Khaotic Thoughts
48 videos
Updated 5 months ago
My commentary videos with my raw, unscripted, & unfiltered thoughts.
Menstraul Cereal. Why? Just Why?
Hyprr KhaoticSo as a reaction to the outcry about Turning Red, somebody wanted to make Period cereal a thing. To start a conversation about the menstrual cycle and normalize it. It already is. It's a thing women have had to deal with for as long s there have been two genders in our species. The outcry and controversy around Turning Red was dumb and so was this reaction: Original Article: https://www.insidehook.com/daily_brief/news-opinion/period-crunch-cereal-intimina My source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5imPeirawlg My Links- B Kwiet: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEE2jCQzMhJFL4R8At26bTA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Hyprr-Khaotic:c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1450661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPub2pt0YWujv3YqRdX-ydg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/26uTaYD13vsL/1 view -
How Do People Still Not Know What a Stan Is?
Hyprr KhaoticSo apparently people on the internet, particularly Dream *Stans*, whom still don't seem to understand what *Stan means* and what a *Stan REALLY* is. So hopefully my video and the two sources down below can finally explain to those once and for all why *Stan* has a negative stigma and why being a *Stan* is a BAD THING. And would not be used as a synonym to super fan. Which doesn't even make any sense. Why would we call Super Fans *Stans*? Where does the "T" come from? Wouldn't we call super fans Sfans for short if that was the case? SFan- Super Fan. *Stan* stand for Stalker Fan. Always has been. Says who you might ask? The creator and origins of the word. That's who. So learn the real definition of the word already. OR stay delusional and wonder why people see you as a weirdo, don't take you serious, and probably would wish to keep their distance from you. No, I don't care if that sounds mean. The Psychology of a Stan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcNVPqsOgDw&list=PLCd36RSfTrGPWk9qm8H0fsZR-3BPvG-xz&index=102 Stan by Eminem (Origins of the term)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOMhN-hfMtY Stan Lyric Vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt14c7sYTFA Note: Before anyone asks, no Stan was not a real person as it seem in the music video. He was character. Meant to send a message to the artist fans. Or Stans to be specific. #Stan #StanCulture #Eminem #Dream15 views -
How would Super Fan Shorten to Stan? Makes No Sense.
Hyprr KhaoticNow I already touched on stan culture in a previous video and how they want the word *Stan* to be seen in a positive light. Which is ridiculous. I also already mentioned a little bit in the previous video how Stan cannot be short for super fan. But it was just a short segment. So I wanted to do a whole video touching on that one part. If you haven't seen my previous video on the matter, then I will leave a link right below. You do not have to watch the previous video in order to understand what's going on. Watch it before or after this one, it doesn't matter. No extra context required. The 1st video is just my full thought on the subject. This video is just extending that thought out a little but more. I will also leave previous links from before going into the psychology, behavior, and origins of stans. One of which being the original music video. Previous Video: https://rumble.com/v17lml3-how-do-people-still-not-know-what-a-stan-is.html Background gameplay: Star Wars Battlefront 2 2017 The Psychology of a Stan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcNVPqsOgDw&list=PLCd36RSfTrGPWk9qm8H0fsZR-3BPvG-xz&index=102 Stan by Eminem (Origins of the term)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOMhN-hfMtY Stan Lyric Vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt14c7sYTFA Note: Before anyone asks, no Stan was not a real person as it seem in the music video. He was character. Meant to send a message to the artist fans. Or Stans to be specific -
The Star Wars Battlefront 2 Slugthrower Makes No Sence!
Hyprr KhaoticThis video is long over do. But I have a few things to say about Star Wars crooked Spas 12 looking shotgun. And just to be clear, this is Star Wars Battlefront 2017 we're talking about.3 views -
A Map Editor for MW2? This could help CoD in The Long Run.
Hyprr KhaoticSo apparently there has been some rumors/news that the next Call of Duty will have a map editor. An unexpected Surprise, But a welcomed one. Given the current state of CoD, this could be beneficial for the short term. Maybe even long Term. I for one say it's about time. Zombies could have used this a long time ago. Background Gameplay- Middle Earth: Shadow of War2 views -
CoD Zombies Stand Alone Title? FREE TO PLAY?!?! SAY PSYC RIGHT NOW!! YOU'RE LYING!!!
Hyprr KhaoticA bomb was just dropped on me. So turns out the map editor for MW2 has been confirmed. If you haven't heard my thoughts on it then click the link Down Below. But on top of that, Activision & Treyarch are scheming on a stand alone Zombies. A free to play title. I'm guessing they'll make money on a battle pass & micro transactions. As for content. Zombie map editor. We're talking about custom Zombies on f*#$king console! It's about damn time! Background Gameplay- Middle Earth: Shadow of War MW2 Map Editor: https://rumble.com/v1b7z0r-a-map-editor-fo-mw2-this-could-help-cod-in-the-long-run..html6 views -
Youtube is Broken & Out Of Control & Both Viewers & Creators Are Fed Up!
Hyprr KhaoticCreators big and small are not safe from the corrupted Copyright claim system. Not even corporations are safe. Whether it be a corporation overreacting over 5 seconds of music or sound effects or a corporate imposter abusing the system, claims will be made. Valid or not, people will suffer the consequences of them. But at what point will youtube suffer the consequences of their broken system? They can't interfere with claims & they're trying to avoid a copyright lawsuit that can have severe repercussions against youtube. That's understandable. But it's their broken system that they need to fix. They don't want to piss off a big corporation over copyright infringement. Yet they've already pissed off a corporation over a copyright *claim*. It's like youtube was trying to avoid getting kicked in the dick and just ended up with a foot up it's ass. Their system goes way to hard over so little and can literally be abused by *ANYONE*! I could abuse it if I wanted to if I just made a new account and used no personal info. Their goes a good payday and a nice good f**k you to youtube right under their nose & they would never know. If that doesn't explain to you how bad it is then I don't know what does. Youtube needs to fix their system before it really Bites them in the ass. To here more about the DMCAs against Bungie, click on the link down below. Note: So I was wrong about his video being taken down. He just had his channel demonetized. Also, I am aware of the update of him getting his monetization back. I'm also aware of the update to the copyright claim system. It'll make things better, but it can still be abused. Bungie DMCAs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdDFoeFKQyU Actman situation- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BeavXumQDg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1OWLq2dO2c15 views -
Anti-gun & Pro-gun Activists Fussing Over Crap That don't Matter!
Hyprr KhaoticImagine how much of a better and safer place this country would be if grown ass adults would actually talk about sh*t that actually mattered. I'm starting to think that nobody cares about the future at this point. Someone just shoot me. Background Gameplay: Payday 21 view -
Youtube Updated The Copyright Claim System
Hyprr KhaoticDo to the youtube getting into some legal trouble with Bungie over the CCS being abused for bogus copyright clams, youtube decided to update their system in hopes to make it harder for the system to be abused by almost any random shmuck. It's not guaranteed to fix the issue, but it's a step in the right direction. Their next update to the system should be to make sure the claim has to provide credentials that prove that they're either they legitimate copyright holder, or that the legitimately represent the original rights holder. Like an id or some sort of legal document that prove your represent that person or company. My video on Bungie and the Actman: https://rumble.com/v1d0961-youtube-is-broken-and-out-of-control-and-both-viewers-and-creators-are-fed-.html6 views -
They/Them. See, Here's The Thing About That....
Hyprr KhaoticContext can be stretched. But it can stretch so far until it makes no sence. Not every word has open or multiple definitions. For anything to come out of somebody's mouth, the context can't be too stretched or too loose. They/Them as pronouns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46ehrFk-gLk My LatinX Video: https://youtu.be/oM1HrNHGEj41 view