Dr. David Martin - Mar 06, 2025 - Edmonton, Alberta
Humanity Is Under AttackSource: https://rumble.com/v6qcb0y-dr.-david-martin-mar-06-2025-edmonton-alberta-replay.html?e9s=src_v1_upp727 views 1 comment -
Beware Smart Cities and 15-Minute Cities
Humanity Is Under AttackSource: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/beware-smart-cities-and-15-minutes-cities/ Description: Smart cities are no conspiracy theory. Under the guise of “environmentalism” and “equity,” a surveillance initiative has been long underway in urban centers across the globe. Using digital technology to collect data, these communities become hubs for implementing and enforcing “eco-friendly” infrastructure and lifestyles. What privacy concerns arise from these programs? Are citizens responding positively to these changes? Can we expect to see more of these projects popping up in the coming years? Watch this episode of “Financial Rebellion” to find out!577 views 4 comments -
Dr. Lee Merritt - SHOCK Discovery - Parasites: Cancer & Turbo Cancer Breakthrough
ZeeeMediaDr. Lee Merritt joins Maria Zeee to discuss a groundbreaking study that reveals parasites cause cancer, and many other diseases. There's a reason the COVID regime didn't want people to use Ivermectin, and Parasite Movie reveals all! Visit https://www.parasitemovie.com/ to watch for FREE now! If you would like to support Zeee Media to continue getting the truth out to more people, you can donate via this link: https://donate.stripe.com/6oEdUL2eF1IAdXibII Website: https://www.zeeemedia.com Buy Stockman Steaks' GUARANTEED mRNA-free, non-GMO, hormone-free meat for your family and support Aussie Farmers today: https://stockmansteaks.com.au/maria If you're in Australia, visit Gold Bullion Australia (Gold Stackers) today and consider securing your wealth with Australia's leading supplier of gold and silver bullion: https://www.goldbullionaustralia.com.au/?utm_source_zeeemedia&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=zeeemedia Prepare for cyber attacks, power outages and more by ensuring you and your family have alternate communication means through a Satellite phone! Visit the link below: https://sat123.com/maria/ If you're in the US or Canada, get 10% off high-quality storable food and heirloom seeds with Heaven's Harvest: https://heavensharvest.com/pages/zeee Visit https://www.kepm.com/maria and consider safeguarding your paper assets using affordable silver and gold bullion bars and coins with minimal premiums and commissions. View Hope & Tivon's EMF protection products and more via this link: https://ftwproject.com/ref/468 To order Dr. Zelenko's products today, visit the below link, and use referral code MARIAZEEE for 5% off your order: https://zstacklife.com/?ref=MARIAZEEE Begin your journey to uncompromised privacy and save up to $500 on Zeee Media Above Phone Bundles. Visit Above Phone: https://abovephone.com/maria/69.8K views 188 comments -
Benefits of Self Heal (Prunella Vulgaris)
RainCountryHomesteadHerbs and More Benefits and Uses Series: https://rumble.com/playlists/MutgXnrmxJc Infused Oil for Skin Cream: https://rumble.com/v13erel-herb-infused-oil-for-skin-care.html?playlist_id=WY8d2s5cHS8 Infused Oil for Healing Salve: https://rumble.com/v40pyr2-herb-infused-oil-for-healing-salve.html?playlist_id=WY8d2s5cHS8 Herbs with Rosalee video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUCBg4UxEYI Articles: https://unrulygardening.com/foraging-using-self-heal/ https://practicalselfreliance.com/self-heal-prunella-vulgaris/ Email: raincountryhomestead@gmail.com Since my Etsy store is now closed, in order to find out what we make and sell and how to obtain them, please email me at the above address. Also follow us on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/RainCountryHomestead MISC ITEMS WE USE (Affiliate and Referral Links): EMP Shield (Save $50 on each unit with this link!) https://www.empshield.com?coupon=raincountry Azure Standard: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=PXIIzcRQhW ButcherBox: http://rwrd.io/fj7db28?c Misfits Market: https://www.misfitsmarket.com/?promo=COOKWME-SA5KTENSXAE Nakano Knives: https://nakano-knives.com/raincountry Use discount code: RAINCOUNTRY on checkout GreenStalk Vertical Planter (Use Discount Code: RAINCOUNTRY to save $10 on your order!): https://lddy.no/ukus Mother Earth Products: (Save 10% by going through this link!): https://motherearthproducts.com/discount/raincountry Dr. Jacob's Soaps: https://drjacobsnaturals.com/?ref=raincountryhomestead (Coupon Code for 10% off: RAINCOUNTRY) Darn Tough Socks: https://www.avantlink.com/click.php?tt=cl&merchant_id=c428e507-7aa6-4377-be1a-5f1693f6693b&website_id=1c69e661-5fa4-4d78-95f3-388a82aaaa23&url=http%3A%2F%2FDarntough.com Kizik Shoes Affiliate Link (Use coupon Code RAINCOUNTRY10): https://glnk.io/zv53/raincountryhomestead Coco Stripes Store for Silicone Bags: https://cocostripes.com?sca_ref=73801... (Use Coupon Code RAINCOUNTRY15 to save 15% on silicone bags) The Encyclopedia of Country Living: https://amzn.to/3njPLH9 Homesteader's Herbal Companion: https://amzn.to/2J3lqKM Prepper's Natural Medicine: http://amzn.to/2oBLX4m The Homesteader's Natural Chicken Keeping Handbook: https://amzn.to/2JdXpz6 As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases *Lark in the Morning. The Atholl Highlanders by Sláinte is licensed under a Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Social Media and Contact Information: Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/RainCountryHomestead Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raincountryhomestead X: https://twitter.com/HeidiRain Freesteading: https://freesteading.com/groups/rain-country/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RainCountryHomestead/ Email/paypal: raincountryhomestead@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/raincountryhomestead Snail Mail: Rain Country, PO Box 816 Forks, WA 98331 NOTE: This information is meant for educational purposes only .I am NOT a doctor nor pretend to be one. Nothing I say should be used to replace professional medical counseling. Also, PLEASE do your OWN research!2.47K views 4 comments -