Geoff Castellucci - Shenandoah - Reaction
JennReactsMore Geoff and his lovely voice. #geoffcastelluccireaction #geoffcastellucci #shenandoah Please show the artist some love and support by going to their channel and liking the video and subbing. Thanks! Link to original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbFjVz_e8wo Sub to: @GeoffCastellucci All rights for the video shared and linked belong to the original copyright holder, and I am making use of the footage under the principle of fair use. My Socials: Buy Me a Coffee - https://buymeacoffee.com/jennreacts Discord - https://discord.com/invite/VwbZYJyGE7 Twitter - https://x.com/JenocydeGames Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jennreactions Please drop me a like (and sub!) and maybe a comment with any suggestions you may have for future reactions! Hope to see you next time :)17 views 1 comment -
Geoff Castellucci - Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold (The Hobbit) - Reaction
JennReactsI still cannot get over Geoff's deep bass rumble. Makes the buildings shake! Please show the artist some love and support by going to their channel and liking the video and subbing. Thanks! #geoffcastellucci #geoffcastelluccireaction #thehobbit #faroverthemistymountainscold Link to original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Erkv1-_xR7U Sub to: @GeoffCastellucci All rights for the video shared and linked belong to the original copyright holder, and I am making use of the footage under the principle of fair use. My Socials: Buy Me a Coffee - https://buymeacoffee.com/jennreacts Discord - https://discord.com/invite/VwbZYJyGE7 Twitter - https://x.com/JenocydeGames Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jennreactions Please drop me a like (and sub!) and maybe a comment with any suggestions you may have for future reactions! Hope to see you next time :)25 views -
Dan Vasc / Geoff Castellucci - I See Fire (ED Sheeran) - Comparison Reaction
JennReactsI love Dan Vasc's version of this song from The Hobbit, so let's do a comparison with Geoff Castellucci's version. Hope you enjoy! #danvasc #danvascreaction Please show the artists some love and support by going to their channels and liking the videos and subbing. Thanks! Link to original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q204k5i9eh8 Sub to: @DanVasc Link to original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b0HSW3CN9E Sub to: @GeoffCastellucci All rights for the videos shared and linked belong to the original copyright holder, and I am making use of the footage under the principle of fair use. My Socials: Buy Me a Coffee - https://buymeacoffee.com/jennreacts Discord - https://discord.com/invite/VwbZYJyGE7 Twitter - https://x.com/JenocydeGames Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jennreactions Please drop me a like (and sub!) and maybe a comment with any suggestions you may have for future reactions! Hope to see you next time :)25 views 1 comment