Bases 2 Part 2 Barry King on Britain's alien bases
TheBasesProjectBarry King gives further interviews on the British Military base involving man made transgenic life forms, and Greys with Reptilians, and population management systems. The start of the Bases Project, interviews, circa 1994,1995225 views -
BASES 2 Part 3 Barry King Ron Adams Matt Todd - Britains Alien Bases
TheBasesProjectBarry King again as part of the Bases 2 re-interviews about his claims on Britain's Alien Bases. Features Richard Conway,Matthew Williams as investigators, The late Ron Adams, killed by the Greys after the interview, and experienced the Arachnids at Bentwaters, (Giant Spider beings) Barry is interviewed at the end of the runway, of the recently closed USAF Bentwaters. The start of The Bases Project, in 1994 -95190 views -
Bases 2 part 1 - Barry King - Larry Warren
TheBasesProjectBarry King made a series of claims about AL-499 the underground base between RAF Welford, and the village of Peasemore, linked to multiple bases and civilian science labs in Berkshire through to Wiltshire (and the world, through the hyper tunnels). The Larry Warren Interview on the Rendleham Forest Events In this part, BUFORA investigators Stan Conway and Matthew Williams ask him further questions. Investigations by Miles Johnston,who created The Bases Project, as it involves..guess what Bases. BASES 2 was shot in the mid to late 1990s, and was made available on a VHS two box set, and later DVD on Amazon. Bases never got a penny. Enjoy the start of the Bases project..(From 1994...) Reloaded after YouTube deleted it all in July 2021.364 views 1 comment -
Bases 1 Barry King on The Peasemore Base Reloaded in HD
TheBasesProjectBarry King was a security guard at one of Britain's secret alien co-operation bases. Making "aliens", programmed Generated Life Forms, in conjunction with the Greys, The Reptilians, and the international countries, US,Germany,Australia, Canada...and so on Thus the term:- UFOs No Defence Significance, as we are absolutely involved with these so called "Alien races" The terms Project Puppetmaster, Monarch, Mind Control, population control...apply here. The British got the secret German labs and the strange looking humanoids found by British Army intelligence in Germany at the "close" of WW2.Thus forming the NHS a Nazi (DVD) derived population "health system" NOT for the betterment of man kind. Note the extreme subtleties and detail that both Barry and Lisa use in their discussions about the Peasemore base. Bases One was recut in 2010, and updated with a new witness, Sophia, in 2021. Making trans-humanized beings, with "round eyes", a derivative of human and Grey. Lisa Williams, as with Barry were members of London UFO Studies. This video shot in 1994, started The Bases Project706 views 1 comment -
Bases 1 Project Puppet Master - The Peasemore Base
TheBasesProjectBarry King was a security guard at one of Britain's secret alien co-operation bases. Making "aliens", programmed Generated Life Forms, in conjunction with the Greys, The Reptilians, and the international countries, US,Germany,Australia, Canada...and so on Thus the term:- UFOs No Defence Significance, as we are absolutely involved with these so called "Alien races" The terms Project Puppetmaster, Monarch, Mind Control, population control...apply here. The British got the secret German labs and the strange looking humanoids found by British Army intelligence in Germany at the "close" of WW2.Thus forming the NHS a Nazi (DVD) derived population "health system" NOT for the betterment of man kind. Note the extreme subtleties and detail that both Barry and Lisa use in their discussions about the Peasemore base. Bases One was recut in 2010, and updated with a new witness, Sophia, in 2021. Making trans-humanized beings, with "round eyes", a derivative of human and Grey. Lisa Williams, as with Barry were members of London UFO Studies. This video shot in 1994, started The Bases Project297 views 1 comment