Independent Critic? Read more, Watch less
Interpretingtradition#literature #reading #dostoyevsky #literature, #reading, #dante, #dostoyevsky, #tolstoy, #orwell, #CSLewis, #Chesterton, If you want to give me a tip for my labors, best way either by: https://buymeacoffee.com/interpretingtra or 'thanks' (bottom screen, 3 dots), or https://paypal.me/interpretingtraditio Twitter: @InterpretingT Interpretingtradition@gmail.com People mentioned 4 people Virgil 1st-century-BC Roman poet C. S. Lewis British writer, lay theologian, and scholar (1898–1963) Joy Davidman American poet (1915–1960) Anthony Hopkins Welsh actor (born 1937) Transcript20 views 3 comments -
Father and Son: Earning your child's heart
InterpretingtraditionTo remind you of pre-industrial society family community life, an extract from the Film 'Witness' (1988), about the Amish Building the Barn. Notice the children also helping in the community's efforts. Witness (1985) - 'Building the Barn' scene #paterniity, #masculinity, #virility, #preindustrialfamily, #family, Link to 'The Making of the Barn', from the film 'Witness' (1988) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL_X7GelX5Q A summmary of a series of Lectures given in Spanish by Spanish Catholic priest, Father Antonio Gómez Mir. His YouTube Channel is Stat Crux. To help support this channel, please share to other networks, Like, leave a comment, subscribe and hit the bell for notifications. I appreciatae your contributions. If you want to give me a tip and help increase my pension, best way either by: https://buymeacoffee.com/interpretingtra or 'thanks' (bottom screen, 3 dots), or https://paypal.me/interpretingtraditio Twitter: @InterpretingT Interpretingtradition@gmail.com38 views 4 comments -
One more religion in the Supermarket of religions? Really, Bergoglio?
Interpretingtradition#religion, #catholicchurch, #inmigration, #justice, #charity, #ideology, #VaticanII, #pope, I am grateful to Fr Giorgio Maria Fare and Fr Gabriel Calvo Zarraute for their insights and teachings. Please help me reach 30,000 listeners by year's end. Above all, Share! To help support this channel, please share to other networks, Like, leave a comment, subscribe and hit the bell for notifications. I appreciatae your contributions. If you want to give me a tip and help increase my pension, best way either by: https://buymeacoffee.com/interpretingtra or 'thanks' (bottom screen, 3 dots), or https://paypal.me/interpretingtraditio Twitter: @InterpretingT Interpretingtradition@gmail.com29 views 1 comment -
The Wounded Man of Today: a call to true Virility
InterpretingtraditionA summmary of a series of Lectures given in Spanish by Spanish Catholic priest, Father Antonio Gómez Mir. His YouTube Channel is Stat Crux. #masculinity, #virility, #religion, #catholic, #hero, #knight, #docility, To help support this channel, please share to other networks, Like, leave a comment, subscribe and hit the bell for notifications. I appreciatae your contributions. If you want to give me a tip and help increase my pension, best way either by: https://buymeacoffee.com/interpretingtra or 'thanks' (bottom screen, 3 dots), or https://paypal.me/interpretingtraditio Twitter: @InterpretingT Interpretingtradition@gmail.com29 views 2 comments -
CONFUSION throughout: one of THEIR most potent tools
InterpretingtraditionConfusion in the spiritual and therefore political and social sphere. A Traditionalist view of what's happening in the West today. End of present historical cycle. Rebirth of a new? Discussion of Andre Guenon's "The Crisis of the Modern World" (1920). It is clear to me, after reading this book, why, in fact, the infiltrated Vatican is fighting Tradition so vehemently, i.e. those last embers of the Catholic cosmovision of a hierarchical world have to be finally put out, in other words. #tradition, #moraltradition, #rennaissance, #protestantism, #catholicchurch, Link to: "Oil Wars: Exposing US Foreign Policy in Middle East | Gary Vogler Interview " with Larry Johnson. • Oil Wars: Exposing US Foreign Policy ... To help support this channel, please share to other networks, Like, leave a comment, subscribe and hit the bell for notifications. If you want to give me a tip and help increase my pension, best way either by: https://buymeacoffee.com/interpretingtra or 'thanks' (bottom screen, 3 dots), or https://paypal.me/interpretingtraditio Twitter: @InterpretingT Interpretingtradition@gmail.com79 views 2 comments -
To Russia with Love
InterpretingtraditionFancy that! Russia destined to save Europe from her mediocre little tyrants! When I was a child I wanted to be Russian. It seemed exotic enough then. We prayed constantly in the early 60s for 'the conversion of Russia'. Perhaps my child's prayers bore fruit. Perhaps it's Russia now that has to pray for me. #russia, #thewest, #westernculture, #europe, To help support this channel, please share to other networks, Like, leave a comment, subscribe and hit the bell for notifications. If you want to give me a tip and help increase my pension, best way either by: https://buymeacoffee.com/interpretingtra or 'thanks' (bottom screen, 3 dots), or https://paypal.me/interpretingtraditio Twitter: @InterpretingT Interpretingtradition@gmail.com Transcript46 views 5 comments -
Forging the Sword! Traditionalism vs post-Modernity. Truth suffers but never dies
InterpretingtraditionOct 5, 2024 #christianity #tradition #postmodernism Here are some thoughts about our present-day need to go back to our roots, the roots of our christian civilization, continually under attack. #christianity, #tradition, #postmodernism, #culture, #westernculture, #europeanculture, #traditionalism, I'm following the guide and ideas in an interview given by Spanish Prof. Javier Barraycoa. Link: • JAVIER BARRAYCOA: TRADICIÓN VS MODERN... To help support this channel, please share to other networks, like, leave a comment, subscribe and hit the bell for notifications. If you want to give me a tip, best way either by: https://buymeacoffee.com/interpretingtra or 'thanks' (bottom screen, 3 dots), or https://paypal.me/interpretingtraditio Twitter: @InterpretingT Interpretingtradition@gmail.com30 views 2 comments -
When a society is sick, what to do? Cure it or let it die and decompose?
Interpretingtradition#globalconflict #geopolitics #wars #globalconflict, #geopolitics, #wars, #interpretingtradition, #politicalstrategies, #unipolar, #multipolar, Heading for world war? We are at a critical moment. We are in transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world, in transition regarding economic model, in transition re culture and values. Where will it all end? I'm following lecture by Ekai Center "They are taking us to War? What to do? Link: • NOS LLEVAN A LA GUERRA. EKAI Center... To help support this channel, please share to other networks, like, leave a comment, subscribe and hit the bell for notifications. If you want to give me a tip, best way either by: https://buymeacoffee.com/interpretingtra or 'thanks' (bottom screen, 3 dots), or https://paypal.me/interpretingtraditio Twitter: @InterpretingT Interpretingtradition@gmail.com18 views 2 comments -
What is it that ORDINARY CITIZENS can do in today's GLOBAL Politics?
InterpretingtraditionFirst, on UK election, Keir Starmer, UK new PM; Orban's visit to Kiev and Russia; On this Video, on Geo-politics, WHAT IS TO BE DONE? According to Spanish historian Juan Antonio Aguilar: DARE BE A BLACK SHEEP (in colour and direction - walk the other way - don't follow the flock). 1. Identify who your Adversary is; 2) your Adversary's methods and tools; 3) Their Fuel = your Fear; 4) Direction: Compass and Road Map. Instability comes from Uncertainty. Lose the Fear. You only think they are giants because you are on your knees. Dare mock them! #globalpolitics, #keirstarmer, #orban, #globalism, #sovereignty, To support the channel reaching more people, please share to other networks, like, leave a comment, subscribe and hit the bell for notifications. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Interpre... / @interpretingtradition https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/inter... Twitter: @InterpretingT interpretingtradition@gmail.com157 views 3 comments -
“To those who don't know the world is on fire, I have nothing to say ” -B. Brecht
InterpretingtraditionTo support the channel reaching more people, please share to other networks, like, leave a comment, subscribe and hit the bell for notifications. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Interpre... https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/inter... Twitter: @InterpretingT Interpretingtradition@gmail.com36 views 2 comments