Jordan) RAGES in Modern Warfare 2! (Soundboard Trolling) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZIrP5uptpk Background Music: [FREE] Mcdonald's Type Beat "I'm lovin it" (Trap) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1-BStgEf8g Soundboard: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/gamers-yt-streamers-w#wingsofredemption-sb-v2 Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content: Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt X: https://twitter.com/RealmOfDarkside2.09K views