Timeline Loops - Hollywood Predictive Programming
21 videos
Updated 3 months ago
This playlist covers what I call "Timeline Loops" or films that seem like what some would call 'Predictive Programming'
Rogue Weaponized Satellites in Under Siege 2 (1997) | Can we trust Musk-Bezos-CIA w/this technology?
Gabriel Cruz ResearchIn 1997 when Under Siege 2 was released...we did not have access to Satellite Imagery on a daily basis. The plot, where people can access this type of high resolution footage seemed plausible but not likely... Here we are in 2024...we now have access to Google Earth, which was released 4 years after this film was...with much lower resolution images than you see in Under Siege 2...but today, no...those capabilities are officially here. But we aren't asking about ethics...who, why, what...would someone weaponize these satellites? Music: Primal Scream | Kill All Hippies D'Fault Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com603 views -
Wrong Is Right (1982) Timeline Loop | Predicted Harris Presidency | Israel Conflict + CIA/MSM
Gabriel Cruz ResearchWrong is Right (1982), a little known film from 1982 requires serious examination. While I realize that Middle East Conflict with Israel & CIA being involved is nothing new...the way this film addresses specific events that happened post 2000, not to mention our current timeline of 2024 is quite chilling In the film, we have a President facing possible WW3 who agrees to step out of the public presidency & allow the first black female VP to take over the public role of President. Beyond that, they even give the VP in the movie a trademark laugh that is very similar to Kamala Harris...was this all a coincidence? Was it prediction or are these goons just playing out the movie like a script? Watch this preview because I'll be doing a much deeper dive on this one soon Music | Coldcut | Atomic Moog 2000 Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com415 views 1 comment -
VIRUS: The End (1980) Meets STARGATE Project | Henry Silva Timeline Predicts COVID Bioweapon
Gabriel Cruz ResearchIn 1980, a film was produced featuring a Japanese and USA production and cast teams. It was a warning about a global pandemic, very similar to COVID. I've heard little mention of this film and wanted to highlight because a great deal of my research surrounds projects starring Henry Silva or where he was a key supporting cast member like Manchurian Candidate or Oceans 11 but also in such lighter fare as the Cannonball Run series. Wherever Henry Silva was, TV or film, there was timeline clues. I've done long form presentations on this on YouTube and will re-upload as time permits. Until then, check out Virus: The End (1980) the trailer feature a scene from the film https://youtu.be/l_r_JzXv0M4 In this new Directors Cut of the old video I did, I've added several minutes of footage from Virus: The End (1980) that helps explain my point in greater detail... In this new cut I show more footage discussing the parallels between the film in 1980 and current timeline between 2020-2024 SPOILER ALERT: MM88 in the film is the COVID-19 Virus, as we know it, on our timeline Most of the film is spent trying to learn who/where the virus came from...only to learn, in the end, that M88 came from Operation Phoenix...in the US. One of the people, Dr. Meyer, who tried to warn the President & military was institutionalized until later in the film when he is finally released to inform on the nature of the Bioweapon, called MM88...that caused the global pandemic. Once backed into the corner informationally, General Garland (Silva) tries to get the president to authorize a pre-emptive nuclear strike regardless...the president, too ill & depleted to fight back passes out as Garland makes his way to the bunkers... Wake up folks because these timeline loops exist for a reason. Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com755 views 5 comments -
Remo Williams (1985) Timeline Loop | HAARP | SDI-Strategic Defense Initiative Disclosure
Gabriel Cruz ResearchIt was 1984 when Remo Williams was being written. It was released in 1985. HAARP, as we know it today, wasn't built until the 90s. SDI, mentioned by it's nickname "Star Wars Space Defense" in the film, was being built by Battelle at Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Not unlike the film Real Genius (1985), whoever made these movies seems to understand the technology that Battelle is using at a very high level. When you compare plots of these films to the newspapers available in archives...wow... Then I set the whole thing to some of the best instrumentals available to give an old clip from last year a complete Directors Cut/Redux...whatever...only this is one that doesn't completely suck. It helps explain everything I couldn't before. Music by EL-P Secret Policeman's Ball (2010) Meanstreak (in 3 parts) (2010) How To Serve Man (2010) Constellation Remix (2004) Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com476 views 4 comments -
The Kaiser Steel Files | The Running Man FaceSwap | T2 Skynet Decode | Nightmare On Elm Street 2
Gabriel Cruz ResearchPart 1 in the Kaiser Steel Files Decoding the films shot at Kaiser Steel in Fontana, California that is situated on the Order of Nine Angles - Zodiac Killer 131.3° "Kill Line". It's also next to the 44.66° Fontana Ave Kill Line. Kill Lines are angles used between Ritual Homicides committed by The Order of Nine Angles that were integrated into the Zodiac Killer narrative...which remains 'officially unsolved'...but if you follow my information you'll understand that the film projects often times had other reasons for existing...especially when it involved filming at Kaiser Steel. Point is...all these films were shot at "Kaiser Steel" in Fontana and share a "Dystopian Future" theme. The Running Man (1987) Part 1 | Face Swap & CGI This article will cover one piece of my Running Man analysis...the other will be in the next article. In this one, we cover the way the Dept of Justice sets of Richmond to look like a mass murderer when he was actually the one conscientious objector to the operation. He is taken to jail & made to participate in The Running Man, a futuristic game show where violent criminals are pitted against 'Future Warriors' with special abilities, like Dynamo who can shock people to death...but we'll cover that in Part 2. Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) | Skynet-SpaceX Was T2 just describing our current situation with Elon Musk's companies and Space-X? It's bizarre how many fake "Dyna---" or "Dyn---" match a real life "DYN" like Dynetics or Dyncorp...point is, it's hard to argue that we are on the verge of certain 'wizards' creating an AI so powerful that it could even take over it's inventors A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge | 44 decode In Elm Street 2, the main character is plagued with his 'psychic ability' making him more susceptible to Freddy Krueger's "Psychic Attacks". His friend brings him to the Steel Mill where Krueger worked to see if his psychic ability can be tuned to the location aka "Geomancing"...at Kaiser Steel...1 mile from the Leon Mafia homestead's front door... Music By: Bjork | Army of Me | Post (1995) El-P | Feel Like A Ghost | Collecting the Kid (2004) El-P | Deep Space 9MM | Fantastic Damage (2002) El-P | Time Won't Tell | wereallgoingtoburninhellmegamixxx3 (2010) El-P | Innocent Leader | Fantastic Damage (2002) Film Footage The Running Man (1987) T2: Judgement Day (1991) A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985) Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com328 views 2 comments -
Kim Dotcom Meets Dynamo | The Running Man Decoded Pt 2 | Fake Hackers & CEOs
Gabriel Cruz ResearchWhat if you discovered that a primary reason Twitter was purchased was in order to create a MIN (Mobile Identification Number) database that could Geo-locate 'problem' whistleblowers...ok...some of you have made it past that leap, but part 2... What if you learned that the vast majority of 'characters' on Elon Musk's "X" platform are Hollywood-CIA-OLIVE Simulations? Not just bots, which we expect, but 'living Bots'...people who are effectively full time crisis actors that play primarily one role for many years...like Kim Dotcom, IMO. The Dept of Justice will attach a legend to the character...why? Bait. To help associate way markers on anyone seeking to leak information or who might be problematic to corporations. Meanwhile, defense contractors like Battelle, SAIC & Leidos are exploiting their security access to our surveillance infrastructure to assist CIA counterintelligence with Domestic Intelligence/Counterintelligence activities 'against Americans'... How do they do this? Mostly by gathering data with fake whistleblowers like Kim Dotcom & Elon Musk. They encourage new people to self-identify on X. The X database, with all your MIN's (Smartphones w/GPS geolocation chip) can then "X: Spots The Mark" As much as I'd like to believe that many of these people are real...I've gone the rounds and most of them are completely fake. This article focuses on Kim Dotcom, Battelle and a brief visual of how it all works...plus side by side comparisons of Kim Dotcom to the character Dynamo... Anyone wonder why he trolls being a killer who electrocutes people remotely so bad? Music By: Prodigy - Poison Prodigy - Firestarter Run The Jewels - Get It Massive Attack w/Mos Def - I Against Eye Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com514 views -
The Zodiac Killer & James Jesus Angleton | Hollywood, CIA & O9A | Kaiser Steel & The Z of Fontana
Gabriel Cruz ResearchCIA & The O9A Zodiac Killers | James Jesus Angleton & Hollywood | Kaiser Steel | The Z of Fontana Archive footage Shot On-Location in Fontana (February 2021) - scroll was incorrect in listing 2022, it was 2021. Why is Fontana, California the location for nearly 100 different film/television productions at Kaiser Steel? The Running Man Elm Street 2 Mortal Kombat Terminator 2: Judgment Day Independence Day Hell Comes To Frogtown…starring Rod Roddy Piper from “They Live” Why does this bizarre little B-Film, mostly shot at Kaiser, discuss the themes of Uranium Trading, Mining & Human Trafficking? How does this all connect to the history of Fontana…what’s going on underneath the infrastructure? Tunnels…remember “A Tale of Two Hawthornes”? The Leon Mafia is James Jesus Angleton…surrogates & buffers are their speciality…even when I’m telling you “James Jesus Angleton” we are still talking about a ‘surrogate’ at best, was put out there as the public face of the CIA… Who Who…then…is the real James Jesus Angleton? It’s a bit like figuring out who the real Keyser Soze is in The Usual Suspects…this mafia hides behinds ‘entire people’…entire organizations, to do their dirty work. Everything is a mask…you are told Angleton? What if two men who went by JAMES Pettigrew & JESUS Cruz were the men behind JAMES JESUS ANGLETON?… What if Leon Askin was just one mask of many? What if their alias Charles P Boyle is just the same man? You expect some fake names in a Hollywood scroll…maybe as a joke…do you expect those fake names on th screen to have complete identities, social security numbers & a ‘license to kill’? Welcome to the network that the CIA created in Hollywood…the Order of Nine Angles Assassin network. They hide out in the open…you’ve seen many in your favorite films… Who Who? Keep following the research. It takes time to assemble this in any cohesive anyway but eventually you’ll see it. I shot the footage in Fontana back in February 2021 (the caption is wrong). Thank you for watching. Music By Underworld | Dark Train El-P | Deep Space 9MM Massive Attack | Angel Rolling Stones | Sympathy for the Devil Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com815 views 2 comments -
Tale of Two Hawthorne Tunnels | CIA Underground Ratlines | Hollywood Cover-Up Industry
Gabriel Cruz ResearchBy now, most people hip to what's really going on know that the MSM is not only frequently misreporting...but straight up manufacturing the news. Nowhere is the union between the CIA & Hollywood more obvious than when it comes to Sean Penn's reporting on 'anything'. He's a good actor. No doubt. I would argue that his career in news...between Joaquin "El Chapo" Archivaldo Guzman & the Ukraine-Zelensky interviews...are just another role for Mr Penn. We are being gaslit on a grand scale because the same way we know most world leaders tend to be 'puppets'...why would it be any different for drug, arms, or human trafficking kingpins. Certainly there would be just as much interest, even more, for 'creating' lightning rod 'characters' who absorb the blame for the 'true kingpin'...the ones who always remain nameless and in the shadows. The on-site footage you are seeing was taken at Rancho Cucamonga in the front of "The Hawthornes" master planned community near the Ontario International Airport in Southern California. It was shot in 2021 as part of my tracking the Zodiac Killer series. YouTube deleted this video and the others associated with about a year ago. I've been trying to get it back online with more information & visuals (maps, supporting slides). This was the first video I recorded around the Kaiser Steel facility in Fontana. Ontario is very close by. It helps to be full familiar with the Leon Mafia & James Pettigrew articles I've released as part of the Full Metal Disclosure Playlist available on my Rumble channel main page Here is a link to the supporting videos https://rumble.com/playlists/ZRx274fqKKU I started investigating the Ontario Airport Underground Ratline back in 2017, well before Elon Musk started his Hawthorne Calfornia project as part of Boring Tunnel. I couldn't help but notice the underground tunnel I was already investigating was nicknamed "The Hawthornes Tunnel" after the master planned community in Rancho Cucamonga that the Ontario Airport tunnel empties into a series of Safe Houses. What is being done with these underground lines? I'm sure whoever built did it for infrastructure & 'national security'...but like all these things, it's joke on US Taxpayer for funding something they can't access and have zero knowledge about publicly available. This is why I warn of Musk...you have no clue how often this happens. His projects are often budgeted to hide or conceal money spent on other projects with mirror terms...IMO This area is a Zodica/O9A Stronghold...but this article is less about them specifically and more about the agency that enables, funds and supports the Order of Nine Angles as their field team...operations for drug trafficking black budget money. There is way more going on in Ontario Pro-Act has a mailbox up the street... A pro-Vampire Satanist Group is based just down the street (O.R.D.E.R.) There is way more to this but think of this as the 101 for the Fontana-Ontario-Underground O9A network Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com2.36K views 7 comments -
MKULTRA Assassins | Manchurian Candidate-Nazis-Holcroft Covenant-Reindeer Games | Frankenheimer Link
Gabriel Cruz ResearchIn this presentation I show you Director John Frankenheimer's connection to Henry Silva's Timeline Loops involving MKULTRA Assassins & the 1962 film "The Manchurian Candidate" starring Frank Sinatra (w/Silva). Then we cover The Holcroft Covenant starring Michael Caine & Mario Adorf who bears a striking resemblance to Wernher Von Braun if he were in a mask...which is quite odd since the plot is literally about Nazis hiding their identities and a huge amount of money that they are all trying to steal from one another...except Michael Caine who is being unwittingly 'muled' by the Nazis. They intend to get Leon Holcroft (Michael Caine) to sign off on the required documents then...well, Nazis are involved, you can probably guess what happens next. Music By: EBN | Electronic Behavior Control System Primal Scream | Swastika Eyes Radiohead | Everything in it's Right Place Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com383 views -
Silva Lining Timeline Warnings | From MKULTRA Manchurian Candidates to Demonology & Voodoo
Gabriel Cruz ResearchSilva Lining Timeline Warnings | From MKULTRA Manchurian Candidates to Demonology & Voodoo In this series in the Henry Silva Timeline Loops I’ll be covering more from The Manchurian Candidate (1962) and its themes of MKULTRA & Mind Controlled Assassins. Silva plays a Korean Translator who double-crosses the US Military into being captured by communist opposition during the Korean War. They are taken to a facility and programmed to become assassins who can be triggered with words, sounds…and in the case of Shaw…A Queen of Diamonds Card…scenes from the film followed by Oceans 11 Playing Roger Corneal…Silva, drops clue after clue over Green Telephones throughout the entire film…that will be covered more in a future video. I give you a basic starter here as a Silva 101 Return of Mr Moto Silva plays Moto and delivers tangible ciphers and codes that appear to be relevant to our current timeline…beyond that, he gives basic lessons in substitution ciphers and similar methods of /passing code’. Night Gallery “The Doll” Silva Plays Pandit Chola, a Sudra Mystic from India who delivers a voodoo doll to the niece of a retired British military…but this is no ordinary doll What is being communicated in this episode? The clues might be found in obscure 80s film named “Dolls”…not the current timeline…this is an old one. That will have to be another video for another time though…consider this the introduction to the theme. Thriller “Dark Legacy” Silva plays Toby Wolfe…warns us about demonology, Astaroth & Black Magic. It’s a valuable episode because it doesn’t encourage belief in Black Magic nor does it dismiss the tangible results those practice it receive. It is a genuine warning about messing with Demons, a practice which has gone on for centuries but has increasingly become mainstream. There will be more articles on Silva but this gives you a basic 101 on both Henry Silva’s timeline clues as well as key scenes of Manchurian Candidate and how they help explain Mind Control (MKULTRA) Assassins. Are they real?…it appears that it’s possible. Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com718 views 1 comment