The First Descendant
28 videos
Updated 6 months ago
#thefirstdescendant #nexon
The First Descendant Launch Day: Unlocking Bunny
VetGamerBoceifus LETS PLAY!#thefirstdescendant #nexon #bunny Launch day! Initial thoughts, it was fun! The missions to unlock Bunny can be completed fairly quickly, however there was some learning going on that slowed things down a bit. Once you get the hang of it though, missions on normal can be done fairly quickly when grouped. I did not do any solo play. I did not encounter any bugs so far in game, had no connection issues on PC or PS5 and the match maker was pretty quick. All in all a very good experience my first couple of hours. Video ended up a little long because of trying to learn the controls and do the Bunny unlock at the same time.18 views 1 comment -
The Fist Descendant Episode 2: Colon Joint Operation - Part 1
VetGamerBoceifus LETS PLAY!#thefirstdescendant #nexon #bunny Had to piece this one together because of the server outage.5 views -
The Fist Descendant Episode 3: Colon Joint Operation Part 2 with Bunny
VetGamerBoceifus LETS PLAY!#thefirstdescendant #nexon #bunny Got some gear for Bunny and switched to her for part 2. Defeated at the end on the last objective. Was in a group, seemed only 1 of the others in the group besides myself knew you had to shoot the spheres on the boss to be able to kill him. Next episode will attempt that dungeon again.2 views -
The Fist Descendant Episode 4: Colon Joint Operation Part 3 The Forgottense (Again) with Bunny
VetGamerBoceifus LETS PLAY!#thefirstdescendant #nexon #bunny #forgottense I get in with a decent group, finish The Forgottense dungeon then move on to the next part.4 views -
The Fist Descendant Episode 5: The Source of the Pulse with Bunny
VetGamerBoceifus LETS PLAY!#thefirstdescendant #nexon #bunny So far other than the server log in issues and disappearing weapons I have not had any other problems with The First Descendant. It's fun, but it will be grindy, some of the cosmetics are a bit pricy in their cash shop.6 views -
The Fist Descendant Episode 6: Vesper Part 1 with Bunny
VetGamerBoceifus LETS PLAY!#thefirstdescendant #nexon #bunny #vesper Start of Vesper. Moved to PC to try mouse and keyboard. Got used to it now, and re affirmed PC is the master race.5 views -
The Fist Descendant Episode 7: Vesper Part 2 with Bunny
VetGamerBoceifus LETS PLAY!#thefirstdescendant #nexon #bunny #theshelter Dungeon at the end: The Shelter2 views -
The Fist Descendant Thoughts and Opinion After First Weekend, Worth it?
VetGamerBoceifus LETS PLAY!#thefirstdescendant #nexon My Thoughts and opinions after the first weekend.7 views 1 comment -
The First Descendant Episode 8: Echo Swamp Part 1 with Bunny
VetGamerBoceifus LETS PLAY!#thefirstdescendant #nexon #bunny #echoswamp #kuipermineblockade Tried something new, the Kuiper Mine Blockade, before heading to Echo Swamp, got disconnected from the server towards the end ruined the momentum at that moment.17 views -
The First Descendant Episode 9: Echo Swamp Part 2 with Bunny
VetGamerBoceifus LETS PLAY!#thefirstdescendant #nexon #bunny #deadbride #echoswamp Finished missions in Echo Swamp only to be defeated by Dead Bride.6 views