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The Gerald Shea Memorandum (Chapter Reading)

26 videos
Updated 2 months ago
In this playlist i will be reading from a report filed by a retired international corporate lawyer, Gerald Shea, who along used police reports, intelligence reports and news reports to compile a lengthy and detailed summary which shows the Israeli intelligence services running a covert operation under the guise of selling art and using moving companies to monitor terrorists inside the United States, some whom were involved with the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks.
  1. 1
    The Israeli DEA Groups (The Shea Memorandum)
  2. 2
    The Future Hijackers And FBI Suspects (The Shea Memorandum)
  3. 3
    Northeastern New Jersey—Another Vital Center Of Operations For Both Sides (The Shea Memorandum)
  4. 4
    Inadequate Israeli Warnings In August 2001 (The Shea Memorandum)
  5. 5
    Imperatives And Priorities & The DEA Report (The Shea Memorandum)
  6. 6
    Reports Concerning The Surveillance Activities Of The Israeli DEA Groups (The Shea Memorandum)
  7. 7
    The Watchlisting Of Khaled al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi In August 2001 (The Shea Memorandum)
  8. 8
    Why The Israeli Groups? (The Shea Memorandum)
  9. 9
    The CIA's Role & Responsibilities (The Shea Memorandum)
  10. 10
    June 2001 Background: Drug Enforcement Administration Office Of Security (The Shea Memorandum)