✡️ Talmudic Jews Puppeteer the American Leadership (Business + Government)
Medjay of Christ👹 DEMONS ARE AT WORK! What the Rabbi refers to as "Liberal Jews" who control the govt, are Talmudic Jews (BAPHOMET WORSHIP/CULT OF BAAL/SATANISTS/SORCERERS/CHILD KILLERS) as they are the same filth advising and proping up your messiah/pedo ~ Trump, kneepads jezebel ~ kamala, closet homo/pedo ~ barrack etc. The plebs will not win as the system is all controlled by the Synagogue of Satan - (slaverly, bondage, mind control, pedophilia, lgbtq+, democide), they are the same people putting/or have put up their own filth to roast like diddy, epstein, harvey etc. for failing to follow the rules - their own rules! 🚨 Break the programming now start listening: ✡️ How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet - https://rumble.com/v5jypfo--how-israel-and-its-partisans-work-to-censor-the-internet.html ✡️ Agents of Controlled Opposition: The Real HT (TALMUDIC JEW PUPPET) - https://rumble.com/v5ivdpn-agents-of-controlled-opposition-the-real-ht-talmudic-jew-puppet.html ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART 15 - The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Ashkenazi Jews - https://rumble.com/v5i9r9t--whos-really-in-control-part-15-the-secret-relationship-between-blacks-and-.html ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART 14 - Zyklon B Holocaust Hoax - https://rumble.com/v5i9q59--whos-really-in-control-part-14-zyklon-b-holocaust-hoax.html ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART 13 - Destroying Sons and Daughters of Esau because IT'S WRITTEN! - https://rumble.com/v5h0496--whos-really-in-control-part-13-destroying-sons-and-daughters-of-esau-becau.html ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART TWELVE - Origin of Zionism (Children of Remphan) - https://rumble.com/v5g9rre--whos-really-in-control-part-twelve-origin-of-zionism.html ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART ELEVEN - Spit on the Goyim because its written - https://rumble.com/v5fir4l--whos-really-in-control-part-eleven-spit-on-the-goyim-because-its-written.html ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART TEN - The Goyim will be destroyed! - https://rumble.com/v5fds51--whos-really-in-control-part-ten-the-goyim-will-be-destroyed.html ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART NINE - Rabbi Confirms the Fulfilling of the Zohar - https://rumble.com/v5ehu43--whos-really-in-control-part-nine-rabbi-confirms-the-fulfilling-the-zohar.html ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART EIGHT - JEWS CREATED HITLER - https://rumble.com/v5dwipx--whos-really-in-control-part-eight-jews-created-hitler.html ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART SEVEN - TRANSGENDERISM SPRUNGS FROM JUDAISM - https://rumble.com/v5cp3g4--whos-really-in-control-part-seven-transgenderism-sprungs-from-judaism.html ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART FIVE - Red and Blue Useful Idiots (Slaves & Shekels) - https://rumble.com/v5arysj--whos-really-in-control-part-five-red-and-blue-useful-idiots-slaves-and-she.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART FOUR - Break the Programming Now! - https://rumble.com/v5anga2--whos-really-in-control-part-four-break-the-programming-now.html ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART THREE - WARS FOR ISRAEL (NEW WORLD ORDER) - https://rumble.com/v5aetlm--whos-really-in-control-part-three-wars-for-israel-new-world-order.html ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART TWO - X = 6, XXX = 666 - PORNOGRAPHY PSYOP - https://rumble.com/v5a853x--whos-really-in-control-part-two-x-6-xxx-666-pornography-psyop.html ✡️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART ONE - X = 6, XXX = 666 - PORNOGRAPHY PSYOP - https://rumble.com/v5a5go2--who-really-is-in-control-part-one-x-6-xxx-666-pornography.html ✡️ Israel First - THE GOYIM MUST FIGHT! (synagogue of Satan) - https://rumble.com/v59wn0d--israel-first-the-goyim-must-fight-synagogue-of-satan.html ✡️ Israel's War on Everyone - RISE OF ANTI-CHRIST ? - https://rumble.com/v59jcm2--israels-war-on-everyone-rise-of-anti-christ-.html ✡️ ISRAEL FIRST! (Fulfilling the Zoharic Kaballah/Talmud doctrines) - https://rumble.com/v59j4fg--israel-first-fulfilling-the-zoharic-kaballahtalmud-doctrines.html ✡️ TALMUDIC Israeli soldier carries patch of Greater Israel map - https://rumble.com/v59axwd--talmudic-israeli-soldier-carries-patch-of-greater-israel-map.html ✡️ The Gaza Holocaust (ZIONIST BUTCHERS OF ISRAEL) - https://rumble.com/v59auj8-the-gaza-holocaust-zionist-butchers-of-israel.html ✡️ Zoharic Kabbalah/Talmud JEWS RUN THE U.S. & THE WORLD! (Kabbalah) - https://rumble.com/v58dk1x--zoharic-kabbalahtalmud-jews-run-the-u.s.-and-the-world-kabbalah.html ✡️ WHAT IS IN THE TALMUD ? (UNDOING GOD'S CREATION) - https://rumble.com/v564mgv--what-is-in-the-talmud-undoing-gods-creation.html ✡️ ZIONIST New World Order (Zoharic Kabbalah) - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4eb1qk-zionist-new-world-order-zoharic-kabbalah-part-two.html ✡️ ZIONIST New World Order (Adam Kadmon Kabbal/Talmud Concept) - PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v4e56o9-zionist-new-world-order-adam-kadmon-kabbaltalmud-concept.html 💣 ✡️ TALMUDIC JEWS/🇺🇦 KHAZARIAN MAFIA/👹DAVOS/WEF/WHO/UN/SATANISTS/TALMUD CULT/👹CHILDREN OF BAAL/👹 UKRAINIAN ANCESTORS/CULT OF MOLOCH/🩰 DISNEY/MSM/BLACKROCK/Rothschild family (zionists)/STATE STREET/CERN/POLITICIANS/ATHEISTS/RELIGIOUS SCIENCE/THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT/BUDDHISM/HINDUISM/🕋🕌🧿ISLAM/🧪 RELIGIOUS SCIENCE/🧘 THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT/BUDDHISM/🕉️ 🪔 HINDUISM/ 🤑 PROSPERITY GOSPEL/CENSORSHIP/DEMOCRACY/DAVOS/KLAUS SCHWAB/BIG PHARMA/OLIGARCHY/ELITES/HOLLYWOOD/DISNEY/NETFLIX/AMAZON PRIME/HULU = IDOL WORSHIP/DEMON WORSHIP/MONEY WORSHIP/DEATH CULTS/SEX CULTS/PEDOPHILES/BLOOD SUCKING VAMPIRES = 🐉LUCIFERIANISM/🐍 SATANISM/OCCULT/WITCHCRAFT/TAROT CARDS/ALCHEMY/ASTROLOGY/👹WICCA/Santería/Regla de Ocha/Palo Mayombe/VOODOO/ 👹 BIDEN FAMILY/🇺🇸 DEMOCRATS/🇺🇸 REPUBLICANS/CHILD TRAFFICKING/PEDOPHILIA/🏳️🌈 LGTBQia/🏳️🌈WOKE AGENDA/ SECULAR MUSIC/CATHOLICISM/OPUS DEI/ORDER OF MALTA/FREEMASONRY/US POLITICIANS/MODERN DAY 🇮🇱 JEWS/JESUITS = THE NEW WORLD ORDER = MARK OF THE BEAST = MASS DECEPTION (The Great Work) = CONTROL MIND AND BODY = SLAVERY ✡️ STATE OF ISRAEL = FAKE COUNTRY = FOR FAKE JEWS = ZIONIST/TALMUDIC JEWS = OF THE KIEV PEOPLE = KHAZARIA (KM) = SATANISTS = CULT OF BAAL/MOLLOCH 🕊️ SAY NO TO WAR! SAY NO TO BLOOD SACRIFICES BY 🇮🇱 ISRAELI - ✡️ BAPHOMET WORSHIPPERS! LOVE YOUR NEIGHBORS! 🕊️ ✝️ STAND FOR TRUTH! STAND FOR CHRIST! 💥 THE NEW WORLD ORDER SHALL NOT PREVAIL! 💥 💥 PRAY TO OUR ONE TRUE GOD JESUS CHRIST TO SAVE YOUR SPIRIT FROM THE OCCULT! TO OPEN YOUR EYES! 💥 💥 DIVORCE THE ENEMY - THE DEVIL, HIS DEMONS AND HIS AGENTS! 💥 💥 DONT LET ANYONE STRIP YOU OF YOUR PURPOSE AND DESTINY 💥 🔺 DO NOT USE JESUS AS A SPARE TIRE! 🔺 ✝️ MAY THE GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST BE WITH ALL THAT CALL JESUS AS THEIR GOD! ✝️ ✝️ JESUS TOOK OUR SINS UPON HIMSELF! ✝️ JESUS CHRIST IS OUR SAVIOR! ✝️ EVERYONE IS WORTHY OF HIS SALVATION! ✝️ WALK BY FAITH! 🕊️ THE BIBLE IS YOUR GUIDE! PRAYER IS YOUR SHIELD! ———————————————— 🕊️ SINNERS PRAYER FOR SALVATION 🕊️ Pray with me: "LORD JESUS, this is my simple prayer to you. I know that I am a sinner and that I often fall short of the glory of GOD. No longer will I close the door when I hear You knocking. By faith, I gratefully receive Your gift of SALVATION. I'm ready to trust YOU as my LORD and SAVIOR. Thank You, Lord JESUS, for coming to Earth. I believe YOU are the SON OF GOD who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank YOU for Your forgiveness of sins and for giving me the gift of ETERNAL LIFE. I invite JESUS to come into my heart and be my SAVIOR. In the name of JESUS, AMEN." ———————————————— --->>>> Treat yourself like you are someone responsible for helping --->>>> 🕊️ Stand for Truth! AWAKEN YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS! Join the fight - https://rumble.com/register/deprecatedII/ --->>>> 🕊️ If you appreciate the content I've put together or crafted, kindly support me with a cup of coffee - visit https://buymeacoffee.com/deprecatedii. ———————————————— 🛎️THIS VIDEO is for educational purposes only!!🛎️ Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. THIS VIDEO may contain copyrighted material that is not authorized for use by the owner. We are lawfully using this material under the practice of fair use, as governed by Section 107 of the Copyright Act. The purpose of THIS VIDEO is educational NOT entertainment, and we do not claim ownership of the copyright.699 views 1 comment -
Dr Alan Sabrosky interview talking about Mossad's 9-11 [OPORD]
MMethuselasThis video is from around 2011 and was done with the Autograph. It's been removed by YouTube and pretty much scrubbed from the interwebz. Dr. Sabrosky goes into great detail, explaining the controlled demolition of the WTC and Building 7. He also explains how he is 100% certain that the terrorist attack was done by Mossad operatives, with assistance by Zionist assets in the United States Government.5.85K views -
The Goldstein Massacre -- Jewish Supremacism Is No Joke!
The Prevailing WestBaruch Goldstein's massacre in Israel.196 views 1 comment -
ZIONIST TERRORISM - Full Documentary
ChaunceysGardenby @political_hacker Transferred from the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/israeliterrorismfulldocumentary The accompanying text (probably most of the links won't work anymore - you know very well how the Jews love to hide each others' crimes..) Must See Website. https://fuckthejews.com Kalergi’s Jewish Plan for European Genocide. http://www.renegadetribune.com/kalergis-jewish-plan-for-european-genocide/?doing_wp_cron=1559619722.4094820022583007812500 The Greater Israel Project. http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-refugee-crisis-and-the-creation-of-greater-israel/ Ovadia Yosef - “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/5-of-ovadia-yosefs-most-controversial-quotations/ Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is Only One Example of Chosenite Supremacism and Hate. http://www.renegadetribune.com/chief-rabbi-ovadia-yosef-prima-facie-example-jewish-supremacism-hate/ Christopher Jon Bjerknes - Chosenite Racism. http://jewishracism.blogspot.co.uk Angela Merkel and the Kalergi Plan. http://www.renegadetribune.com/angela-merkel-kalergi-plan-destruction-white-race/ The Racist and Supremacist Roots of the Ideology behind the European Union. http://balder.org/judea/Richard-Coudenhove-Kalergi-Practical-Idealism-Vienna-1925.php The leaders of the Alternative Right AKA the Zionist Right. http://www.renegadetribune.com/state-alt-right/ Below is a long list of facts refuting the Greatest Lie Ever Told: https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ Justice For Germans. https://justice4germans.wordpress.com/ Before and after the “Holocaust”: Chosenite population numbers in 1933 and 1948. http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=85432 International Red Cross Report Confirms the Holocaust of Six Million Chosenites is a Hoax. http://www.renegadetribune.com/international-red-cross-report-confirms-holocaust-six-million-jews-hoax/ Auschwitz: Myths and Facts. http://www.ihr.org/leaflets/auschwitz.shtml Holohoax 101 - The Fundamentals of the Holocaust Hoax. http://www.holohoax101.org HELLSTORM WWII Documentary. http://www.hellstormdocumentary.com/ YouTube Link (MUST SEE) https://youtu.be/pujFt4edZN4 HELLSTORM - The Rape And Mass Murder Of German Women After WWII. http://smoloko.com/?p=10753 Trumps Four Generations of Chosenite Ties. https://wideawakegentile.wordpress.com/2017/01/30/the-trumps-four-generations-of-jewish-ties/ Trump Is On An Israeli Commemorative Coin Celebrating His Prophethood. http://www.renegadetribune.com/uncle-donnie-is-on-an-israeli-commemorative-coin-celebrating-his-prophethood/ The Greatest Story Never Told. https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/ The Greatest Story Never Told (Full Documentary) https://archive.org/details/AdolfHitlerTheGreatestStoryNeverToldFull6HoursDocumentary The Palestine - Israel Map. http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/mapstellstory.html A Comprehensive History of Zionist Crimes. http://www.takeourworldback.com/zionistcrimes.htm The Satanic Verses of the Chosenite Talmud. https://hshidayat.wordpress.com/2014/01/07/the-satanic-verses-of-the-jewish-talmud-and-zionism/ The Talmud Exposed - Facts Are Facts. http://rense.com/general86/talmd.htm Kabbalah Exposed. http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Kabbalah/kabbalah_exposed.htm THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION. http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/przion1.htm The Protocols of Zion in Modern English. http://hugequestions.com/Eric/TFC/Protocols-in-Modern-English.htm 109 Locations whence Chosenites have been Expelled since AD250. https://www.biblebelievers.org.au/expelled.htm Chosenites Aren’t White! http://www.renegadetribune.com/lets-get-right-jews-arent-white/ Chosenites Behind Race Mixing. https://katana17.wordpress.com/2015/05/21/jews-behind-race-mixing/ Chosenite Involvement In Slavery. https://m.imgur.com/a/BFtyz Eisenhower’s Evil Deception: http://www.renegadetribune.com/eisenhowers-evil-deception-exterminating-german-pows-abroad-portraying-pows-u-s-soil-pampered/ After The Firestorm – Debating the Dresden Death Toll. http://www.renegadetribune.com/firestorm-debating-dresden-death-toll/ The USS Liberty: A Test For Americans. http://www.renegadetribune.com/uss-liberty-test-americans/ Gen. Patton Exposes The Allied Conspiracy To Extend WW2 & Give Eastern Europeans To Stalin, Suddenly Patton Dies Burying The Real Holocaust. http://www.renegadetribune.com/gen-patton-exposes-allied-conspiracy-extend-ww2-give-eastern-europeans-stalin-suddenly-patton-dies-burying-real-holocaust/ Full List of Goyim Goddess Videos 👍 https://renegadevids.com/category/goyim-goddess/ Turning Children Into Sexual Degenerates. http://www.renegadetribune.com/turning-children-sexual-degenerates/784 views -
Js Did 9/11 by Christopher Bollyn
AlchematronChristopher Bollyn Website https://www.bollyn.com Related Videos Zionists Behind 9/11 Revealed by Christopher Bollyn https://rumble.com/v4h1v5u-zionists-behind-911-revealed-by-christopher-bollyn.html Zionist 9/11 Solved by Christopher Bollyn https://rumble.com/v47agl9-zionist-911-solved-by-christopher-bollyn.html 9/11 Missing Links Documentary by Mike Delaney & Khanverse https://rumble.com/v56jzth-911-missing-links-documentary.html1.16K views 11 comments