playlist thumnail

Resident Evil 2

5 videos
Updated 1 year ago
After the residents of Raccoon City have turned into zombies by the T-virus, a biological weapon developed by Umbrella, Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield look for survivors. ★ Review - Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom Release Date: January 21, 1998 Platforms: PlayStation, Computer, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, GameCube
  1. Resident Evil 2 (part 1) | Safety in the Raccoon Police Department (Start of Claire A)
  2. Resident Evil 2 (part 7) | Meeting Ada Wong
  3. Resident Evil 2 (part 11) | Ms. Redfield Gon' Give It to Ya (Start of Claire B)
  4. Resident Evil 2 (part 12) | Your Mistletoe Is No Match for My Tow Missile (End of Claire B)
  5. Resident Evil 2 (part 13 - FINAL) | 4th Survivor, Tofu Survivor, Extreme Battle, & Gallery