DECODING THE BEAST SYSTEM: Helping You Escape the Matrix
WarriorBrideMinistriesGAHost: Kelly Hawley Cohost: Mike Van Wagenen Researcher: Christie Snow Warrior Bride Ministries presents Decoding the Beast System, a groundbreaking podcast designed to help survivors—and society at large—understand the hidden structures of childhood exploitation, ritual abuse, and mind control. Hosted by Kelly Hawley, with cohost Mike Van Wagenen, and researcher Christie Snow, this podcast dives deep into both the micro and macro aspects of trauma, exposing the tactics of the enemy while equipping listeners with tools to break free from the matrix of deception and bondage. Each episode unpacks hard truths about the beast system’s grip on individuals, families, and communities—offering biblically based strategies for healing, deliverance, and true freedom in Christ. Whether you are a survivor, a supporter, or someone seeking to understand the world through a new lens, Decoding the Beast System will empower you to break chains, renew your mind, and step into the abundant life YHWH intended. In this episode, we discuss the who, what, when, where and how the enemy has invaded every aspect of society including our entertainment, banking, education and prison systems to manipulate, control and keep us in bondage to the beast system. The epidemic of childhood exploitation is far reaching and ultimately in our own backyards. It’s time to wake up, rise up, and escape the matrix. Are you ready? ✅ Website: https://www.warriorbrideministries.com ✅ Contact us: admin@wbmga.org ✅ Retreat: https://www.warriorbrideministries.com/retreat ______________________________________________________ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: ⭐ J.M. Wilkerson Construction https://www.jmwilkerson.com/ ⭐ Yamaha https://www.yamaha-motor.com/ ⭐ Wilmington Power Sports https://www.wilmingtonpowersports.com/ ⭐ Lynnwood Motoplex https://www.motoplex.net/ ______________________________________________________ JOIN THE FIGHT 👉 Like, share, comment, subscribe 👉Help spread hope and healing136 views 1 comment -
Nathan Reynolds - Elite Family Ritual Abuse Survivor Exposes Globalist Satanic Cult
ZeeeMediaNathan Reynolds shares his story of becoming free of generational Satanic ritualistic abuse, exposing age-old rituals practiced to this day by powerful, wealthy families and worldwide elites working towards ushering in the Beast system worldwide. If you would like to support Zeee Media to continue getting the truth out to more people, you can donate via this link: https://donate.stripe.com/6oEdUL2eF1IAdXibII Website: https://www.zeeemedia.com Uncensored on Telegram: https://t.me/zeeemedia If you're in Australia, visit Gold Bullion Australia (Gold Stackers) today to secure your wealth with Australia's leading supplier of gold and silver bullion: https://www.goldbullionaustralia.com.au/?utm_source_zeeemedia&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=zeeemedia Prepare for cyber attacks, power outages and more by ensuring you and your family have alternate communication means through a Satellite phone! Visit the link below: https://sat123.com/maria/ To prepare you and your household for food shortages, access survival supplies and more, visit our partner Survival Supplies Australia via the link below: https://www.survivalsuppliesaustralia.com.au/?b7=zeeemedia Buy Stockman Steaks' GUARANTEED mRNA-free, non-GMO, hormone-free meat for your family and support Aussie Farmers today: https://stockmansteaks.com.au/maria To subscribe to Zeee Media's encrypted channel on Galileyo visit the below link: http://galileyo.com/influencer/maria To order Dr. Zelenko's products today, visit the below link, and use referral code MARIAZEEE for 5% off your order: https://zstacklife.com/?ref=MARIAZEEE69.1K views 172 comments -
S5E49 | Svali - Breaking Free of Cult Programming: Faith, Forgiveness, Self-Love, & Inner Cohesion
The Imagination PodcastToday I’m honored to have back on the show once again for another incredible episode: Human trafficking, satanic ritual abuse and Jesuit mind control survivor and whistleblower, published writer and author, mother, educator, blogger, and one of our most beloved and requested guests, Svali! A short overview about Svali in case you’re new here or have missed any of Svali’s episodes on this podcast - Svali has been a voice for survivors for years now through her blogs ‘Svali Speaks’ and ‘Svali Speaks Again’, and the books she has authored including, “Breaking Free of Cult Programming” - which has help lay the foundations for what we know today about cults, trauma-based mind control, deprogramming, secret societies including the Jesuit order, the history of the Illuminati and so much more, as well her brand new 3-part testimony series, “Never Give Up”, which gives a first time deep dive into Svali’s own testimony and life. Born and raised in a cult and having experienced horrors beyond comprehension, Svali broke free of her cult group several years ago and has been on a quest to share the knowledge that she has learned from personal experience to help set others free. There are years of eye-opening information on her blogs, and her books give a very concise and no-nonsense look at the underworld of mind control and the underlying mechanisms to which it is orchestrated, used generationally, and hidden from society. Svali has graced our show multiple times, each appearance more enlightening than the last, from her powerful two-part testimony series to deep explorations of cult programming, deprogramming, and healing. Today, we celebrate an extraordinary milestone - the release of the third and final installment of her testimony memoir on Amazon, “Never Give Up Part 3: Getting Free”. This book series not only unveils untold stories from her life but also offers profound lessons in resilience, hope, and the miraculous journey of healing. In today’s episode, we'll delve into some critical topics like Immortals and Delta programming, specifically how these are used in the Jesuit Order for memory and skills storage. We'll also explore the pathways to healing and recovery, offering support to survivors and those who assist them. A reminder that Svali's insights are drawn from her own personal experiences within the Jesuit Order and they highlight one aspect of mind control but are not universal to all cult groups and practices. And also a quick Trigger Warning to survivors as we will be discussing sensitive subjects related to mind control programming, parts, and systems. Please proceed with care. Svali brings to us decades of dedicated work in understanding and recovering from the control mechanisms she once endured. This conversation promises to be a beacon of hope and knowledge for anyone seeking truth and freedom from the shadows of manipulation and mind control. I encourage you all to put away any distractions and give your full attention to Svali as this episode is not just an interview, but a life-changing lesson from someone who has courageously fought to bring light to the darkest corners of human experience. Svali stands before us today as a testament to what the human spirit can overcome. Her journey from the depths of cult control to liberation is nothing short of miraculous, and we are truly honored and blessed to have her share her wisdom with us today once again. Let’s dive in! SVALI'S RECOMMENDED READING: "Finding Freedom" Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LNN5DTB?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_9ME4YZ9Z1KZXN4QNFJJG&peakEvent=5&dealEvent=1 'Prayer Warrior 1" Book: https://a.co/d/ie8YAsm "Prayer Warrior 2" Book: https://a.co/d/iyeRMXm CONNECT WITH SVALI: "Breaking Free of Cult Programming" Book: https://a.co/d/3ELuR8a "It's Not Impossible" Book: https://a.co/d/3rP7AKv "Svali Speaks Again" Blog": https://svalispeaksagain.wordpress.com/blog/ "Svali Speaks" Blog: https://svalispeaks.wordpress.com/ Deprogram Wiki: https://deprogramwiki.com/tag/svali/ CONNECT WITH THE IMAGINATION: EMAIL: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com My Substack: https://emmakatherine.substack.com/ BUY ME A COFFEE: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theimagination All links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast Website: https://standbysurvivors.com/ RIFE TECHNOLOGIES: https://realrifetechnology.com/ 15% Code: 420 CZTL METHELENE BLUE: https://cztl.bz?ref=2BzG1 Free Shipping Code: IMAGINATION7.17K views 10 comments -
EP 44 | "Jon Wedger: Ex Police Detective Turned Hero For The Children Exposes Sa-tanic Ritual Abuse"
The Imagination PodcastWhat a great honor and joy to get to have one of my own personal heroes and inspirations on the show - whistleblower and angel to the children, Jon Wedger . This is one of the most mind-bending episodes to date and without a doubt you will find some of the most invaluable, shocking, and empowering information you've never heard before. Joining us from the UK where his influence and insider information has been recognized far and wide, Jon rose to prominence nationally and internationally for publicly exposing the deliberate, systemic and institutional cover-up of child pro-stitution, sa-tanic ritual abuse, and all other crimes against children. As one of the original whistleblowers of our time on these topics, Jon now works to bring awareness to exposing the people and criminal activity hidden from the public with his organization, The Jon Wedger Foundation, where he works to protect whistleblowers in the police and survivors of abuse. Most importantly, Jon describes himself as a Disciple of Jesus Christ, and I believe you'll see this is self evident in the work he does being a real life angel and hero to our children. Fun Fact: Jon was an original inspiration for this podcast. His courage helped me find mine and I hope you learn as much as I have and draw your own personal inspiration from this incredible man. *Not all heroes wear capes* ***If you found value in this episode and want to support the work we are doing, please 'Like', comment, share, turn on alerts, and SUBSCRIBE so you can be the first to know when new episodes drop CONNECT WITH JON: Jon Wedger Foundation: Jon Wedger Exposes Corruption & Child Abuse -jonwedgerfoundation.org (Please donate directly to him - information is on the website) Email: jonwedgerfoundation@gmail.com YouTube Channel: Jon Wedger - YouTube CONNECT WITH 'THE IMAGINATION: All links here: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast1.41K views -
S1E28: "Lisa Meister - My Story of Surviving Satanic Ritual Abuse After Being Born into the Occult"
The Imagination PodcastThis is a ground-breaking episode filled with information on an issue the MSM will NEVER talk about: Satanic Ritual Abuse. Joining us today is survivor, mother, wife, author and podcast host, Lisa Meister, who tells all about having been generationally born and raised in the occult and life as a satanic ritual abuse (SRA) survivor. Lisa's story is important because it shines a light on these dark topics that can be difficult to research as any information surrounding the occult and SRA is purposefully hidden from the general public. Lisa's immediate family were generational occult members and from the time she was born until her early twenties, she was subjected to unspeakable horrors, tortures and mind-control in order to ensure she continue the generational pattern her family indoctrinated her into. Fortunately for her, she escaped and survived the horrific family dynamics she was born into and now uses her voice to bring awareness to these difficult subjects through social media and podcasting (link below to her podcast - you'll want to follow her!). What she has gone through will challenge your perceptions of what you've been told and we go into greater detail about SRA, mind control, the occult, and the role God played during her healing processes. Lisa is a hero in so many ways and a true inspiration to survivors everywhere. Very few survivors make it out of the system she was born into and even fewer find the courage or are even able to discuss their experiences without dire consequences. I know you will find this episode as informative and eye-opening as I did and it's such an honor to be able to share this incredible story and guest with you all. So many children are still trapped in these systems and the sooner we decide to learn about the hidden world that exists all around us, the sooner we can save every child from the hands of these horrific abuses and crimes. Share, subscribe and connect with Lisa below! Connect with and support Lisa: Instagram: @only_god_rescued_me_ Facebook: Only God Rescued Me Lisa's Book - "Only God Rescued Me: My Journey From Satanic Ritual Abuse" - https://www.amazon.com/Only-God-Rescued-Me-Journey-ebook/dp/B074BSMSKP/ref=sr_1_1?crid=CWVU957FG0J7&keywords=lisa+meister+only+god+rescued+me&qid=1641944179&s=books&sprefix=lisa+meister+only+god+rescued+me%2Cstripbooks%2C378&sr=1-1 Podcast: "Only God Rescued Me" - Spotify YouTube: "Only God" CONNECT WITH THE IMAGINATION: All links here: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast1.69K views 1 comment -
S2E26 | "SRA Victor Lisa Meister: 'What It's Like Being an SRA Survivor' Q&A Tell All"
The Imagination PodcastYou're in for a treat! This week I’m honored to be joined once again with SRA victor and advocate, Lisa Meister! Lisa is one of the most beloved guests I’ve featured on this show and I’m so happy to have her back for the third time! After recovering memories of her childhood abuse and going through the long and arduous healing journey, Lisa decided to go public with her story and has undoubtedly become one of the foremost leaders in bringing awareness and education to SRA in the whole world. In this episode, Lisa answers all of YOUR most commonly asked questions and what it's like to live a day in the life of an SRA survivor! This was a special episode and Lisa's answers do not disappoint - she delivers answers to hard questions with such grace and love! Lisa’s God-given gift is in her ability to not only carry the weight of her own experiences, but through building social media communities bringing SRA survivors together and creating a successful podcast featuring the voices of these SRA survivors she’s connecting with, she’s able to also carry the weight of so many other survivors with such elegance, compassion and love that you can’t help but to feel a sense of AWE watching and listening to her. I will literally stop everything I’m doing to listen to her podcast as soon as I get an alert and it is my absolute favorite podcast on any platform. It has helped me deepen my understanding of these topics that are so foreign to me and has given me such rare insights into the hidden parts of the world that are so challenging to wrap my mind around. I couldn’t be more in love and in AWE of Lisa myself for her bravery and all the hard work she’s doing! In addition to managing her budding social media communities, Lisa has written not one, but TWO memoirs - “Only God Rescued Me: My Journey From Satanic Ritual Abuse”, and “You’ve Got the Wrong Guy”. She runs her own podcast, “Only God Rescued Me: My Journey From Satanic Ritual Abuse” on Spotify AND on YouTube, is a mother and wife, and also just recently launched a new platform called, “Lisa’s World” - a monthly subscription to exclusive interviews and personalized insights into the memoirs she’s written and her life. I highly suggest everyone not only go subscribe to Lisa’s podcast and set the alarm to be alerted for new episodes, but I also encourage you to support her new subscription platform and help provide Lisa with the financial resources she needs and deserves to continue bringing you and I such valuable content! For those of you not familiar with Lisa’s other appearances on the show, I’ll be linking her 1st and 2nd episodes in the show notes along with many other links and resources to get familiar with her and to support her work, buy her books, and to connect with her! It is my great honor to bring to you today - my hero, my friend, and someone who will go down in history as changing the world, SRA victor and advocate, Lisa Meister! LISA'S PLAYLIST ON 'THE IMAGINATION': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6BlVXi4PVo&list=PLOOfEA1wZprPUbQswMRnsIGToFkeJpg8I CONNECT WITH LISA: Spotify: Only God Rescued Me: My Journey From Satanic Ritual Abuse - https://open.spotify.com/show/746MVG3LhsErM490Qjq3ge Anchor: https://anchor.fm/lisa-meister/episodes/Jon-Wedger--ex-detective-and-sra-hero--with-Isabella-and-Brian-e12n23e Instagram: @only_god_rescued_me_ - https://www.instagram.com/only_god_rescued_me_/ YouTube: @onlygodrescuedme - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXudcfKU-b6NtSQphUOstRA/videos Facebook: @LisaMarie4242 - https://www.facebook.com/lisamarie4242 FB SRA Private Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/794488937842132/ PURCHASE LISA'S BOOKS ON AMAZON: "Only God Rescued Me: My Journey From Satanic Ritual Abuse": https://www.amazon.com/Only-God-Rescued-Me-Journey/dp/1547145064/ref=sr_1_1?crid=EXJ1DTTA1RVC&keywords=only+god+rescued+me&qid=1650215852&sprefix=only+god+rescued+m%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-1 "You've Got the Wrong Guy": https://www.amazon.com/Youve-Got-Wrong-Lisa-Meister/dp/B09CK9X43P/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2CKSMNUMYCHHU&keywords=you%27ve+got+the+wrong+guy&qid=1650215882&sprefix=you%27ve+got+the+wrong+guy%2Caps%2C86&sr=8-1 CONNECT WITH THE IMAGINATION: All links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast Website: https://standbysurvivors.com/ SXS Merch: https://my-store-c980d5.creator-spring.com/ Survivor Store: https://standbysurvivors.com/survivor-store2.61K views 3 comments -
S2E25 | "Cheryl 'Hersha' Beck: Surviving SRA & MK Ultra, the Truth About Disney, & Freemasonry"
The Imagination PodcastPrepare to have your mind blown this week! I’m honored to introduce you to someone who arguably has had one of the greatest historical influences for survivors today to be able to speak out - elite child trafficking, occult, MK Ultra, SRA, and covert government ops survivor, and survivor advocate, Cheryl ‘Hersha’ Beck! In this conversation, we are going to learn an overview of Chery's story (her full story below in the show notes under the 'Throwaway Child' interview series she did), expose the TRUTH about Disney, and discuss Free-masonry. While many of us listening are new to speaking out, have been speaking out for a few years, or who are still observing, Cheryl has pioneered the way for voices all over the world to be heard through DECADES of whistleblowing and finding ways against all odds to have her voice heard. She’s a true hero and inspiration to me and so many survivors have found their own voices through her persistence and bravery to continue to speak out despite the repercussions and consequences. Cheryl was born into an occult family who traded her and her sister into government and CIA programs in exchange for her parents to have judicial immunity for any crimes that may be committed against them. Cheryl, a bright and precious child who began speaking in full sentences at just 9 months old, was deemed a ‘Throwaway Child' by her family which made her an expendable in the cult. This, in turn, subjected her to unspeakable horrors at the hands of her own family, her Pediatrician and Dentist - who were also in the system - as well as in the hands of prolific abusers, Freem-asons, and satanists like Michael Aquino, Joseph Mengele, the Bush family, and even some close family friends - the Roths-childs. Always a rebellious child with the spirit of God in her heart, the system tried to break her and underestimated her unbreakable human spirit. Even through all the horrific abuses she endured, she has defended and stood up for children since she was a small child - a mission that continues to this day. And as you listen to her speak, the takeaways will be both profound, heartbreaking, and inspiring all at once - I suggest you get a pen and paper and enjoy today’s show as you will learn so much in such a short amount of time! DONATE TO CHERYL: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/GramCABeck CONNECT WITH CHERYL: Twitter: @CABeck1961 - https://twitter.com/CABeck1961 Telegram: @CABeck1961 E-mail: write.cabeck@yahoo.com CHERYL'S RESOURCES: "Throwaway Child" Interview Series: Pt 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKPLla7wOC8&t=510s Pt 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk2CoGTUwtw&t=457s Interviews and Survivor Drawings with @CarmenSmithStuder : Pt 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEiSmmh2SrA Pt 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7MGQXlJgFs&t=3s "The Greenbaum Speech: https://online.pubhtml5.com/rukq/psbx/#p=3 Interview with Michael Jaco and Carmen: https://rumble.com/vh3pdh-mk-ultra-mind-control-sacrifice-rape-of-children-satanic-churches..html CONNECT WITH THE IMAGINATION: All links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast Website: https://standbysurvivors.com/ SXS Merch: https://my-store-c980d5.creator-spring.com/ Survivor Store: https://standbysurvivors.com/survivor-store1.79K views 1 comment -
S3E41 | Nathan Reynolds: Ex-Sleeper Assassin 'Snatched from the Flames' of Radical Intelligent Evil
The Imagination PodcastThis week I’m honored to have on the show someone who had a profound impact on my own awakening journey into learning about satanic ritual abuse and how organized child abuse crime syndicates are able to permeate society. Introducing - SRA and mind control survivor, man of God, father, husband, writer and author, international speaker, podcast host, entrepreneur, farmer, military veteran, wilderness mentor, executive protection agent, transport specialist, chef for the homeless, market seller, and Linenite: @NathanReynolds ! Nathan was born into a generational incest-based family through the Reynolds bloodline, and from birth was systematically abused, mind controlled and mentally fractured to keep his abuse compartmentalized with amnesic barriers. It wouldn’t be until later in life and into his marriage that his suspicious past would begin unweaving and unwinding itself - revealing a layered double-life checkered with deceit, betrayal, pain, torture, and horrors beyond comprehension perpetuated on him from the same family, military, government and community members that were partaking in what Nathan appropriately has coined, “Radically Intelligent Evil”. What Nathan’s abusers didn’t anticipate was the power of his unbreakable human spirit and the Power of Jesus Christ who quite literally, “Snatched him from the flames”. As one of the first males to pioneer speaking out on these horrors publicly on a large scale, Nathan is not only giving himself a voice, but he’s speaking for and on behalf of every other male and survivor who has been tortured or threatened into silence. He’s a true hero and example of how love, redemption, meaning, purpose, and creation lie on the other side of healing from and breaking the chains of generational trauma. Nathan’s book he authored, “Snatched From the Flames: One Man’s Journey to Uncover The Family Secrets Buried in his Blood-Stained Past” details his testimony and path of redemption through the Holy Spirit, and also serves as a beautiful love story between him and his amazing wife, Chelea. I always say that ‘spouses are the unsung heroes in a survivor’s journey’ and you’ll find so much inspiration and hope within Nathan’s book despite all the darkness he boldly professes and exposes. This is a book I highly recommend you all go and purchase off Amazon as soon as possible - I’ll have it linked in the show notes and would love if you all went and read this incredible testimony in its entirety. Nathan also has a fantastic YouTube channel under his name, Nathan Reynolds, where he discusses everything from his abuse, to off-grid living, to family life, to linen and wool, beautifully articulated sermons and Bible studies, as well as podcasts he’s been on that you can watch right from his channel. Nathan’s ability to articulate on a high level things that are, at times, impossible and unfathomable for the general public to understand, helps serve society with a clinical and spiritual understanding of these ancient, organized, and ritualistic abuse systems that still exist all over the world today and use and view children as human capital. I ask you all to pray over Nathan and his family as he continues to speak out against the powers and principalities of darkness, and support him by purchasing his book, following him on social media outlets, and donating to his ministry. I’ll have all of Nathan’s links listed in the show notes for you! Before we dive into today’s episode I wanted to give a reminder that if you are a survivor or whistleblower who wants to share your story on the podcast or wants to share any information privately with me, you can now email me at IMAGINEABETTERWORLD2020@GMAIL.COM! Please send me a briefing of who you are and how I can support you whether it’s through podcasting or sharing information. I also just started a Substack that you can support at: https://emmakatherine.substack.com/ where I will be doing weekly recaps and insights on my podcast and using this as a place to publicly journal my journey as an advocate for our children. All my social, email and project links can also be found in the show notes and as always - I’m so grateful for all your support. CONNECT WITH NATHAN: YouTube: @NathanReynolds Discord: https://discord.gg/RjxEuHaMvD Purchase 'Snatched from the Flames': https://snatchedfromtheflames.com/book/ DONATIONS: Venmo: @TheLinenRailroad PAYPAL: snatchedfromtheflames@gmail.com CashApp: $LinenRailroad **If you would like The Linen Railroad's ADDRESS to Send Garments, Grain or other treasures, please email: snatchedfromtheflames@protonmail.com CONNECT WITH THE IMAGINATION: Emma's Substack: https://emmakatherine.substack.com/ EMAIL: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com All links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theimagination BUY ME A COFFEE: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theimagination Website: https://standbysurvivors.com3.91K views 1 comment -
S3E48 | "Jon Wedger - Ex-Police Detective Whistleblows Elite Pedophile Rings & Satanic Ritual Abuse"
The Imagination PodcastIt is an honor and joy to have back on the show for a second time someone who early on in my awakening had a massive impact on both my learning curve and on my heart, and who I know also had a massive impact on many of you listening. Introducing, ex-Scotland Yard Police Detective in the UK, child care and satanic ritual abuse whistleblower, loving father, tireless activist, co-author of the new book “The Great Reveal” with John Cooper, podcast host and content creator, campaigner for the protection of whistleblowers, and one of my personal heroes: Jon Wedger! If you missed Jon’s testimony the first time he was on the show, you should absolutely go back and listen to it. His episode on Season 1, Episode 44 is still to this day one of the most impactful episodes on this podcast - I’ll link it below for you to check out! Jon resides in the UK where his influence and insider information of exposing high level, organized crimes against children has been recognized far and wide. Jon rose to prominence nationally and internationally for publicly exposing the deliberate, systemic and institutionalized cover-up of child prostitution, satanic ritual abuse, and abuse within the child care system he discovered during his tenure in the police dept investigating child abuse cases. Jon is the only police whistleblower in the UK to blow the whistle on these topics while he was still employed as a police detective and nearly lost everything because of it. Still to this day he is under constant attack and bravely risks his life daily to continue shining a light on the darkness he unveiled as a detective. Jon’s work I found early on in my quest to learn the truths of the world and he was actually one of the original inspirations behind this podcast being created. He was the first whistleblower and advocate I stumbled on who wasn’t a survivor and as an advocate who was stepping into speaking out publicly, his courage gave me the boost of confidence and motivation I needed at that time to fearlessly use my own voice. I’m forever grateful for Jon and how he stepped into the fire when he could have just looked away like most people do. Most importantly, Jon describes himself as a ‘Disciple of Jesus Christ’, and I believe you’ll find this to be self-evident in the tireless work he does being a real-life angel and hero to our children. Not all heroes wear capes! Before we dive into today’s episode, I wanted to give a reminder that if you are a survivor or whistleblower who wants to share your story on the podcast or wants to share any information privately with me, you can now email me at IMAGINEABETTERWORLD2020@GMAIL.COM! Please send me a briefing of who you are and how I can support you whether it’s through podcasting or sharing information. I also just started a Substack that you can support at www.EmmaKatherine.Substack.com where I will be doing weekly recaps and insights on my podcast and using this as a place to publicly journal my journey as an advocate for our children. All my social, email and project links can also be found in the show notes and as always - I’m so grateful for all your support. CONNECT WITH JON: YouTube Channel: @JonWedger Facebook: @Jon Wedger - https://www.facebook.com/protectchildren Jon’s book on Amazon: The Great Reveal: Featuring Jon Wedger https://a.co/d/2G31OYY CONNECT WITH THE IMAGINATION: Emma's Substack: https://emmakatherine.substack.com/ EMAIL: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com All links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theimagination BUY ME A COFFEE: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theimagination Website: https://standbysurvivors.com3.29K views 1 comment -
S3E51 | Nathan Reynolds: Ex-Child Assassin on the JASON Groups, DELTA Programming, and Human Hunting
The Imagination PodcastThis week I’m honored and excited to have back on the show for a second time - SRA and mind control survivor, man of God, father, husband, writer and author, international speaker, podcast host, entrepreneur, farmer, military veteran, wilderness mentor, executive protection agent, transport specialist, chef for the homeless, market seller, and Linenite: Nathan Reynolds! A little recap of Nathan’s testimony: He was born into a generational incest-based family through the Reynolds bloodline, and from birth was systematically abused, mind controlled and mentally fractured to keep his abuse compartmentalized with amnesic barriers. It wouldn’t be until later in life and into his marriage that his suspicious past would begin unweaving and unwinding itself - revealing a layered double-life checkered with deceit, betrayal, pain, torture, and horrors beyond comprehension perpetuated on him from the same family, military, government and community members that were partaking in what Nathan appropriately has coined, “Radically Intelligent Evil”. The last time Nathan was on, we dove into his testimony, his walk with God, the impact his wife Cheslea and his children had on his healing, his book, ‘Snatched From the Flames: One Man’s Journey to Uncover the Family Secrets Buried in his Blood-Stained Past’, and so much more. I highly recommend listening to that episode as it was filled from start to finish with invaluable information and inspiration, and to also follow his YouTube channel, @NathanReynolds, where you can watch all his other interviews, listen to him read his entire book AND the Bible for free in his playlist section, and learn helpful tools about healthier, holistic and Biblical living the way God intended for it to be. This time around on today’s episode, we are going to dive into some nitty gritty topics Nathan hasn’t yet had the opportunity to cover in an interview - including the JASON Groups, DELTA, military and assassin programming, methods and tactics, what it’s like to hunt humans as a highly skilled mind-controlled hitman, redemption through our Lord and Savior, and so much more. This is an episode you do NOT want to miss with information you won’t hear anywhere else. Nathan is an absolute warrior and we have so much to learn from him and others willing to shine a light on these dark topics. I encourage and ask that you please give Nathan your full attention and I thank you ALL who submitted your questions - we are going to answer as many of them as we can! Before we dive into today’s episode, I wanted to give a couple reminders and updates. If you are a survivor or whistleblower who wants to share your story on the podcast or wants to share any information privately with me, you can now email me at IMAGINEABETTERWORLD2020@GMAIL.COM - I’d love to hear from you! I also just started a Substack and a Rumble channel you can support as well - all details are in the show notes. And lastly - starting October 1st, we are beginning a ‘Stand by Survivors’ Monthly Book Club where each month we will feature and read together a survivor or survivor advocate’s book and come together at the end of the month with a group Zoom call WITH the author! Let it be no surprise that Nathan’s book, ‘Snatched from the Flames’ will be our first featured book and on Monday, October 30th at 8pm Central Time, everyone who participates in the book club will have the amazing opportunity to sit in on a LIVE Q&A with Nathan over Zoom! LINK FOR BOOK CLUB SIGN-UP: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C49AFAD23A7F49-stand CONNECT WITH NATHAN: YouTube: @NathanReynolds Discord: https://discord.gg/RjxEuHaMvD Purchase 'Snatched from the Flames' on Nathan's Website: https://snatchedfromtheflames.com/book/ Purchase 'Snatched from the Flames' on Amazon: https://a.co/d/cwRkX1N Listen to 'Snatched from the Flames' Playlist on Nathan's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz9d-NlmSSQ&list=PLAyQ3kPS-Vdq63g4dQKmDZMLdljkLB6Ow DONATIONS: Venmo: @TheLinenRailroad PAYPAL: snatchedfromtheflames@gmail.com CashApp: $LinenRailroad **If you would like The Linen Railroad's ADDRESS to Send Garments, Grain or other treasures, please email: snatchedfromtheflames@protonmail.com CONNECT WITH THE IMAGINATION: Emma's Substack: https://emmakatherine.substack.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9wK9zNiw8iRfuieyDvtWOQ EMAIL: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com All links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast BUY ME A COFFEE: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theimagination Website: https://standbysurvivors.com4.13K views 9 comments