James Lindsay
5 videos
Updated 10 months ago
An American-born author, mathematician, and political commentator, Dr. James Lindsay has written multiple books spanning a range of subjects including religion, the philosophy of science and postmodern theory. He is the co-founder of New Discourses.
James Lindsay on Cowboys vs Communists and The American Way
The Nicole Pearson Show on RumbleJames Lindsay warns that Christian Nationalists may be against falling into a Marxist trap. #christiannationalism #antifacist #liberalism #classical #classicaleducation #jameslindsay #marxism22 views -
Transing Children for Political Utility
The Nicole Pearson Show on RumbleJames Lindsay explains how transing children is a way to subvert American values and create a generation of cultural revolutionaries #antifacist #liberalism #classical #classicaleducation #jameslindsay #marxism #trans #transkids13 views -
Patriot Traitor Pass with James Lindsay
The Nicole Pearson Show on RumbleAfter playing Patriot Traitor Pass, James Lindsay explains why he has hope for America. #antifacist #liberalism #classical #classicaleducation #jameslindsay #marxism #hope25 views -
Episode 3 James Lindsay
The Nicole Pearson Show on RumbleAn American-born author, mathematician, and political commentator, Dr. James Lindsay has written multiple books spanning a range of subjects including religion, the philosophy of science and postmodern theory. He is the co-founder of New Discourses. #antifacist #liberalism #classical #classicaleducation #jameslindsay #marxism #highereducation #newdiscourses99 views 1 comment -
James Lindsay explains why Marxists always go after the Children
The Nicole Pearson Show on RumbleMarxist strategy prioritizes breaking apart families and indoctrinating children. #antifacist #liberalism #classical #classicaleducation #jameslindsay #marxism20 views