Building Projects
35 videos
Updated 4 months ago
Building the things needed around the Homestead
Waist not Want not
Tailgate Productions - Backyard HomesteadSaving the scraps from the water stand build and making useful stakes for in the garden85 views 6 comments -
Big Box Stores Suck
Tailgate Productions - Backyard HomesteadA trip to Lowes Building a stand for the water tanks91 views 2 comments -
Camp Rebuild (Build back better)
Tailgate Productions - Backyard HomesteadToo much waisted space.... Time for a new plan Stan See the old camp https://rumble.com/v2qjp54-man-cave-update.html?playlist_id=Y146AG0RV90191 views 10 comments -
Camp Rebuild 2024
Tailgate Productions - Backyard HomesteadCutting the lumber to size and putting in place162 views 3 comments -
Camp sight Rebuild Getting started
Tailgate Productions - Backyard HomesteadRebuilding the campsite from the summer storm damage. Step one. Lets get started https://rumble.com/v5hq3to-repairing-the-camp.html?e9s=src_v1_upp129 views 4 comments -
Tailgate has a new roof
Tailgate Productions - Backyard HomesteadWhen you are too old to replace the roof, find a good contractor and get it done right. Have a great day122 views 4 comments -
Tailgate needs a new roof
Tailgate Productions - Backyard HomesteadAfter only 14 years it is time for a new roof on the homestead Here's a video on get out and meat the people around you https://rumble.com/v4jltp9-neighborhood-watch.html?playlist_id=O_hKBiKw6qk130 views 5 comments -
Repairing the Camp
Tailgate Productions - Backyard HomesteadThe wind has destroyed the camp for the last time. Collecting materials for a stronger structure Video of the last rebuild at the camp https://rumble.com/v2qjp54-man-cave-update.html?playlist_id=Y146AG0RV90106 views 3 comments -
Tailgate Productions - Backyard HomesteadThis canoe was found in the woods under a pile of brush.......Pulled out with the truck.......The damage was extensive......... With a little love and a lot of work it has come back to life242 views 29 comments -
TAILGATEPRODUCTIONSGetting ready to transplant the seedlings to growing containers54 views 19 comments