Planned Parenthood - Perrin Larton, Advanced Biosciences Resources - Part Testimony
TTalkToTheBodyTestimony shows Planned Parenthood officials and a tissue procurement company admittingthat infants were either born alive or showedsigns of life, such asa beating heart, after leaving the mother during abortion. Perrin Larton, Advanced Biosciences Resources (ABR) tissue procurement manager, admitts under oath to knowledge of fetuses leaving the mother, sometimes "intact"or with closed abdomens. "There are -- I can see hearts that arein -- not in an intact POC [product of conception]that are beatingindependently, but they're not attached to anything," https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/31592 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sworn Video Testimony Describes Infanticide in Fetal Organ Harvesting and Planned Parenthood Clinics https://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/2020/06/sworn-video-testimony-describes-infanticide-in-fetal-organ-harvesting-and-planned-parenthood-clinics/ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Looks like Planned Parenthood is in the UK too, probably worldwide. These demons need rounding up and executing, this is all about organ harvesting for evil purposes, satanic ritual abuse, pedovors, money laundering, whatever... satanic filth Planned Parenthood in West Pennsylvania have very strong ties with the University of Pittsburgh, it’s a “Quid-Pro-Quo” arrangement where Planned Parenthood sends the aborted foetuses to the University of Pittsburgh who get funding grants from Dr. Anthony Fauci at NIAID and the NIH whose CE is the wife of Dr Fauci, a large slice of money then gets fed back to Planned Parenthood. Is it any wonder the deep-state want to keep black women getting pregnant? https://www.ippf.org/countries/united-kingdom52 views -
Before Her Death Rosa Koire Tried To Warn Us, Mega Regions Agenda 21! Small Part! Wildflower Gypsy
AetherMedia22 Tony Punch🔻Source: Wildflower Gypsy🔻 https://www.instagram.com/wildflower_gypsy_/# 🔻🔻AetherMedia22 Tony Punch🔻🔻 Please Help Support This Channel If Able. If You Enjoy & Are Learning From These Videos Please Donate, Any Amount Is Greatly Appreciated! Thank You Very Much! 🙏🙏 💲https://paypal.me/TonyPunch22 💲https://venmo.com/TonyPunch22 💲https://cash.app/$TonyPunch22 Education, Knowledge, Wisdom, Experience, Discernment, Common Sense, Logic, Reason, Intelligence, Intuition, Empathy, Compassion, Love! In Search Of Truth & Reality! Keep Going, Keep Movin, Keep On Keepin On, Much Love!!! ❤ https://www.rumble.com/c/AetherMedia22TonyPunch https://www.youtube.com/@AetherMedia22TonyPunch 🎯Deleted & Banned😁 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/aethermedia22/ https://www.tiktok.com/@punchtony https://www.tiktok.com/@aethermedia22 🎯Deleted & Banned😁 https://twitter.com/TonyPunch504 https://t.me/AetherMedia22 NOTE: Discernment & Research IS Required To See The Truth In All Of It!268 views 2 comments -
The Medical System Is Here To Make Money Not Keep You Healthy! Michael Gibson
AetherMedia22 Tony PunchOur healthcare system isn’t designed to help you—it’s designed to profit off of you. Insurance companies view every claim they deny as a win, rewarding doctors who deny the most care. If you’ve ever had necessary treatments denied, now you know why. It’s not about your health; it’s about their bottom line. Studies show that engaging with our healthcare system regularly can reduce your lifespan by 12–15 years. Real health comes from using food as medicine, turning to plant-based remedies, and staying out of the system unless absolutely necessary. Trauma care? Yes. Preventative health scams? No. 🎯NOTE🎯 Tony:⛔⛔Viruses DO NOT Exist As Described, And There Is No Such Thing As Herd Immunity! Virus - Contagion IS Just A Theory Taught As Fact, NOT REAL, There Is NOTHING Jumping From Human To Human! We Are MOSTLY Breathing (Explained Below) Also Swallowing Injecting & Getting It On Our Skin, Bacteria Is Something Else, Along With Parasites, Insects, Self Replicating Nanotech, Toxins, Chemicals In The Water Food Meds All Products & ESPECIALLY SPRAYED In The AIR - ChemTrails, 🔷WITH Frequencies ELF, VLF From GWEN Towers, So-Called Cell Phone Towers, AirPlane Transmitters, Radio Antenas, Routers, Wifi, Cell Phones, Doppler NEXRAD Radar Microwaving Us Etc Etc Etc! 🔷Used In Tandem (All Together) All The Toxins, Chemicals, Bactiria, Etc, 5G - 6Gen And Beyond & NEXRAD Will CAUSE ALL Of The Respiratory Illnesses And All other Illnesses🔗The Dis-Ease!!! And "THEY" Will Claim PLandemic AGAIN & AGAIN Untill You Break And Submit, Unless You DONT! If You Comprehend The Causes Use other Methods To Detox! Do Your Own Research On Virus Conagion Myth V's Bacterial Or Chemical, Heavy Metal, & Toxins Along With Frequencies, IEEE 802.15.4&6, WBAN(Wireless Body Area Network), Bluetooth, Visible Light Communication, Biosensors, Optogenetics, Psinergy, IOT(Internet Of Things) Surveillance, GWEN & Cell Tower Scalar & Router & Cell Phone Tech, Doppler Microwave Energy, Etc, Etc, ASLO Cancer Is Manmade and has been curable!🔷ALSO We know Climate Change Is A Hoax To get You To Comply! "THEY" Are Modifying The Weather Flooding Locations And Burning Everything With DEW's And Poisoning Us And Everything Else! "THEY ARE" Technology Is Waaaay More Advanced Than You Have Been Led To Believe! They Are Editing Our Genes Through Most Of The Above Said Stratagies!🔷ALSO - Earth Is NOT A Spinning Ball, Satalites Are NOT In Fake Space, Its High Altitude Ballons Or Something Else, All Water(Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Etc, ARE Completely LEVEL(Flat), We Can SEE Way To Far In The Right Conditions, The Atmos Is Contained By Something Hence 14.7psi Pressure, Etc, Etc, Etc, Etc, That One IS A Really Long Long Long Long Study Before You Acually Comprehend & Accept It! 🔷Its ALL There If You Dare To "LOOK INTO IT"👀⛔⛔ 🔻Source: Michael S. Gibson🔻 https://x.com/mgibsonofficial https://www.instagram.com/mgibsonofficial 🔷 X ACCOUNT SUSPENDED🔷 Violated X Rules, https://www.instagram.com/mgibsonofficial/ 👉Go To The Wbsite: https://www.michaelsgibson.com/ 🔻🔻AetherMedia22 Tony Punch🔻🔻 Please Help Support This Channel If Able. If You Enjoy & Are Learning From These Videos Please Donate, Any Amount Is Greatly Appreciated! Thank You Very Much! 🙏🙏 💲https://paypal.me/TonyPunch22 💲https://venmo.com/TonyPunch22 💲https://cash.app/$TonyPunch22 Education, Knowledge, Wisdom, Experience, Discernment, Common Sense, Logic, Reason, Intelligence, Intuition, Empathy, Compassion, Love! In Search Of Truth & Reality! Keep Going, Keep Movin, Keep On Keepin On, Much Love!!! ❤ https://www.rumble.com/c/AetherMedia22TonyPunch https://www.youtube.com/@AetherMedia22TonyPunch 🎯Deleted & Banned😁 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/aethermedia22/ https://www.tiktok.com/@punchtony https://www.tiktok.com/@aethermedia22 🎯Deleted & Banned😁 https://twitter.com/TonyPunch504 https://t.me/AetherMedia22 NOTE: Discernment & Research IS Required To See The Truth In All Of It!264 views -
The Steak We’re Eating Could Be Made From Human Feces! iamchrisoking
AetherMedia22 Tony PunchGO LOOK INTO IT!!!👀 https://www.livescience.com/14669-poop-meat-safety.html https://sg.news.yahoo.com/japan-scientist-synthesizes-meat-human-feces-060312069.html https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/food-health-quirky-science-technology/japanese-scientist-and-his-crappy-meat https://www.tapasmagazine.es/en/has-meat-made-from-human-faeces-been-japans-greatest-invention-or-scam/ https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/17dbad/steak_made_from_human_poop_passes_taste_test/ https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/poop-burgers https://www.foodista.com/blog/2011/06/14/japanese-scientist-makes-fake-meat-from-human-feces They've probably been feeding this to the public!!!👀 🔻Source: iamchrisoking🔻 https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAa-j73OABJ 🔻🔻AetherMedia22 Tony Punch🔻🔻 Please Help Support This Channel If Able. If You Enjoy & Are Learning From These Videos Please Donate, Any Amount Is Greatly Appreciated! Thank You Very Much! 🙏🙏 💲https://paypal.me/TonyPunch22 💲https://venmo.com/TonyPunch22 💲https://cash.app/$TonyPunch22 Education, Knowledge, Wisdom, Experience, Discernment, Common Sense, Logic, Reason, Intelligence, Intuition, Empathy, Compassion, Love! In Search Of Truth & Reality! Keep Going, Keep Movin, Keep On Keepin On, Much Love!!! ❤ https://www.rumble.com/c/AetherMedia22TonyPunch https://www.youtube.com/@AetherMedia22TonyPunch 🎯Deleted & Banned😁 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/aethermedia22/ https://www.tiktok.com/@punchtony https://www.tiktok.com/@aethermedia22 🎯Deleted & Banned😁 https://twitter.com/TonyPunch504 https://t.me/AetherMedia22 NOTE: Discernment & Research IS Required To See The Truth In All Of It!276 views 2 comments -
TheWarAgainstYouMARILYN MONROE WAS A FREAKING MAN [THIS IS IN ⚥ PLAIN SIGHT] LUSTING AFTER A MAN - The TRANSAPOCALYPSE is come ⚧ *** So does That Make JFK Gay? Not only was his Wife a Man, EVERY US PRESIDENT HAD A TRANNY WIFE *** Marilyn Monroe was a FREAKN MAN - Marilyn Monroe = 2 first names - M sideways = 3 --- MM = 33 Freemason occult language to each other - She/He had ribs removed for the hour glass figure - This is in plain sight --- lusting after a MAN - Source:https://old.bitchute.com/video/pBZx943qNSDt/ - AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:https://pilled.net/topic-detail/1132578 - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES MIrrored From: https://old.bitchute.com/channel/canst/4.13K views 18 comments -
James O’Keefe was offered a Bribe not to Tell about “Replacement Migration”
WWaking the World upHere is what AI says about “Replacement Migration”: “Replacement migration refers tothe international migration needed to offset population decline and aging resulting from low fertility and mortality rates, essentially the amount of immigration needed to maintain a stable population size and age structure.” So, what on Earth could be causing “Low Fertility”, higher “Mortality Rates” and a “Decline in Popuation?” It couldn’t have anything to do with the “Jab Agenda” could it? James O’Keefe was informed by someone at the airport to check this out at 1211 Apache, a Secret Migrant Facility by Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. A group called IFC -- International Rescue Committee - a 501(c)3 with a $1.3 Billion budget receives $400 million from the Federal Government to fly these migrants to New Jersey, New York and Chicago. James was offered a bribe by an IFC employee to not tell this story where they ship refugees on the hour, every hour to Terminal 3 & 4. The paid for Media in Arizona won’t cover this story. These migrants crossed illegally at the border in Arizona and all of them are operating at the pretense of being labeled “Refugees.” According to James O’Keefe, he says that the Health and Human Services gives them $100’s of Millions of Dollars a year and they get paid by Volume. *Wow. These illegal immigrants are bused by the hour to Terminal 4 and they get off the bus, they are given Free Air Plane tickets (paid for by American Tax Payers), put on a plane and flown to NJ, NY & Chicago. Apparently the pilots are not happen about this. James O’Keefe said he spoke to some of the migrants in Spanish and they said the “voted for Joe Biden.” How can illegal non-English speaking immigrants, with no US citizenship, vote for Joe Biden? The illegal migrants are “reportedly” seeking refuge from “Political Turmoil.” They cross illegally and they get Asylum Papers and in 3 years time they are Brand New US Citizens. There are people who have been working in the US for 20 years on renewing their Green Cards and these guys just enter illegally, and somehow were able to vote and get their citizenship on 3 years. This is ILLEGAL CRIME being funded by the US Government. *Just to note: I don’t have much respect for an “Independent Journalist” who was invited to attend and did attend Bohemian Grove in 2024, that pretty much sounds like a CIA Asset3. Sources: 1. “James O’Keefe Was Offered A Bribe Not to Tell This BOMBSHELL Story.” Facebook, uploaded by Donald Trump Jr, 10 Jan. 2025, www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1123887986055517&rdid=oJkFyTWl88qvL3Ik. Accessed 23 Mar. 2025. 2. https://rescue.org 3. Delaney, Patrick, and Patrick Delaney. “Documentary indicates James O’Keefe attended Bohemian Grove, suggests he’s a CIA asset - LifeSite.” LifeSite, 2 Aug. 2024, www.lifesitenews.com/news/documentary-indicates-james-okeefe-attended-bohemian-grove-suggests-hes-a-cia-asset. ________________________________________________________________________________ PROTECT YOURSELF: Protect yourself, your children and loved ones from the harmful EMF from the newly installed 5G Towers. We are constantly being Bombarded by Harmful Radiation, being hit from all directions, every single day. Up to 75% OFF! Hope & Tivon’s EMF Protection Products: https://www.ftwproject.com/our-special-offers/ref/528/ Check out the Special Offers on all the EMF PROTECTION Products – including: 1. Phone & Laptop Shields 2. Pyramids 3. Sleeping Pods 4. Charge Plates 5. GardenSets 6. Shungite Tiles 7. Pendants. ***PLEASE FOLLOW My BLOG → https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/ END. 3/23/2025 9:00 PM *******************************************************1.42K views 7 comments -
💥Rep Harriet Hageman Warns Against RFID Tags in Cattle Industry
Truths Unlimited"The USDA is pushing RFID ear tags on cattle and bison producers under the guise of disease traceability—but we already have the best system in the world." SOURCE: https://old.bitchute.com/video/jAjpRB3W05Y/926 views -
'BIG CITY' Was the U.S. Gov Using Bio-Weapons Against it's Own Citizens Operation
Truths UnlimitedSource: https://old.bitchute.com/video/TUISi0WKs7HT/1.14K views -
Dallas Doctor Sentenced to 190 Years in Prison for Poisoning IV bags
WWaking the World upThis is terrible, but if this guy received 190 years, what does Fauci deserve for recommending Remdesivir and the healthy jabs? Source: FOX 4 Dallas-Fort Worth -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ddL2BIDz6A _______________________________________________________________ PROTECT YOURSELF: Protect yourself, your children and loved ones from the harmful EMF from the newly installed 5G Towers. We are constantly being Bombarded by Harmful Radiation, being hit from all directions, every single day. Up to 75% OFF! Hope & Tivon’s EMF Protection Products: https://www.ftwproject.com/our-special-offers/ref/528/ Check out the Special Offers on all the EMF PROTECTION Products – including: 1. Phone & Laptop Shields 2. Pyramids 3. Sleeping Pods 4. Charge Plates 5. GardenSets 6. Shungite Tiles 7. Pendants. ***PLEASE FOLLOW My BLOG → https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/ END. 3/15/2025 9:00 PM *******************************************************1.45K views 1 comment