Yakuza Kiwami
102 videos
Updated 4 days ago
The mob scene, together with all the melodrama, violence, and shakedowns you'd expect.
GekokujoWarGaming(YK Part 100) Jackal Yagisawa-san be like, we ain't out at sea, and I ain't takin' a dive. {Editors' Note: Well, we are learning a little about Haruka. She is a huge boxing fan. She's not boring either, she's just 9. At 8 or 9 years old, it's incredible that she even has hobby.} {Post Editors' Note Note: I don't know why the last 2 videos looks so off, but something turned off my reshader program. I gotta go back and put my settings back on and see what else happened. Weird.}223 views 1 comment -
GekokujoWarGaming(YK Part 99) Sorry you had to go through all that Haruka. I, uh, I have a weird job.20 views -
Doctor Emoto And The Ali Brothers
GekokujoWarGaming(YK Part 98) I'd like to formally request that Doctor Emoto-sensei needs to just be canonized as a saint at this point. He is the most reliable character in the entire series. He was there for everybody, including Tatsuya in a few years. {Editors' Note: R.I.P. Kazama-san. You went out like a champion. You're the best.}9 views -
Showdown At The Docks
GekokujoWarGaming(YK Part 98) This is what happens when the meeting down by the docks gets out of hand. Also, it's the old "pre-prison best friend/girlfriend loses her mind while boyfriend is locked up to have a kid with a prominent politician, only to lose the kid (somehow) and the kid then randomly meets up with the boyfriend after his parole and the boyfriend basically adopts her and is bringing her back to her mother post-finding her mind" story we have all heard a million times. {Editors' Note: You didn't see that coming. And if you did, you are lying.}4 views -
The Plot Escapes Me
GekokujoWarGaming(YK Part 97) Now with that hilarity out of the way... the plot. I nearly forgot there was a story here and not just Majima.9 views -
GekokujoWarGaming(YK Part 96) Well, that was.... um, unexpected? ... Inappropriate? That was something, alright.17 views -
Bug Rematch
GekokujoWarGaming(YK Part 95) Better luck next time, Majima. {Editors' Note: That was some bullshit Zombie, speaking of a rematch, let me catch you outside.}11 views -
Sexy Bug Battle
GekokujoWarGaming(YK Part 94) Y'all, Majima-no-nissan is fucking hilarious! Love that guy.23 views 1 comment -
Majima VS Kazuma
GekokujoWarGaming(YK Part 93) The epic saga concludes here.... or does it?18 views -
Soft Clubbing
GekokujoWarGaming(YK Part 92) Omg y'all, Rina-chan is so much fun to talk to. I just wish I knew what to say to her. It's not that often that I get to talk to gay women, on the level. Lesbians, if you will. I'm literally just guessing over here.45 views